monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 6 Oct, 2017 04:49 am
So children have some rights, if they can afford to play a round in the court system?

Usually these cases are pursued by social service agencies, parents, or guardians. I don't have any examples of children engaging in litigation on their own.
I'm not your doormat either, dickhead.

Never thought you were "my" anything.
Keep making BS claims on this thread, and expect more attention.

Great! Looking forward to more of your erudite comments.
0 Replies
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 05:08 am
The Cancer in the Constitution
Timothy Egan, NYT, 10/06

One of the great disconnects of our history is how a nation birthed on the premise that all men are created equal could enshrine an entire race of people as three-fifths of a human being. We tried to fix that, through our bloodiest war and a series of amendments that followed.

Not so with guns. The Second Amendment, as applied in the last 30 years or so, has become so perverted, twisted and misused that you have to see it now as the second original sin in the founding of this country, after slavery.

It wasn’t meant to be the instrument for the worst kind of American exceptionalism — setting up the United States as the most violent of developed nations. But it is now. The more we stand out for random mass killings daily, the more the leading cause becomes clear: the warped interpretation of the freedom to own lethal weaponry.

The amendment itself is not the problem. Yes, it’s vague, poorly worded, lacking nuance. But the intent is clear with the opening clause: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State.”

The purpose is security — against foreign invaders and domestic insurrectionists. President George Washington relied on a well-regulated militia from three states to put down the Tea Partyers of his day, the tax-evading lawbreakers in the Whiskey Rebellion.

At the time, the typical firearms were single-loading muskets and flintlock pistols. At most, a shooter could fire off three rounds per minute, at a maximum accuracy range of about 50 yards.

Compare that with the carnage unleashed by the gunman in Las Vegas, Stephen Paddock. Among the 23 guns he hauled into the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino were at least a dozen that he had apparently modified into rapid-fire weapons of mass murder.

Spraying at people below him, Paddock unleashed about 90 rounds per 10 seconds and could mow down his targets — human beings — almost a quarter-mile away. He was able to convert semiautomatic AR-15s into something very close to machine guns.

All of his weapons were legal but should not be by any rational reading of the Second Amendment. Did the founders really intend to empower crazy people to kill children at school or worshipers in a church? If they did, then we should all have the right to portable nukes — for that is the logical conclusion of such an argument.

No, the Second Amendment became a cancer because lawmakers stopped making laws to match the technological advances of weaponry. They did it to appease a lobby of gunmakers. And that cowering to a single special interest shows how the cancer has spread to the democracy itself, making it nearly impossible for majority will to be exercised.
A majority of Americans — indeed, a majority of gun owners — want laws to keep lunatics and terrorists from committing mass homicide. But what is the response of our elected officials? I’ll let President Trump explain. As he told the N.R.A. after the election, “You came through big for me, and I am going to come through for you.”

The disgraced former cable pundit Bill O’Reilly said all the recent carnage is “the price of freedom.” But it’s not the price of freedom in Canada or Japan or England. It’s the price of freedom only in the United States, where mass killings have surged. In every other free country, sanity has prevailed.

And what about that “well regulated militia” part of the amendment? It’s overlooked in favor of the second clause, about the right of people to firearms. Nearly half the states have no requirements, before buying a gun, for any kind of training in handling a firearm.

As I said, it’s only in the last 30 years or so that this amendment has metastasized. President Roosevelt signed the National Firearms Act of 1934, restricting sales of machine guns and sawed-off shotguns — the weapons of choice for violent gangsters.

But now we have more regulations on paint, toys and the pull date of milk than on sophisticated weapons. The Supreme Court, though it ruled 5-4 in the 2008 Heller case that an individual has the right to own a gun unconnected to service in a militia, has left the door open to sensible regulation.

“Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited,” the court wrote in that case. “It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever for whatever purpose.”

It’s a no-brainer to pass a law designed to keep people from turning their AKs into machine guns with the so-called bump stocks. But it was also a no-brainer to restrict people on terrorism watch lists from buying guns, as was proposed after the Orlando slaughter of 49 people last year. It failed. A healthy democracy, reflecting the outrage of its citizens and the common-sense will of the majority, would have done right by the Orlando victims in a heartbeat.

But we’re no longer a healthy democracy, thanks to the cancer that has grown out of the Constitution.
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 05:49 am
Great plan!
Trump Nominates a Coal Lobbyist to Be No. 2 at E.P.A.

