monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 1 Oct, 2017 05:19 pm
For anyone who actually cares about facts, here's a few brief excerpts from an article on the topic, courtesty of wiki:

Under the independent counsel statute, majorities of either party within the House or Senate Judiciary Committee could formally request the attorney general to appoint an independent counsel on a particular matter, but the decision of whether or not to appoint the independent counsel remained with the attorney general and was not reviewable in court. If the attorney general decided not to appoint an independent counsel in response to such a request, they were only required to respond in writing with the reasons...

The current special counsel regulations specify that: "The Special Counsel may be disciplined or removed from office only by the personal action of the Attorney General."....

The decision to appoint a special prosecutor rests with the attorney general (or acting attorney general), or, historically, with the president. Under the independent counsel statute that expired in 1999, Congress could formally request the attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor (see role of legislative and judicial branches); however the law only required the attorney general to respond in writing with a decision and reasons, and in any event it is no longer in force.


Congress has never, under any special counsel provisions (and there have been several), had the power or authority to order the appointment of special counsel.
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Sun 1 Oct, 2017 05:21 pm
BillW wrote:

I think Mueller wants something with more meat on the bones that obsruction or collusion - both already having been proven...

Hahahahaha. Simply incredible.
Sun 1 Oct, 2017 05:26 pm
As any teacher (or even one's own memory) will attest, some adolescents are very wily. The strategic reach, however, can be quite limited, eg., "How do I convince my dad the tranny was already fucked by someone else before I took it out?"

I tried that one and it had some success. The difference between Trump and I (and I'm guilty, often, of lingering adolescence) is that I don't wish to cower above and then crush into obsequious servitude everyone I come into contact. with.
Sun 1 Oct, 2017 05:30 pm
blatham wrote:

"How do I convince my dad the tranny was already fucked by someone else before I took it out?"

Why would your Pappy care who else had fucked the tranny?
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Sun 1 Oct, 2017 06:41 pm
Setanta wrote:
McConnell and Ryan let President Plump know that, if necessary, they'd pass a new special counsel act

We definitely need to primary all the traitor Republicans. Regardless, Trump should take them up on that fight. He has a reasonable chance of sustaining a veto.
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Sun 1 Oct, 2017 06:42 pm
BillW wrote:
I think Mueller wants something with more meat on the bones that obsruction or collusion - both already having been proven. Mueller is going for RICO, which is now very close to being proven or the granddaddy of them all; treason! tRump has no affinity for America, only for himself and a little for family.....

No collusion has been proven. If it were proven, it would not matter given the reality that collusion is not a crime.

The only obstruction charges that are even being considered here are based on an imaginary statute that does not exist in reality and would be struck down as unconstitutional if it did.

Unlikely that RICO will be proven. Unlikely that Trump has committed any crime at all. If any crime is ultimately proven, pardons will make short work of the charges.

Nothing even remotely approaching treason has occurred here.
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Sun 1 Oct, 2017 06:46 pm
I hope you decide to stick around. The best thing to do if you are suspended is just post on other boards until your suspension is over, then come back without taking it personally.
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Sun 1 Oct, 2017 09:31 pm

The head of an international engineering firm in Puerto Rico said in an editorial Saturday that when the time came to send 50 of his engineers to help in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, he bypassed local officials and went straight to FEMA.

The reason, said Jorge Rodriguez, the CEO of PACIV, in an editorial in the New York Post, is that “for the last 30 years, the Puerto Rican government has been completely inept at handling regular societal needs, so I just don’t see it functioning in a crisis like this one.”

“Even before the hurricane hit, water and power systems were already broken. And our $118 billion debt crisis is a result of government corruption and mismanagement.”


Just recently I said that the help to Puerto Rico must be enough to cover as it was before the hurricane, and that Puerto Ricans must reconstruct their island and economy by themselves.

Now, it is known that before the hurricane, water and power systems were already broken... and the cause is the political corruption... which points to the Mayor of San Juan as well.

President Trump haters: eat your anger, lol... enjoy your envy, ha ha ha ha... the president Donald Trump is correct one more time.

Mr. Donald Trump must stay as our president for three more consecutive administrations.
Sun 1 Oct, 2017 09:44 pm
Mr. Donald Trump must stay as our president for three more consecutive administrations.

I don't think he'd be keen on that idea at all.
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Mon 2 Oct, 2017 12:29 am
He'll have to be very lucky to finish one., at the rate he's alienating people.

Dick Cheney hung in there for two. Oh, wait......
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Mon 2 Oct, 2017 01:20 am
Cameronleon says "we," as though he were an American citizen. School children in the United States know that the president is limited to two terms. I sttongly suspect that Cameronleon is a fraud.
Mon 2 Oct, 2017 01:22 am
He's a Holocaust denier, that alone is reason to treat him with derision.
Mon 2 Oct, 2017 03:03 am
NFL players continued their anthem protests in defiance of US President Donald Trump in Sunday's matches.

About half of the San Francisco 49ers knelt for the anthem before their match at Arizona with their team-mates standing just behind with a hand on their colleagues' shoulders.

The Carolina Panthers' Cam Newton celebrated his touchdown against New England Patriots with a raised fist.

However, there were markedly fewer protests than last weekend.

Several games - such as the Dallas Cowboys' home game with the Los Angeles Rams - appeared to go ahead without any protest.

