monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Finn dAbuzz
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 04:35 pm
I understand your outrage since you were constantly going on about the security costs associated with the Obama family vacations.
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 04:36 pm
Don't let them drive you away.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 04:40 pm
Your call, but we're now down to about two.
0 Replies
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 04:56 pm
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account
To the people of Puerto Rico:
Do not believe the #FakeNews!
12:53 PM - 30 Sep 2017

Is this actually directed at the population of Puerto Rico? Given that 95% or more have no TV or phone or internet one might reasonably conclude a different audience in Trump's sights.

The guy is a sociopath. We are clear on this?
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 04:59 pm

‘Soon,’ ‘Very Soon,’ ‘Eventually’: A Detailed
List of Things Trump Said Would Happen

President Trump regularly says that his policy goals – an Obamacare repeal, an infrastructure bill, an overhaul of the tax code, a border wall, among others – will happen “soon,” “very soon,” “very, very soon,” “in the coming weeks” or even “immediately.”

This tendency is perhaps most prominent in Mr. Trump’s descriptions of Republicans’ efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare. Those efforts officially failed, for now, on Tuesday.

Below, in chronological order, is how Mr. Trump has described what would happen to Obamacare since his election:

Statements about repealing and replacing Obamacare
We're going to be submitting a health care plan as soon as our secretary's approved8 months ago
We’ll be filing a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare as our secretary is approved and gets into the office8 months ago
The Affordable Care Act will be history soon8 months agoLess expensive and really great health care within a year7 months ago
Obamacare will be repealed very soon7 months ago
A health care plan will be released fairly soon7 months ago
A health care reform plan will be coming out soon7 months ago
Health care reform will get taken care of ideally soon6 months ago
Obamacare will fold very, very soon if something isn't done6 months ago
Obamacare will cease to exist at some point in the near future6 months ago
Obamacare will explode soon6 months ago
Democrats will make a deal on health care as soon as Obamacare folds6 months ago
Health care reform is going to happen at some point5 months ago
A good chance of getting health care reform next week or shortly thereafter5 months ago
Health care in the U.S. will be great soon4 months ago
An Obamacare replacement bill as soon as we can do it3 months ago
A great answer on health care reform soon3 months ago
Health care reform that reduces premiums 60 to 70 percent very soon2 months ago
The Senate is going to be forced to make a deal on Obamacare repeal at some point10 days ago
We’re going to repeal and replace Obamacare eventually8 days ago
We will win on health care reform eventually6 days ago
Eventually, we’ll win on health care reform, whether it’s now or later6 days ago

The repetition of these phrases may be a verbal tic, or part of the branding and salesmanship that is associated with the Trump name. But it also reflects a sense of urgency – or impatience, depending on your view – that has become central to the tensions between Trump and Republican leaders in Congress.

Mr. Trump has mocked congressional Republicans as incompetent do-nothings. They have responded that he is simply impatient. “I think he had excessive expectations about how quickly things happen in the democratic process,” Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, said after Republicans’ previous failure to repeal the law.

Using a website called Factbase, we reviewed nearly all the president’s remarks since his election, searching for references to specific time frames, like “soon” or “very soon” (a full list of such words is at the bottom of this article). Factbase transcribes, sorts and tags nearly every public statement made by President Trump – spanning official White House releases, speeches, interviews and even tweets.

Like most politicians, the president makes plenty of claims that are imprecise, mundane or not easily checkable. But many claims were very specific. Among more than 100 specific policy predictions Mr. Trump said would happen soon, we found that at least 75 percent of the time, they did not – or had not, as of this writing.

These kinds of promises occur across a broad range of topics and policies. For example, Mr. Trump has said his administration was “drawing documents now” to declare the opioid crisis a national emergency. Nearly seven weeks later, the paperwork has not been filed.

Here is how he has described the timing of several other policy goals since his election:

