monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 12 Jul, 2017 01:25 pm
Naah, YOU don't get it. It cannot be a CAMPAIGN contribution if it's not linked to any election campaign.
0 Replies
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 01:25 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Donald Trump’s pick to lead the FBI said he did not believe a special counsel investigation into possible coordination between Russia and Trump aides was a “witch-hunt”.
At the Senate confirmation hearing, Christopher Wray says he sees ‘no reason to doubt’ Russia meddled in the 2016 election.

Does this mean, there will be another, different candidate?

I don't think so. The Senators seem to be satisfied with his answers and I don't think the President or any of his children can quash his confirmation. I don't think even Trump would make an idiot move and try to fire the FBI director candidate before he's confirmed.
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 01:26 pm
I was surprised to read this on the Federalist a while ago.

Trump Jr.’s Meeting May Not Rise To Treason, But It’s Still Shady As Hell
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Wed 12 Jul, 2017 01:39 pm

Emin Agalarov is the son of Aras Agalarov, the Russian billionaire who sponsored Trump’s 2013 Miss Universe competition in Moscow.
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Walter Hinteler
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 01:42 pm
glitterbag wrote:
I don't think even Trump would make an idiot move and try to fire the FBI director candidate before he's confirmed.
I wait for his next twitter tweeds ...
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 01:55 pm
Quote Baldimo:
You had this same feeling about Hillary winning the election and then felt the very same way about some sort of election fraud by Trump and company when you supported Jill Steins silly recount efforts. I wonder what she did with all that extra money she made on that scam...

This is going to amount to nothing just like the rest of the election scams you have supported.

Paying for a recount, which by law you are allowed to do, is your idea of a "scam"? Oh, by the way, even with the money Stein raised, she did not get a full vote-by-vote recount in any of the three states she paid the money for.

And your "Stein-is-keeping-the-money" charge commenced BEFORE any recounts, flawed or otherwise, were even allowed! Nobody knew how much the recounts would cost, and you were posting over and over about how she was supposedly keeping the "extra" money-when you didn't even know if she'd have enough money to get the recounts done in the first place. Sleazy.

Finally, didn't you hear about the Russians hacking the voter rolls in several states? Oh, they don't cover that in right wing news, so you never heard about it. The Russians were hacking the lists of eligible voters in several counties, especially the ones that lean strongly Democratic. If you'll remember 2000, there were extreme problems with people in Democratic leaning counties disappearing from the voter rolls and told they were ineligible to vote on Election Day.

So tell me, why was I wrong saying it was a possibility that the Russians tampered with the vote? Looks like they were certainly attempting to tamper with the number of people allowed to vote in Democratic leaning precincts.
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 02:14 pm
Someone was challenging me to produce a "source" showing that Don Jr had initially denied the Russian meetings.
You've got to be some kind of willful doofus to still be giving these Trumpettes the benefit of a doubt, and I don't want to waste my time arguing with a hopeless doofus.
In any case, here's what was actually said by Cheetolini Jr when interviewed back in March:

Donald Trump Jr. had denied participating in any campaign-related meetings with Russian nationals when he was interviewed by The Times in March. “Did I meet with people that were Russian? I’m sure, I’m sure I did,” he said. “But none that were set up. None that I can think of at the moment. And certainly none that I was representing the campaign in any way, shape or form.”
Asked at that time whether he had ever discussed government policies related to Russia, the younger Mr. Trump replied, “A hundred percent no.”

To the reasonable and honest person, that would look like a denial of a meeting he set up with a Russian lawyer who professed to be government-related. To layman and Finn and the other zombie apologist lovers of Trump koolaid, who the **** knows?

Wed 12 Jul, 2017 02:17 pm
Quote Blickers:

Source: Page 85

PS: It's already been established that a contribution does not have to be money.

Quote layman:
It doesn't have to be money, no. It could be, for example, an expensive yacht. But it has to be a "thing." Information is not a tangible "thing."

Really? Opposition Research is not a "thing"? Then how come it's written in the campaign budgets year after year. How come I saw Roger Stone on TV some years ago saying his job was doing Opposition Research when questions arose about his visits to clubs which featured women in leather and masks suspended in cages from the ceiling?

Opposition Research is a thing.
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 02:18 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Sigh, later today he will be embarrassing the United States in France, he was invited for Bastille Day......I'm dreading the filmed coverage of Trump doing his power yank and pull handshake, or shoving people out of his way or just being Trump. I think we may get a break from those tweets until he gets back to his golf course, country club or stops in at the White House to watch the fake news.
0 Replies
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 02:47 pm
Paying for a recount, which by law you are allowed to do, is your idea of a "scam"? Oh, by the way, even with the money Stein raised, she did not get a full vote-by-vote recount in any of the three states she paid the money for.

It was a scam because Stein wasn't even close to winning the election and wanted a recount. If Hillary had asked for recounts, I wouldn't have minded. It was a good distraction to start off the "Resistance"...

And your "Stein-is-keeping-the-money" charge commenced BEFORE any recounts, flawed or otherwise, were even allowed! Nobody knew how much the recounts would cost, and you were posting over and over about how she was supposedly keeping the "extra" money-when you didn't even know if she'd have enough money to get the recounts done in the first place. Sleazy.

Sleazy was being in last place in the election and then questioning the validity of the election. Sleazy is getting more money for a con job recount than you raised in your whole election attempt.

