Trump, Bannon, Breitbart and
the weaponization of information.
Quote:It was a sweltering July afternoon in the swamp, and a small group of well-dressed, conservative college students from across the country—the next generation of Megyn Kellys, George Wills, and Tucker Carlsons—was filing into an auditorium at the Heritage Foundation’s Washington, DC, headquarters. They had come to study at the feet of Breitbart News Washington editor Matt Boyle, a zealous prophet of the new right-wing media. Boyle’s sermon was not about how to break into the mainstream media and steer the national news agenda toward conservative aims—it was about the end days of journalism itself. And he was not about to skimp on the fire and brimstone.
“Journalistic integrity is dead,” he declared. “There is no such thing anymore. So everything is about weaponization of information.” Standing behind a mahogany podium in a baggy dark suit, Boyle preached with the confidence of a true believer. In a stuttering staccato, he condemned the nation’s preeminent news outlets as “corrupted institutions,” “built on a lie,” and a criminal “syndicate that needs to be dismantled.” Boyle and his compatriots were laboring to usher in an imminent—and glorious—journalistic apocalypse. “We envision a day when CNN is no longer in business. We envision a day when The New York Times closes its doors. I think that day is possible.”...
To be clear, this is the goal and the present operating basis of what these people are up to. Information, in this ideology, is not facts nor educated viewpoints nor accurate and honest accounts. "Information", here, is an instrument of war. It is a tool to bludgeon citizens into believing things that are not necessarily true at all but rather which operate to forward the political power of precisely those people/entities who conceive of "information" in this way. These people do NOT want an informed citizenry. What they do want is an effectively propaganized citizenry.
The dangers that attend this Trump presidency are significant but they are time-limited. The dangers that arise from a media universe built and expanded to propagandize to a significant sector of the population (who then come to think this is normal) are far greater and will, almost certainly, last longer.