The problem here is that your analysis is shallow. You (and the person you link to) are calling this a 'win' for Trump, but what did he win, really? I mean, he riled up a bunch of his base and yes, most respondents find kneeling distasteful.
But engaging in these social attacks is absolutely and totally useless. It passes no policy. It makes him no more popular. It advances no goal for us, unless the goal is to divide the country and stoke racial resentment. Shouldn't a 'win' have tangible results? Something that can be pointed to?
Let's say we're making a list of accomplishments of Trump's. Would this make the list? How would you describe it? Is the NFL and private citizens' protest an appropriate topic for the Prez to even discuss, let alone focus on at this time?
I'm going to clue you in on something: being 'right' is quite often not the most important thing. You're fawning over Trump (which really doesn't fit in with your avowed persona, I guess you think everyone else is too stupid to notice the inconsistency) because you think polling has shown he's 'right.' No discussion or analysis of whether it was a smart thing to even bring up or continue talking about, not from you.
I swear to Christ, some of you guys will eat up any shallow bullshit that seems to help your narrative. Try putting a second of thought into things before repeating them in the future