Statements about a border wall with Mexico
Planning is starting on the wall immediately8 months ago
Construction begins on the wall as soon as we can; as soon as we can physically do it8 months ago
Starting negotiations with Mexico about who will pay for the wall relatively soon8 months ago
We’re going to start building the wall very soon7 months ago
We will start building the wall soon, very soon7 months ago
We’re going to have a wall ahead of schedule7 months ago
Beginning construction of a great, great wall soon7 months ago
The wall is way ahead of schedule6 months ago
The wall will get built soon5 months ago
The wall will be brand new eventually16 days ago
The wall will come later16 days ago
The wall will happen very soon16 days ago
We’re going to have the final choices about the border wall done soon8 days ago
Statements about tax reform
We’re going to be doing tax policies very soon8 months ago
We’re going to have tax reform at some point very soon5 months ago
We’re going to be announcing a tax plan very soon5 months ago
We’re going to be submitting a tax bill in the very near future2 months ago
We’re going to go get into great detail on tax reform over the next two weeks24 days ago
Statements about an infrastructure bill, including large-scale projects
We’ll have the electrical grid problem solved relatively soon8 months ago
Announcing very, very big infrastructure projects soon6 months ago
Announcing a signature infrastructure project beyond roads and bridges very soon5 months ago
A very big infrastructure plan is going to come soon5 months ago
An infrastructure plan will come a hundred percent very soon5 months ago
We’ll be making big investments in repairing our badly depleted infrastructure soon5 months ago
The administration will file an infrastructure plan over the next two or three weeks, maybe sooner5 months ago
We’ll be submitting an infrastructure bill in the not-very-distant future2 months ago
A commitment to rebuilding the depleted infrastructure of the United States very soon1 month ago
A sample of other notable statements
Very interesting items will come to the forefront about alleged wiretapping of Trump Tower over the next two weeks6 months ago
He will release his tax returns at some point4 months ago
MS-13 will be gone from America's streets very soon4 months ago
The North Korean problem will be solved at some point4 months ago
He will announce whether there are tapes of his conversations with James Comey in the Oval Office maybe sometime in the very near future3 months ago
Raqqa and Mosul will be liberated soon2 months ago
ISIS will be wiped out soon2 months ago
The U.S. will decide whether it will stay in the Iran nuclear deal very soon12 days ago

Most of these claims did not materialize. Obamacare has not been repealed; Mr. Trump has not released his taxes; no infrastructure bill has been introduced; tensions with North Korea have only escalated.

Not all Mr. Trump’s promises were about specific policies or legislation.

A sample of assorted other promises
We have to take care of the American people immediately8 months ago
The menace of rising crime and the threat of deadly terror will get better very soon7 months ago
Men and women in uniform will have the latest and most cutting edge systems in their arsenal very, very soon7 months ago
The U.S. Navy will have the finest equipment in the world soon7 months ago
American workers will be respected again soon6 months ago
America will be back soon6 months ago
The U.S. will be stronger than it has ever been soon6 months ago
We’re going to be doing some trade deals as soon as we get the health care finished6 months ago
American workers will have a level playing field very soon5 months ago
Steel companies will be great very soon5 months ago
The New York Times will be online-only pretty soon5 months ago
NATO will be fair to the U.S. soon4 months ago
Crucial legislation will be considered soon3 months ago
You will be saying Merry Christmas again very soon2 months ago
American workers will have the training to lead us into the future immediately1 month ago
Our country will come together as one soon1 month ago

Some of Mr. Trump’s predictions have materialized, though not necessarily in their entirety.

A sample of things Mr. Trump said would happen that actually have happened or are happening
He will have more than 50 million followers on social media accounts soon8 months ago
We’re going to get rid of the Stream Protection Rule (H.J. Res. 38) immediately7 months ago
He may talk with Vladimir Putin at some point5 months ago
We’re going to be making a decision about the Paris Accord over the next two weeks5 months ago
Religious groups will be able to make political messages soon4 months ago
He will make a decision on Afghanistan troop levels very soon1 month ago
On Sunday, Mr. Trump again addressed repealing the health care law. “Eventually, we'll win, whether it’s now or later,” he said. He then moved on to his next agenda item: tax reform.

“My primary focus, I must tell you – and has been from the beginning, as you can imagine – is taxes,” he said.


Analysis based on public statements by Mr. Trump since his election that included the phrases “soon,” “within a year,” “near future,” “a very short period of time,” “drawing documents now,” “within the first 100 days,” “first thing,” “immediately,” “ahead of schedule,” “by the end of the year,” “in the not-very-distant future,” “over the next two or three weeks,” “at some point,” “over the next few years,” “over the next two weeks,” “come later,” “over the coming days and weeks,” “eventually,” “any day now,” “in months” or “not-very-distant future” as recorded by factba.se.
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 05:01 pm
blatham wrote:
The guy is a sociopath. We are clear on this?

I'll take your word for it, Blather. You're the expert. I can't think of anyone who would be more intimately acquainted with psychological pathology than you and your cheese-eatin minions.
0 Replies
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 05:04 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
I understand your outrage since you were constantly going on about the security costs associated with the Obama family vacations.

You really won't want to get off your lazy ass and do any comparisons in expenses for holidays, paid by taxpayers, between this President and any who have come before. Definitely don't do this.
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 05:14 pm
That's a pretty amazing collection. Beth. Demonstrates that the man has a high regard for truth and lives his life in accord with principles of honesty. He's a lot like George Washington and Jesus in this.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 05:17 pm
No, I think they just got fed up with the Echo Chamber here.

