monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 25 Jul, 2017 04:20 am
He's dressed like a baby. Is he one of those weirdos who likes getting his nappy changed?
God only knows what is going on in that misogynist-pig's head.
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Tue 25 Jul, 2017 04:21 am
Blickers wrote:
oralloy wrote:
So the trade war with Germany is on?

Immaterial. The importance is that even his own party now realizes that Trump's prostration before Putin is not acceptable.

I think a trade war with Germany might be something to worry about.
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Tue 25 Jul, 2017 04:22 am
@old europe,
old europe wrote:
Baldimo wrote:
When the ACA went into effect, it made it possible for that mother to put her daughter on her insurance, why didn't she do it? So instead of being personally responsible for her family as an adult should, her daughter dies

Her daughter was on her insurance plan.

She just didn't know it, so she got the ER treatment of an uninsured person: instead of completing an MRI, the hospital pressured her into being released.

That sounds like the makings of a large malpractice lawsuit against the hospital.

I'm still unsure how it is an argument for subjecting America to health care based on delusional gibberish.
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Tue 25 Jul, 2017 04:24 am
Blickers wrote:
We don't know why the mother didn't put the daughter on her insurance. However, it is a side issue,

Seems pretty relevant to me. Although old europe says she actually was on her mother's insurance plan.

Blickers wrote:
the fact of the matter is the hospital denied life-giving treatment to the daughter because of failure to provide proof of health insurance and the daughter died as a result.

Sounds like the hospital is to blame here. The answer is to sue the hospital.

Blickers wrote:
And you're totally OK with that.

I'm sure he would be happy to see the guilty parties blamed appropriately. He was just questioning why hospital malpractice is a reason to subject the nation to health care based on delusional gibberish.
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Tue 25 Jul, 2017 04:28 am
I trust you all have read about Trump's utterly repugnant speech to a gathering of the Boy Scouts. Those unable to recognize and admit the historical precedents of this sort of behavior are precisely the ones who are opening the door to a very ugly America.

Tue 25 Jul, 2017 04:51 am
Those unable to recognize and admit the historical precedents of this sort of behavior are precisely the ones who are opening the door to a very ugly America.

Yeah, well what about this?
Remember that time President George W. Bush told his attorney general to investigate Al Gore for his “crimes”? Or President Barack Obama called for a Justice Department prosecution of John McCain?


Tue 25 Jul, 2017 04:53 am
When Chaffetz stated several months ago that he was not going to be seeking re-election, I suggested here that there was a damned good chance we'd see him employed by Fox. It wasn't a difficult prediction. He was ambitious and without principles.
Fox's Jason Chaffetz: The Trump administration deserves "a lot of credit for openness and transparency"
Chaffetz tells Republicans to defend Trumps by pivoting to the Clintons: "Every time the Democrats say they need to call up Jared Kushner or Donald Trump Jr., then call up Chelsea Clinton"

Tue 25 Jul, 2017 04:58 am
I admit that Trump has opened up our imaginations to what is possible in America rather in the manner of Sarah Palin and Charles Manson.
Tue 25 Jul, 2017 05:06 am
I see that Digby has also noted has noted the Chaffetz dip-shittery. But she points to something else he said in that segment - something which just by itself tells us of just how unprincipled this incredible asshole is.
He didn’t detail what possible crimes Chelsea Clinton may have committed, but Chaffetz said it was ridiculous that congressional investigators wanted to speak with Kushner about the foreign contacts and loans he failed to disclose on his security clearance forms.
“They would never, ever, ever do this to the Clintons,” Chaffetz said.


Yeah, they Clintons are immune from investigations.

Well, except for the dozens of bogus investigations including impeachment during the 90s and Cheffetz's own Benghazi crusade. But other than that ...
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Tue 25 Jul, 2017 05:23 am
This is a rather interesting piece on studies of Trump's speech oddities and the real possibility of some serious neurological decline
Tue 25 Jul, 2017 05:50 am
Duane Patterson‏Verified account
Anthony Scaramucci just told Hugh Hewitt that it's pretty apparent that Trump wants Sessions gone.
4:29 AM - 25 Jul 2017

Not that America is in crisis, or anything.
0 Replies
Tue 25 Jul, 2017 05:54 am
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 1h1 hour ago
So great that John McCain is coming back to vote. Brave - American hero! Thank you John.

Trump supporters: "Yes, feed me the dogshit. Shovel it right into my mouth.
It's delicious"
Tue 25 Jul, 2017 06:06 am
From March 2 of this year
Anthony Scaramucci‏Verified account
AG Jeff Sessions is a stand-up guy. He's always said he would recuse himself from any case in which his impartiality could be questioned.

Trump supporters: "More dogshit! Feed me more! Feed it to me every day! Gimme gimme gimme that dogshit! Yummmmmmy!"
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Tue 25 Jul, 2017 06:23 am
Yeah, I am wondering how his speech is going to be defended cause I know it will be.

Trump's Boy Scouts speech broke with 80 years of presidential tradition (WP)

Tue 25 Jul, 2017 06:31 am
Trump, Conway and others in rightwingland are pushing the insinuation that the three members of Mueller's team who have donated to Dems in the past represent clear evidence of anti-Trump bias.
According to Federal Election Commission records, Trump himself has donated more to Democrats than all three members of Mueller’s team combined, with donations to Democratic candidates and to political action committees supporting Democrats totaling more than $260,000 over the last 20 years.
Trump supporters: "I lost 80 pounds in just one week thanks to The Amazing Scientific Breakthrough that is the secret to The Trump Dogshit Diet!. "

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Tue 25 Jul, 2017 06:32 am
The banality of evil.
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Tue 25 Jul, 2017 07:33 am
I never quite understood Trump's reasoning on skipping over Rudy previously, and I don't get why he's willing to tag him now?

Could Rudy have fudged on a Loyalty Oath?

Watching the public flogging of Sessions.
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Tue 25 Jul, 2017 09:37 am
blatham wrote:

Fox's Jason Chaffetz: The Trump administration deserves "a lot of credit for openness and transparency"
Chaffetz tells Republicans to defend Trumps by pivoting to the Clintons:

it's pretty clear that a certain group of posters here are following the party line verra verra closely

for all they suggest they look at diverse media sources or don't follow media at all ... they're marching along in tight formation
0 Replies
Tue 25 Jul, 2017 09:41 am
blatham wrote:

I trust you all have read about Trump's utterly repugnant speech to a gathering of the Boy Scouts.

brought back memories of my parents telling me about gatherings/speeches they were forced to attend as children in Germany in the 1930's/'40's . I'll admit, it made me feel somewhat queasy - much as those stories did.

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