Quote:You guys don't seem to absorb how furious Sanders voters were after being cheated.
Some, surely. The Dem establishment vector was in support of Clinton (read
Greg Sargent's essay I linked yesterday. But this does not tell the whole story. GOP operatives (and, as we now know, Russian propagandists) were working to create discord among likely Dem voters by a sustained and covert operation to encourage these voters to think poorly of Clinton.
1) As I've noted earlier, one of the loudest and most disruptive BernieBros voices at the Dem convention (heckled Sarah Silverman at one point) was later revealed to be a conservative operative.
2) All of this has precedents in GOP electoral activities for decades now that fall under the term "rat *******".
3) There is an identical precedent from 2008 where GOP operatives used the emerging social media universe (MySpace at the time) to forward a story that because Hillary had been cheated out of the nomination by Obama, that therefore thousands or millions of women were so angry that they were going to teach the corrupt Dem party a lesson and vote for McCain/Palin. This was the ClintonsForMcCain/Puma etc crowd.
If you don't know this history, for the love of god, get educated on it. Wikipedia has a rather good page on it
HERE In 2008, I spent six months digging into this. Three key names that come up in the wikipedia piece - Christi Adkins, Peter Boykin and Will Bower were all GOP operatives. None had any history of supporting Clinton or progressive policies. Each (perhaps not Boykin, whose expertise was in site creation/management) made themselves available to Fox and other media outlets on many occasions. All these sites created at the time were linked to each other (there were dozens of them) and nearly every one of them featured the same or similar content. One of the most commonly repeated bits of content was this:
As I've noted before (and it is also noted in the wikipedia page), ClintonsForMcCain was registered as a domain by the RNC. Within a day or two, that site was up and running with links to these many other groups/pages and Christi Adkins was appearing on Hannity and elsewhere.
This obviously isn't to say that there weren't angry women who believed and hoped a woman they respected would finally achieve the WH. Many sincere women were involved here but the big push that gathered them up and tried to drive them to extremism and anti-Dem feelings was a GOP covert operation.
Likewise, Bernie supporters are not all or even mainly operating under false pretenses, but many extremists were and are.