(tips his cowboy hat and puts down his cute little popgun)
ROY MOORE: Mr. Blatham, you've got me wrong! Ah do declare there ain't no racist bone in my body. No, suh! There is a very good reason why I (with the help of the morally pure Religious Right) prevented the removal of the segregationist provisions from our cherished Constitution of the great state of Alabama. I was only preserving a little history! I meant no offense to the coloreds. Why, I LOVE
all the little children -- red, yellow, white, pickaninnies! Oops!

Uh, uh, uh, I mean nig -- nig -- nig -- oh, forget it!
"States rights, states rights, states rights!" "The confederate flag is NOT a racist symbol (never mind the designer of the flag himself declared it to be so)!" "the War of Northern Aggression,"
blah blah blah . . .
(I'm a Texan, by the way.
