Setanta wrote:I see that Oralloy is also claiming unconstitutional restraints without citing the relevant passage of the constitution.
Usually in internet discussions, cites are only provided after they are requested.
In this case however, I have in fact already provided such a cite:
Setanta wrote:Just for grins, I advise Sofia-Lash-Goth and Oralloy to actually read the constitution, and then maybe they can get back to us with citations for these alleged constitutional violations.
I already know what the Constitution says. That's why I knew that it places 100% of executive power directly in the hands of the President.
Article II. Section 1. The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.
Setanta wrote:As has been explained, the burden of guilt of the Nixon administration was largely for obstruction of justice.
As has been explained, it isn't obstruction for a government official to choose not to pursue an investigation.
Nixon was lynched over an imaginary crime.
Setanta wrote:In the case of Iran-Contra, Ronnie Ray-gun sought to do an end run around the Boland amendment which prohibited the funding of the Nicaraguan Contras. Attached to defense appropriation bills, this series of amendments, entirely within the power of Congress, prohibited providing military assistance to the Contras. Ray-gun and his boys sought to funnel money from the sale of military materials to Iran, to the Contras.
Yes. Democrats hate America and hate freedom in general. Just after they lynched Nixon, the Democrats perpetrated their greatest betrayal of all, cutting off all aid to South Vietnam so that they fell to the Communists.
Still giddy over the success of their perfidy in the 1970s, in the 1980s the Democrats attempted to cut off aid to Central American freedom fighters in the hope that Central America and then Mexico would fall to the Communists.
Reagan was having none of it. He kept aid going to the freedom fighters despite the treasonous Democrats.
On the charge of preventing Central America and Mexico from falling to the Communists, Reagan is guilty as charged. What a wonderful president he was.
Setanta wrote:The Valerie Plame affair is even simpler. Joe Wilson, with more than 20 years experience as a State Department diplomatic officer in Africa, was sent to investigate the "yellow cake" uranium rumor, first floated by Italian intelligence agents. Wilson, who has served in Niger, reported that the story was without foundation. With Baby Bush's eagerness to rush into an aggressive war in Iraq, his information was ignored, so he published a letter on the subject in The New York Times. Unable to get him, the vicious bastards in Baby Bush's administration went after his wife, Valerie Plame. It is against the law (and a salutary law it is) to reveal the name of any CIA officer, which is what I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby did,
Wrong. Scooter Libby did no such thing. The leak came from Richard Armitage at the State Department.
Oddly enough, all the liberal scumbags who are so eager to lynch innocent Republicans never have any problem with Richard Armitage leaking her name.
Setanta wrote:for which he was indicted, convicted
The Democrats' eagerness to convict innocent people just to damage their political opponents is why we need legislation outlawing the Democratic Party in America.
Setanta wrote:and served time.
Thankfully you are wrong here as well. But he did lose his law license for a number of years and was deprived of millions of dollars of earnings as a powerful lawyer.
Setanta wrote:It's not a witch hunt if people are indicted and convicted.
Witch hunts indict and convict innocent people all the time. That's why people object to witch hunts.
Setanta wrote:It isn't a witch hunt to investigate alleged improprieties in the last election campaign.
It is when the sole purpose of the investigation is to harm innocent people as a way of damaging people who disagree with the Democrats.