I haven't bothered to read your reply to my post because you're so infuriatingly predicable in your repetitive comments. I swear if you ever showed any ideological independence
a single time, I'd faint in a state of shock. You think conservatives are ALWAYS right; so, your comments are always going to be predicable. In contrast to you, although I agree with some stances on the political left, I'm still independent of the progressive movement: For example, since I witnessed the cruelties of Jim Crow as I was growing up, as an adult I've long supported civil rights legislation such as the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, which was recently eviscerated by the Republican majority on the U.S. Supreme Court. (These and other major civil rights laws were opposed by many white conservatives.) But on the other hand, I also happen to be opposed to abortion and same-sex marriage, which makes me persona non grata among people on the political left. The point is that I don't make a religion or a cult out of a political ideology that may have its good points, but is certainly NOT infallible as if it were God.
I suppose you have no problem with the fire chief publicly calling Coach Tomlin a "no-good n*gger." (Wow! This is a first. To think I've never been a sports fan!

) If you had been an adult in the 1950s and the 1960s, you probably would have been defending the Southern segregationists and other white supremacists all in the name of "states rights"; and if you had been living during the Roaring Twenties, you probably would have been tempted to participate in one of the many spectacular Ku Klux Klan marches.
Believe me, I wish you well. Perhaps with certain understandings, we would get along well in real life. But in the meantime, you remind me that there is a particular kind of person who simply is beyond reason and is not a suitable candidate for a civil discussion. That's because that person "reasons" thusly: "My side is ALWAYS right; and whoever disagrees with it is intellectually dishonest and EVIL, EVIL, EVIL!" No wonder I've given up on politics!
Sadly speaking, what's also true is that the "side" in question may have nothing to do with politics! I had that experience when I started posting at websites in the spring of 2009. Some of the most hateful posts I've ever read have had nothing to do with politics.
Whether the "side" is politics or not, trying to reason with such a person is like repeatedly pounding your proverbial head against the proverbial wall. It's an exercise in futility! I feel like pulling my hair out!
So, oralloy, my son, you go your way while I find another way to occupy my mind. Yes, oralloy, go in peace and continue your posting experience, which I expect will be never-ending. I give you credit for stamina. You're calm and collected while I feel like shrieking. So, go in peace, my son.
I feel better now. I always do after a good rant. Unless I end up with feelings of guilt.