Quote:Why can't the republicans get rid of him soon?
"Republicans" now means something different than it once meant. The on-going civil war is evidence of the ideological chaos.
But if existing power structures on the right decide that future electoral chances are being seriously damaged in a manner and severity that works against their wishes, some shift in consensus about Trump definitely might arise.
Keep you eye on Pence. He's doing everything he can to
1) be seen by the base as loyal to the Republican president
2) while keeping himself insulated from direct identification with Trump's worst behaviors (I'm a loyal Republican but I'm my own man).
At this point, he's still the favorite of the Koch crowd (so far as I can tell) to run things the way they want. If they go after Trump, the level of Pence's stated or implied differences with Trump will increase. That will be a good clue.
Edit: let me add that this possible replacement of GOP leader in the WH will do American no significant favors and will almost certainly only hasten the evisceration of citizen government.