I guess folks didn't recognize that the modern GOP defines "the swamp" as the nation's citizens.
0 Replies
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 05:58 am
I love these people because they're just so dog-gone sane.
In the aftermath of the summer’s deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, conspiracy theorists came out in force. It took less than a day for familiar faces such as Alex Jones of Infowars to begin peddling baseless claims that the entire thing was a left-wing plot to stoke racial violence and discredit President Trump.

Their allegations ran the gamut: The rally organizer was a “deep state” operative from Occupy Wall Street. Leftist protesters had dressed up in Nazi regalia. Billionaire investor George Soros had orchestrated the whole thing.

It was all swiftly debunked by stories in PolitiFact, Snopes, Politico and elsewhere.

But Rep. Paul A. Gosar (R-Ariz.) still seems swayed by the “false flag” theory of the white supremacist violence.

In an interview with Vice News that aired Thursday night, Gosar suggested that the rally was “created by the left” and carried out by an “Obama sympathizer.”

The congressman also brought up a thoroughly-refuted claim that Soros, a Hungarian-born Jew who survived Nazi occupation during World War II, had collaborated with the Third Reich, prompting a strongly-worded condemnation from a Soros spokeswoman.
0 Replies
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 06:22 am
hightor's source wrote:
The Second Amendment, as applied in the last 30 years or so, has become so perverted, twisted and misused that you have to see it now as the second original sin in the founding of this country, after slavery.

Amen to that.
0 Replies
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 06:22 am
More sane stuff from the right.
In the aftermath of two recent acts of gun violence, the House GOP caucus has been inspired not to pursue gun control legislation that could prevent future mass shootings, but instead to crack down on reproductive rights.

“As we mourn the lives lost in Las Vegas this week, and welcome Whip Scalise back to Capitol Hill, we are reminded just how precious life is,” the GOP caucus writes in a blog post about new anti-abortion legislation approved by the House on Tuesday. “This message weighed heavily on the hearts of House Republicans as we spoke of the potential of life — especially lives cut short through abortion.”
Personally, I can't think of a more honest, logical and effective way of dealing with America's unique gun violence problem (more Americans killed by gun violence since 1968 than killed in ALL the wars America has fought) than further restricting women's right to abortion. Makes perfect sense.

And obviously, the best way to address racial inequality, if it even exists, is to ban books by atheists.

0 Replies
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 06:37 am
I am glad to see that you have come to your senses.
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 06:38 am

Buzzfeed obtained internal emails from Breitbart. As is obvious, Bannon was well aware that he site was courting the white supremacist and neo-nazi crowd. Here's just one exchange I find very interesting.

“Dude---we r in a global existentialist war where our enemy EXISTS in social media and u r jerking yourself off w/ marginalia!!!! U should be OWNING this conversation because u r everything they hate!!! Drop your toys, pick up your tools and go help save western civilization.”

“Message received,” Yiannopoulos wrote back. “I will do a Week of Islam next week.”

“U don’t need that,” Bannon responded. “Just get in the fight---ur Social Media and they have made it a powerful weapon of war. … There is no war correspondent in the west yet dude and u can own it and be remember for 3 generations--or sit around wasting your God-given talents jerking off to your fan base.”

Aside from the transparent appeal to Yiannopoulos' vanity (and how easy is it to understand how this would work with Trump as well) there's this mindset/worldview that Bannon manifests which meshes really quite perfectly with what Hofstadter details in The Paranoid Style in American politics we discussed the other day.
0 Replies
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 06:45 am
Thank you, Setanta. It was a long time coming and if I'd not been hit by that lightening bolt exactly at the second a nun handed me a pamphlet, I'd probably still be lost in the wilderness. The nun's dead but she's gone to heaven so that's cool.
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 06:52 am
"The Soft Parade"

When I was back there in seminary school
There was a person there
Who put forth the proposition
That you can petition the Lord with prayer
Petition the lord with prayer
Petition the lord with prayer
You cannot petition the lord with prayer!

Can you give me sanctuary
I must find a place to hide
A place for me to hide

Can you find me soft asylum
I can't make it anymore
The Man is at the door

Peppermint, miniskirts, chocolate candy
Champion sax and a girl named Sandy
There's only four ways to get unraveled
One is to sleep and the other is travel, da da
One is a bandit up in the hills
One is to love your neighbor 'till
His wife gets home

Nursery bones
Winter women
Growing stones
Carrying babies
To the river

Streets and shoes
Leather riders
Selling news
The monk bought lunch

Ha ha, he bought a little
Yes, he did
This is the best part of the trip
This is the trip, the best part
I really like
What'd he say?
Yeah, right!
Pretty good, huh
Yeah, I'm proud to be a part of this number

