monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 11 Oct, 2017 11:36 am
@Walter Hinteler,
That won't stop the protests.
0 Replies
Wed 11 Oct, 2017 12:26 pm
maporsche wrote:
Lash wrote:
They are employers with contracts. Free speech laws don’t mean there aren’t conditions of employment that may lead to your unemployment when you legally exercise your right to speak.

I don't see how this is a response to my post.

The phony-baloney progessive just wanted to take the opportunity to smear Mr. Obama. The only way it could have gotten better for her would have been if she could have smeared Clinton in the same post.
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Real Music
Wed 11 Oct, 2017 02:13 pm
The full lyrics to Eminem's Trump-bashing freestyle
'The Storm'

"It's the calm before the storm right here
Wait, how was I gonna start this off?
I forgot... oh, yeah
That's an awfully hot coffee pot
Should I drop it on Donald Trump? Probably not
But that's all I got 'til I come up with a solid plot
Got a plan and now I gotta hatch it
Like a damn Apache with a tomahawk
Imma walk inside a mosque on Ramadan
And say a prayer that every time Melania talks
She gets a mou... Ahh, Imma stop
But we better give Obama props
'Cause what we got in office now's a kamikaze
That'll probably cause a nuclear holocaust
And while the drama pops
And he waits for s**t to quiet down, he'll just gas his plane up and fly around 'til the bombing stops
Intensities heightened, tensions are risin'
Trump, when it comes to giving a s**t, you're stingy as I am
Except when it comes to having the b***s to go against me, you hide 'em
'Cause you don't got the f**king n**s like an empty asylum
Racism's the only thing he's fantastic for
'Cause that's how he gets his f**king rocks off and he's orange
Yeah, sick tan
That's why he wants us to disband
'Cause he cannot withstand
The fact we're not afraid of Trump
F**k walkin' on egg shells, I came to stomp
That's why he keeps screamin' 'Drain the swamp'
'Cause he's in quicksand
It's like we take a step forwards, then backwards
But this is his form of distraction
Plus, he gets an enormous reaction
When he attacks the NFL so we focus on that
Instead of talking Puerto Rico or gun reform for Nevada
All these horrible tragedies and he's bored and would rather
Cause a Twitter storm with the Packers
Then says he wants to lower our taxes
Then who's gonna pay for his extravagant trips
Back and forth with his fam to his golf resorts and his mansions?
Same s**t that he tormented Hillary for and he slandered
Then does it more
From his endorsement of Bannon
Support for the Klansmen
Tiki torches in hand for the soldier that's black
And comes home from Iraq
And is still told to go back to Africa
Fork and a dagger in this racist 94-year-old grandpa
Who keeps ignoring our past historical, deplorable factors
Now if you're a black athlete, you're a spoiled little brat for
Tryina use your platform or your stature
To try to give those a voice who don't have one
He says, 'You're spittin' in the face of vets who fought for us, you bastards!'
Unless you're a POW who's tortured and battered
'Cause to him you're zeros
'Cause he don't like his war heroes captured
That's not disrespecting the military
F**k that! This is for Colin, ball up a fist!
And keep that s**t balled like Donald the b**ch!
'He's gonna get rid of all immigrants!'
'He's gonna build that thang up taller than this!'
Well, if he does build it, I hope it's rock solid with bricks
'Cause like him in politics, I'm using all of his tricks
'Cause I'm throwin' that piece of s**t against the wall 'til it sticks
And any fan of mine who's a supporter of his
I'm drawing in the sand a line: you're either for or against
And if you can't decide who you like more and you're split
On who you should stand beside, I'll do it for you with this:
F**k you!
The rest of America stand up
We love our military, and we love our country
But we f**king hate Trump"

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Wed 11 Oct, 2017 05:15 pm
From Ed Kilgore
...While it’s hardly new, conservative animus toward McConnell is now reaching white-hot levels, fed in part by the belief that McConnell’s not just a RINO, but a living obstacle to Donald J. Trump. Former White House chief strategist and Breitbart News chairman Steve Bannon has let it be known that he and his journalistic and financial allies are waging war not just on McConnell, but on any Republican senator up for reelection in 2018 who does not promise to abandon the Leader. And now comes an open letter from six right-wing leaders addressing McConnell and his entire Senate leadership team in language normally reserved for the bitterest of political enemies, if not history’s great monsters.
2017 has been a disappointing year for the millions of Americans who fully expected, and had every right to expect real change in Washington. Republicans were given full control of the federal government. They — you — have done nothing. Worse, it is painfully clear that you intend to do nothing because, as is most apparent, you had no intention of honoring your solemn commitments to the American people. You were not going to “drain the swamp.” You are the swamp.

The six signatories to this letter were Richard Viguerie, two Bozells, Ken Cuccinelli, Jenny Beth Martin (Tea Party Patriots) and Adam Brandon of Freedom Works.