Let me know where you end up.
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 05:19 pm
My lazy ass? Ooh, that hurts.

Trump has a bigger family than Obama did, or did your stupid ass consider that?
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 05:25 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

I think they just got fed up with the Echo Chamber here.

They (the cheese-eaters) are tired of it themselves. Without a few rational people like you here to display disdain for, they would bore themselves to death. They need you, but they don't deserve you, Finn.
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 05:28 pm
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account
Replying to @realDonaldTrump @ricardorossello
......#FakeNews critics are working overtime, but we're getting great marks from the people that truly matter!

0 Replies
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 05:32 pm
layman wrote:
I just stopped in for a few parting shots at the effeminate cheese-eaters and good-byes to homeys like you before leaving the limburger stench of this joint for good.

layman wrote:
Personally, I don't care to be subjected to the arbitrary suppression of my speech. There are plenty of reasonable sites on the internet where rational discussion is encouraged (and allowed). No need for this sorry-ass site.

This is kind of a win-win for you, right?

I mean, you've gotta know that this site doesn't exactly look kindly upon this kind of "**** you, you suck anyway, you can't dump me -- I dump you!" farewells either. Rules are pretty clear about that:

If you dislike the community find one you like, attacking this one and dramatic goodbyes will be removed and the poster suspended.

So the win-win here, I suppose, is that you're gonna get yourself banned again, and you can then use that as "proof" that, see!, this site "arbitrary suppresses speech" and it must be because of your politics (not, say, the vile personal stuff you've posted).

Sat 30 Sep, 2017 05:40 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
"I'm going to be working for you. I'm not going to have time to go play golf." --Donald J. Trump, August, 2016

"Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf," {tweet from Oct 2014}

How many days - so far - has Trump flown to and spent at one of his golf courses (paid for by taxpayers)? 62 That's not counting trips to Mar a Lago.
Tom Price resigned over $1 million in travel costs, but Trump’s golf trips cost taxpayers at least $180 million
Fun Stats

Days Trump has spent at Mar a Lago:
Cost of flights to Mar a Lago (7 so far):*
Days Trump has spent at Bedminster:
Cost of flights to Bedminster (11 so far):*
Trump has visited his clubs once every this many days since his inauguration:
Projected visits to golf clubs in four years:
Projected visits in eight years:
Total times Obama golfed during his eight year Presidency:

0 Replies
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 05:42 pm
nimh wrote:

Rules are pretty clear about that:

If you dislike the community find one you like, attacking this one and dramatic goodbyes will be removed and the poster suspended.

So they've announced the intent to censor in formal rules, eh?

Who knew?

Not the least bit surprising, of course. Cheese-eaters must have a million "rules," whether written or not, about who is permitted to say what, which they religiously enforce when they're in an authoritarian position.

Sat 30 Sep, 2017 05:44 pm
Web forum has rules; suspends users who break rules. Shocker.
0 Replies
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 05:48 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
My lazy ass? Ooh, that hurts.

Lubricant should help you...unless you're attempting to somehow fit all of Trump's foibles, missteps and lies up there.
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 05:53 pm

It is such a fine line between stupid and clever

0 Replies
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 05:55 pm
If the election doesn't work out for Alabama Ayatollah Roy Moore, we know where he'll be welcome
ThinkProgress‏Verified account @thinkprogress 4h4 hours ago
Egypt is ‘hunting down’ and jailing gay men for waving rainbow flag http://bit.ly/2yOaauh
0 Replies
Sat 30 Sep, 2017 06:21 pm
Well, OK. The jig is up. Rush Limbaugh is onto our game. We should have expected that this high-functioning Mensa representative (and God-loving good Christian) would see through the whole thing.
Rush Limbaugh thinks that the NFL protests are part of a grand left-wing conspiracy aimed at diminishing the cultural value of “masculinity, strength, [and] toughness” in America.

During an interview on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show that aired Thursday night, Limbaugh theorized that “the left wants to do great damage to the NFL,” and is using players toward that end. He suggested the idea that players are taking a knee during the national anthem to protest police brutality is a false flag.

“What does the NFL stand for? Masculinity, strength, toughness,” Limbaugh said. “So what are they doing to it? You go to college campuses now and you’ll find classes on how to take masculinity out of men. It’s actually happening, there are studies and courses in college to do this.”

Limbaugh — whose short-lived tenure as an ESPN NFL analyst ended back in 2003 after he made racially loaded comments about a black quarterback on television — described the NFL as “patriotic” because “you’ve got the flag, you’ve got the anthem, you’ve got uniformed military personnel — all the things that the left wants to erase from this country.”

“They don’t like displays of patriotism, strength, rugged individualism, and that’s why the players are being used here,” he said.
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