While there are, undoubtedly, a large number of fans who find "taking the knee" to be offensive, there is just as large a group who resent the introduction of politics into their favorite source of escapist entertainment.
The players are paid very large amounts of money to entertain the fans. If they annoy the fans to the point they are more aggravated than entertained, those fans will stop watching. Most especially as respects the majority of teams who don't win enough games to make the playoffs. Fans will be loyal to losing teams, but not if they have reason to be pissed off with the players.
By indulging themselves with symbolic gestures to bring attention to an issue that gets all of the attention it needs, they risk killing their golden goose. I'm quite sure that when presented with that as a real possibility the social consciousness of most of them will fade.
If they wish to link their fame and name recognition to the issue, doing so on any other day but Sunday would much wiser. How many fans do you really believe have been enlightened by the taking of the knee?