Definitely do read the excerpt from Flake's book. It is just so damned refreshing to read a conservative with whom one could have a rational and valuable conversation. I'm with him through most of what he writes in this excerpt but if we were talking, I'd bring up this portion:
Quote:There was a time when the leadership of the Congress from both parties felt an institutional loyalty that would frequently create bonds across party lines in defense of congressional prerogatives in a unified front against the White House, regardless of the president’s party...
But then the period of collapse and dysfunction set in, amplified by the internet and our growing sense of alienation from each other, and we lost our way and began to rationalize away our principles in the process.
Here I'd ask him to delve a lot deeper into what went wrong in his party/movement. What was the role that Gringrich played? Or Fox (which arrived in the mid-nineties precisely when Gingrich was ascendant in the party. Talk radio? I'd inquire about the role of individuals like Scaife, Coors, the Bradleys, the Kochs. That would likely be a good conversation because he's obviously unafraid to acknowledge how his party has become, in clear and definite ways, a destructive force in American politics and society.