It wouldn't be a big mistake (if any mistake at all) to understand what is going on here as a move by the most far right elements to take full control of the GOP. The Kochs are central here.
Wed 11 Oct, 2017 05:29 pm
Roy Moore playing the religious right con
Former Alabama judge Roy Moore, a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, once said publicly that he did not take a “regular salary” from the small charity he founded to promote Christian values because he did not want to be a financial burden.

But privately, Moore had arranged to receive a salary of $180,000 a year for part-time work at the Foundation for Moral Law, internal charity documents show. He collected more than $1 million as president from 2007 to 2012, compensation that far surpassed what the group disclosed in its public tax filings most of those years.

When the charity couldn’t afford the full amount, Moore in 2012 was given a promissory note for back pay eventually worth $540,000 or an equal stake of the charity’s most valuable asset, a historic building in Montgomery, Ala., mortgage records show. He holds that note even now, a charity official said.

...The charity has employed at least two of Moore’s children, although their compensation is not reflected in tax filings. Moore’s wife, Kayla, who is now president, was paid a total of $195,000 over three years through 2015.
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reasoning logic
Wed 11 Oct, 2017 08:20 pm
@Real Music,
Thank you for sharing.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Wed 11 Oct, 2017 08:47 pm
Is this what Trump thinks the north Korean president is? Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Question Question Question Question Idea Idea Idea Idea

0 Replies
Wed 11 Oct, 2017 10:52 pm
The Kochs are central here.

Which is why the GOP is currently in such a state of flux. They're not good for the party, or the people. Self-centred pricks.
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Wed 11 Oct, 2017 11:04 pm
0 Replies
Thu 12 Oct, 2017 12:47 am
My brackets.

US President Donald Trump has raised the prospect of challenging media licences for NBC News and other news networks after unfavourable reports.
He took aim at NBC, which made him a star on The Apprentice, after it reported he wanted to boost America's nuclear arsenal almost tenfold.
Mr Trump labelled the report "fake news" and "pure fiction".
NBC also angered the White House last week when it said the secretary of state had called Mr Trump "a moron".
Mr Trump tweeted on Wednesday morning: "With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!"
Welcoming Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to Washington later in the day, the US president denied the NBC story.
"It is frankly disgusting the way the press is able to write whatever they want to write, and people should look into it," he said at the White House.
When asked if he wanted to increase the country's arsenal, Mr Trump said he only ever discussed keeping it in "perfect condition".
"No, I want to have absolutely perfectly maintained - which we are in the process of doing - nuclear force.
But when they said I want 10 times what we have right now, it's totally unnecessary, believe me."
He added: "I want modernisation and I want total rehabilitation. It's got to be in tip-top shape."
Defence Secretary Jim Mattis also disputed NBC's story.
"Recent reports that the President called for an increase in the US nuclear arsenal are absolutely false," he said in a statement.
"This kind of erroneous reporting is irresponsible."
(The Committee to protect journalists tweeted)
"Trump’s assertion that @NBC’s license could be challenged emboldens other gov'ts to embrace authoritarian tendencies"
The president's tweet about US broadcast networks provoked a free-speech uproar.
Walter Shaub, who led the US Office of Government Ethics under President Barack Obama, said it could lead to "the point when we cease to be a democracy".
The Committee to Protect Journalists said the US president's comment was a poor example for other world leaders.
According to NBC News, Mr Trump told a top-level meeting at the Pentagon in July that he wanted to dramatically boost the American stockpile of atomic missiles.
He reportedly made the request after seeing a downward-sloping curve on a briefing slide charting the gradual decrease in US nuclear weapons since the 1960s.
Attributing its report to three officials in the room, NBC said Mr Trump's request surprised those present, including the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
The network reported that Mr Trump had also called for additional US troops and military equipment.
The US has 7,100 nuclear weapons and Russia has 7,300, according to the US non-partisan Arms Control Association.
Media commentators say the president would struggle to remove broadcasters' licences if he wished to do so.
The Federal Communications Commission, which regulates US broadcasters, issues licences not to networks as a whole, but to local stations.
NBC owns nearly 30 local stations.
It would be difficult to challenge a licence on the basis that coverage is unfair, say pundits.
Last week, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders assured reporters that Donald Trump was an "incredible advocate" of constitutional free-press protections. This week, the president is contemplating whether a broadcaster could be forced off the airwaves because he doesn't approve of its news coverage.
Never mind that the federal government licenses local televisions stations, only some of which are owned by national broadcasters like NBC.
Just because a threat is unworkable in the extreme doesn't mean the president won't make it.
Media-bashing is one of Mr Trump's favourite pastimes - a means of venting frustration, apportioning blame and, perhaps, distracting reporters who always enjoy a bit of journalistic navel-gazing.
As with the NFL anthem-kneeling controversy, the cultural battle lines form quickly when it comes to questions of media bias. The president knows this and uses it to his advantage.
Taking pot-shots at journalists is one thing, of course. Contemplating the use of government coercion to stifle a broadcaster because of its news content is another.
Even if such an outcome is unthinkable in the US at the moment, there are places in the world where press freedoms aren't as deeply entrenched. Their leaders are watching the president, too.