In the day's first game at Wembley, three Miami Dolphins - Julius Thomas, Michael Thomas and Kenny Stills - kneeled during the American anthem with the opposing New Orleans Saints squad opting to do so beforehand, but then standing while the anthem was played.
President Trump tweeted on Saturday, reiterating his disapproval of the protests. He has previously called for NFL owners to dismiss players who take part.
A handful of Buffalo Bills and Detroit Lions players kneeled as the anthem played before their games against the Atlanta Falcons and Minnesota Vikings respectively.

The Baltimore Ravens were jeered by some of their own fans after taking to one knee for "a moment of unity" before the anthem in their match against the Pittsburgh Steelers.

The protests began last year with Colin Kaepernick - then of the 49ers - highlighting the treatment of black Americans after a series of high-profile police shootings.

And Kaepernick's former team - playing for the first time since Trump's initial condemnation of the protest - made the most co-ordinated gesture.

"For more than a year, members of our team have protested the oppression and social injustices still present in our society," read a statement from the 49ers' players, coaches, ownership and staff.

"While some may not have taken a knee or raised a fist, we have all shared the desire to influence positive change. Today, our team chose to publicly display our unity in a new way."

The statement added: "We use our platform as members of an NFL team, and our right to freedom of expression, to speak up for those whose voice is not heard."
Quarterback Newton's gesture echoed that made by American Olympic medallists Tommie Smith and John Carlos on the podium at Mexico 1968 in protest at the marginalisation of black Americans.

The 28-year-old said last week that Trump's comments had been "unacceptable" before reaffirming his right to an opinion.

Mon 2 Oct, 2017 03:31 am
Considering the tensions surrounding North Korea at the moment this trial should be of interest.
Two women have pleaded not guilty to murdering Kim Jong-nam, the half-brother of North Korea's leader, as their trial in Malaysia got under way.
The brazen nature of his killing, using the highly toxic VX nerve agent as he waited for a flight at Kuala Lumpur airport in February, shocked the world.
Vietnamese Doan Thi Huong, 29, and Indonesian Siti Aisyah, 25, are accused of rubbing the chemical on his face.
The pair say it was a TV prank and they were tricked by North Korean agents.
Pyongyang has denied any involvement in the killing, but in court prosecutors said that four men - believed to be a reference to four North Koreans who fled Malaysia the same day - were also suspects in the killing.
The incident led to a bitter diplomatic row and strained the once cordial ties between North Korea and Malaysia, which expelled each other's ambassadors.

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Mon 2 Oct, 2017 03:35 am
izzythepush wrote:
The Baltimore Ravens were jeered by some of their own fans after taking to one knee for "a moment of unity" before the anthem in their match against the Pittsburgh Steelers.

My understanding is that they were roundly booed. And rightly so. Bunch of cop killing thugs.


For what it's worth, if anyone is reading this thread at this hour, more than 100 people were machinegunned at a Las Vegas country music concert last night. Some 20 are dead so far. No word yet if it was Islamic State, a BLM goon, or just a lone nutcase.

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Mon 2 Oct, 2017 04:43 am
Hedges, Chomsky, Sanders and others have been right about the trajectory of America for a couple of decades.

Hedges is right again.

I hope people will listen, think, and act.


The thesis:

The American empire is coming to an end. The U.S. economy is being drained by wars in the Middle East and vast military expansion around the globe. It is burdened by growing deficits, along with the devastating effects of deindustrialization and global trade agreements. Our democracy has been captured and destroyed by corporations that steadily demand more tax cuts, more deregulation and impunity from prosecution for massive acts of financial fraud, all the while looting trillions from the U.S. treasury in the form of bailouts. The nation has lost the power and respect needed to induce allies in Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa to do its bidding. Add to this the mounting destruction caused by climate change and you have a recipe for an emerging dystopia. Overseeing this descent at the highest levels of the federal and state governments is a motley collection of imbeciles, con artists, thieves, opportunists and warmongering generals. And to be clear, I am speaking about Democrats, too.

The empire will limp along, steadily losing influence until the dollar is dropped as the world’s reserve currency, plunging the United States into a crippling depression and instantly forcing a massive contraction of its military machine.

Short of a sudden and widespread popular revolt, which does not seem likely, the death spiral appears unstoppable, meaning the United States as we know it will no longer exist within a decade or, at most, two. The global vacuum we leave behind will be filled by China, already establishing itself as an economic and military juggernaut, or perhaps there will be a multipolar world carved up among Russia, China, India, Brazil, Turkey, South Africa and a few other states. Or maybe the void will be filled, as the historian Alfred W. McCoy writes in his book “In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of US Global Power,” by “a coalition of transnational corporations, multilateral military forces like NATO, and an international financial leadership self-selected at Davos and Bilderberg” that will “forge a supranational nexus to supersede any nation or empire.”

Mon 2 Oct, 2017 04:48 am
Hedges, Chomsky, Sanders and others have been right about the trajectory of America

The majority have been coached into an observation platform position.

Watching the place falling apart isn't in anyone's interest, but there's no active movement to stem the flow of money out of the nation.
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Mon 2 Oct, 2017 04:53 am
The ******* EU.

Backs authoritarian crackdowns.


We're all prisoners. We pay for the military that cracks our heads while elites steal our money.

This is precisely what smart, brave, thinking people have been warning against. This is the result of neoliberal policies. You're a cog in their machine.
Mon 2 Oct, 2017 04:53 am
...plunging the United States into a crippling depression and instantly forcing a massive contraction of its military machine.

I'm not sure this is such a terrible result. Might be time to retreat, vacate the "shining city on the hill" (which, in truth looks sort of glitzy and cheap), and give the job to someone else. Nothing lasts forever.
Mon 2 Oct, 2017 04:56 am
It's not just America. You can assume the position if you're so keen for it.
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