You really are trying to sugar <Sorry, my capl lock coat him, aren't you? It's not
"people who merely disagree wuth ALL of his agenda, his cabinet picks and their continuing attempts to dismantle the very bases of their departments, his growing cokrpus of lies, and disinformation, his misogyny, hisanger management issues, his instabilities, his tirades, his attempts to shift blame from him, his overblown claims for accomplisments which were ongoing befor he took office andrightlfully beong to others or never happened at all, his questionable business dealing, his refusal to release his tax returns or put his business aFFAIRS INTO A BLIND TRUST AND THE GROWING EVIDENCE HE'S STILL BENEFITTING FROM THEM <sorry, my caps lock key is too easy to hit>. Yes, I think :detest:" is the applicable termto describe the views of the two thirds of the country which has no use for him at all..