Successful hills are here to stay
Everything must be this way
Gentle streets where people play
Welcome to the Soft Parade

All our lives we sweat and save
Building for a shallow grave
Must be something else we say
Somehow to defend this place
Everything must be this way
Everything must be this way, yeah

The Soft Parade has now begun
Listen to the engines hum
People out to have some fun
A cobra on my left
Leopard on my right, yeah

The deer woman in a silk dress
Girls with beads around their necks
Kiss the hunter of the green vest
Who has wrestled before
With lions in the night

Out of sight!
The lights are getting brighter
The radio is moaning
Calling to the dogs
There are still a few animals
Left out in the yard
But it's getting harder
To describe sailors
To the underfed

Tropic corridor
Tropic treasure
What got us this far
To this mild equator?

We need someone or something new
Something else to get us through, yeah, c'mon

Callin' on the dogs
Callin' on the dogs
Oh, it's gettin' harder
Callin' on the dogs
Callin' in the dogs
Callin' all the dogs
Callin' on the gods

You gotta meet me
Too late, baby
Slay a few animals
At the crossroads
Too late
All in the yard
But it's gettin' harder
By the crossroads
You gotta meet me
Oh, we're goin', we're goin great
At the edge of town
Tropic corridor
Tropic treasure
Havin' a good time
Got to come along
What got us this far
To this mild equator?
Outskirts of the city
You and I
We need someone new
Somethin' new
Somethin' else to get us through
Better bring your gun
Better bring your gun
Tropic corridor
Tropic treasure
We're gonna ride and have some fun

When all else fails
We can whip the horse's eyes
And make them sleep
And cry
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 06:56 am
They really want this.
Koch Group Pours Millions Into Ads Pressuring Democrats to Support Tax Reform

They want this for two key reasons:
1) As this tax plan is not about "reform" and is targeted at producing gains for the very wealthiest, the Kochs and those associated will get even richer.

2) Reducing taxes reduces the resources citizen government has available to invest in social programs and to curtail the excesses and power of the very wealthy - both highly desired by these guys.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 06:59 am
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 06:59 am
Do that again and I'll post the full lyrics to "Seasons in the Sun".

(which may be the highest selling record by a Canadian artist, a datum which brings us shame at a level impossible to express in mere words)
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 07:01 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Jesus of Lubbock walks among us. Praise be.
0 Replies
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 07:05 am
Great job, Trumpie.
US lost jobs last month for the first time in 7 years.


Every sitting president gets a sneak peek at U.S. job numbers the day before the official report is released. It’s just a perk of the job. So when Donald Trump started tweeting yesterday about how impressed he was with the stock market, he seemed to be sending a subtle signal: the job numbers probably weren’t great.
As it turns out, they were worse than anyone expected. While projections showed the U.S. economy adding about 80,000 jobs in September, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported this morning that the economy actually lost 33,000 jobs in September.

It’s important to emphasize that these totals were heavily affected by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, which depressed hiring. That said, the new job numbers still fell short of low expectations. What’s more, the combined job totals from July and August were revised down, and that can’t be attributed to hurricanes.
0 Replies
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 07:09 am
My wife hates that song. Laughing
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 07:10 am
Your wife is not alone.
0 Replies
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 07:14 am
Of course Trump joins in on Gillespie's vile rottenness.
President Donald Trump, weighing in on the hotly contested race for governor of Virginia, said Thursday night that the Democratic candidate, Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam, was “fighting” for violent street gangs.

In a tweet, Trump accused Northam of “fighting for the violent MS-13 killer gangs & sanctuary cities.” Trump added an endorsement for the GOP candidate: “Vote Ed Gillespie!”

Jesus, these people are disgusting. There is apparently no bottom.
0 Replies
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 07:20 am
Adam Schiff‏Verified account @RepAdamSchiff 21h21 hours ago
At urging of @NRA, Congress gave the gun industry an immunity from liability no other product enjoys. The bill I’m introducing repeals that:

This is a bill that deserves the support of everyone.

There were something like 50 separate votes pushed by the Republicans to repeal the ACA. How about if the Dems do that with this bill.

And I suppose we ought to note that the GOP position on both bills does not reflect any sincere desire to save lives and reduce human suffering.
Fri 6 Oct, 2017 07:25 am
Marshall Cohen‏Verified account @Marshall_Cohen 11h11 hours ago
More Marshall Cohen Retweeted Mark Berman
CNN has confirmed: FEMA just abruptly deleted the webpage that told the American people that 95% of Puerto Ricans still don't have power.

This is full-blown Orwell.
0 Replies

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