This is the real attack on freedom of speech. I expect a deafening silence from those who speak in favour of allowing Nazis to march/speak without protest.
0 Replies
Thu 12 Oct, 2017 01:16 am
Israeli spies looked on as Russian hackers breached Kaspersky cyber-security software two years ago, US media report.
The Russians were allegedly attempting to gather data on US intelligence programs, according to the New York Times and Washington Post.
Israeli agents made the discovery after breaching the software themselves.
Kaspersky has said it was neither involved in nor aware of the situation and denies collusion with authorities.
Last month, the US government decided to stop using the Russian firm's software on its computers.
The Israelis are said to have notified the US, which led to the ban on Kaspersky programs.
The New York Times said that the situation had been described by "multiple people who have been briefed on the matter".
Classified documents are reported to have been stolen from the home computer of a US National Security Agency (NSA) employee who installed Kaspersky's antivirus software.
The NSA, the White House and the Israeli embassy in Washington have not commented on the matter.
The New York Times said that the Russian embassy had not responded to a request for comment.
Kaspersky has published a statement saying that it was not involved in and does not have knowledge of the situation.
"As the integrity of our products is fundamental to our business, Kaspersky Lab patches any vulnerabilities it identifies or that are reported to the company," the statement said.
"Kaspersky Lab reiterates its willingness to work alongside US authorities to address any concerns they may have about its products as well as its systems, and respectfully requests any relevant, verifiable information that would enable the company to begin an investigation at the earliest opportunity."
The firm added that it has never helped, nor would help, governments in matters of cyber-espionage.

0 Replies
Thu 12 Oct, 2017 02:53 am
Bannon thinks there’s a 30% chance that Trump will complete his first term.

He says 25 will be invoked.

“I Hate Everyone in the White House!”: Trump Seethes as Advisers Fear the President Is “Unraveling” - Vanity Fair

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Thu 12 Oct, 2017 04:20 am
Trump spoke to Sean Hannity in a wide-ranging interview on Fox News Wednesday night and again attacked the media -- but praised Hannity.

"Media is bad," Trump said. "They are really dishonest people. Very, very dishonest people in many cases.

"I will say this, you have been so great," Trump told Hannity moments later. "I'm very proud of you. I am a ratings person. Has anyone seen his ratings? What you are doing to your competition is incredible. No. 1 and I'm very proud of you -- an honor to be on your show."
abc news

They're in love. It's very sweet.
0 Replies
Thu 12 Oct, 2017 04:24 am
From retired four-star Admiral and former Navy Seal
Who commanded the raid on bin Laden.
"President Trump's denunciation of the media as 'the enemy of the American people' is the greatest threat to democracy I've seen in my lifetime" - William H. McRaven
0 Replies
Thu 12 Oct, 2017 05:27 am
Take a gander at this screenshot


Fox...Fox!... talking about the enabling of sexual predation of women by men in power. Grimly funny, in a way. But note the boilerplate right wing innuendo re "Hollywood". It's a public service for Fox to indict sexual predation of young and relatively powerless women caught up in all of this That's why Fox went so big on this story that came out a few years ago.
Piper Laurie: I lost my virginity to Ronald Reagan... and he was no gentleman

HOLLYWOOD veteran Piper Laurie has revealed how she lost her virginity as a teenage starlet to the man playing her on-screen father, future President Ronald Reagan.
Express UK

And then there is the Clinton reference. Because the modern right cannot, utterly cannot, survive without the constant projection of demons.
0 Replies
Thu 12 Oct, 2017 05:33 am
“This pattern of failure from McConnell’s gang of five leadership team while loathing and attacking their own base, the most loyal bloc of voters that has elected them and all of their caucus members, can no longer be tolerated,” said Ken Cuccinelli, president of the Senate Conservatives Fund

By all means, gentlemen, continue.
Thu 12 Oct, 2017 06:42 am
blatham wrote:
. . . two Bozells, . . .

You mean two Bozos? Smile
0 Replies
Thu 12 Oct, 2017 08:11 am
They feed on their own kind.
0 Replies
Thu 12 Oct, 2017 09:19 am
Trump has damaged Tillerson beyond repair (USA TODAY)


Just imagine if Richard Nixon had suddenly told his secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, as Kissinger was walking into the office of Chinese leader Mao Zedong to set up the historic opening to China, “Nah, don't do that, I've changed my mind.”
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