Finally, didn't you hear about the Russians hacking the voter rolls in several states? Oh, they don't cover that in right wing news, so you never heard about it. The Russians were hacking the lists of eligible voters in several counties, especially the ones that lean strongly Democratic. If you'll remember 2000, there were extreme problems with people in Democratic leaning counties disappearing from the voter rolls and told they were ineligible to vote on Election Day.

Oh I heard about it all right, it makes me wonder why so many states are refusing to work with a voting investigation into the very same systems that are claimed to have been either hacked or attempted to be hacked... Why?

So tell me, why was I wrong saying it was a possibility that the Russians tampered with the vote? Looks like they were certainly attempting to tamper with the number of people allowed to vote in Democratic leaning precincts.

You were claiming that the voting machines themselves were hacked and possibly messed with, you said nothing about the attempts to hack the voter databases. Which it seems the Obama admin was fully aware of, why didn't they say anything and I asked again, why are so many states and people in those states so against the voter rolls being investigated if there was indeed attempts to hack them?

It seems you want to have your cake and eat it too. Complain about the vote being tampered with but then refuse to cooperate with the very thing you were bitching about...
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Finn dAbuzz
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 02:50 pm
Baldimo wrote:

Ahem. Mueller and the committees are investigating collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians to affect the election. Well, they just got it. Sorry, but no amount of "Really dahling, surely you aren't serious about this amounting to anything" is going to change that.

You had this same feeling about Hillary winning the election and then felt the very same way about some sort of election fraud by Trump and company when you supported Jill Steins silly recount efforts. I wonder what she did with all that extra money she made on that scam...

This is going to amount to nothing just like the rest of the election scams you have supported.

If anyone hasn't figured it out by now, Blickers is a 100% Democrat partisan. That doesn't make him a bad person. Loyalty to a cause can be a very admirable trait. It does, however, undermine all of his pronounced certitude about the importance and outcomes of certain affairs (such as those you've laid out).

I sometimes wonder if he is auditioning for one of those Democratic Strategist positions who are always pitted against Republican Strategists on CNN and Fox News. You know, the ones who effortlessly recite the Party's talking points, even if they have to talk over the other guy or squeeze them into the last few seconds of the segment. If so he probably would do a great job with it.

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Finn dAbuzz
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 02:52 pm
revelette1 wrote:

I am listening to the confirmation hearing of the new FBI on the internet, what a politician he is. He gives no straight answers. The only positive answer he gives so far is agreeing the Russian investigation is not a witch hunt.

You expected something else?

Anyone who rises to his level within the government has to be political, and pretty good at it.
0 Replies
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 02:55 pm
Blickers wrote:

Opposition Research is a thing.

Keep tryin, cheese-eater. I have already shown where this absurd claim leads. Before you're through, getting information from a foreign newspaper is a federal crime, and just about everything else is, too.

The Supreme Court would NEVER hold that this statue prohibits the communication of information.

Even if it did find that this was the only possible interpretation, it would then just be forced to declare the statute unconstitutional, for violating the First Amendement and for due process reasons.

As I've said, Junior would have been doing a great service to the country if he had managed to receive the information promised and turned it over to the FBI for investigation.
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 03:08 pm
That he was idiotic with this episode? Absolutely.

Prior to this I liked him and his brother a lot more than their father. I thought he, in particular, might have an independent career in politics. That's probably no longer the case.

There isn't enough evidence at this point to accuse him of being anything other than idiotic in regards to this meeting and the way he has reacted to the story's release.

Obviously the guy's not a professional politician, and right now it doesn't appear that he violated any laws, but even a novice should have known this meeting was a very bad idea.

Ted Kennedy's perfidy in working with the Cold War Kremlin to undermine Reagan was by far, much worse than what Trump Jr. did but I reject the notion that it set a precedent that made it somehow acceptable for members of a campaign or a political party to seek the assistance of the Russian government in gathering dirt on a political opponent.
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Finn dAbuzz
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 03:10 pm
maporsche wrote:

Not bullshit. The republicans are actually, in fact, holding closed door meetings with just 13 white republican men.

What special significance do you believe there is in them being "white men?"
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 03:17 pm
Trump was smart enough to throw in the "that I recall offhand" qualifier. No one could ever prove that this was a lie. He didn't deny the June 9 meeting. He simply denied "remembering" it.

In his defense, it was quite forgettable, as it turned out.

No one ever asked him: "Did you have a meeting with a russian attorney at Trump Tower in June, 2016," with him giving an answer of "no."
0 Replies
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 03:21 pm
He would have been doing a great service to the country if he bothered to tell FBI that the Russian government was attempting to insert itself into our election when he got the first email. Of course I'm assuming you're an American, even though you know virtually jack about how an American election is conducted.

Unfortunately, the Trump family doesn't think rules apply to them.....and tragically they seem to think they are so skilled that they could keep the Russian Govt under control. They are cheating on the exam because they HAVE to get an A, and as long as they get an A they tell themselves they deserve it.
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Wed 12 Jul, 2017 03:41 pm
The issue isn't 'oh ****, the Russians helped Trump', the real issue is that the Russian govt. is disrupting our election process, sowing doubt, and doing everything it can to destabilize the country. Look around, for Christ's sake, they are meddling in France, Germany and every country they can infiltrate. Nothing has changed since 1917 for Russian goals....just the tools at their disposal.
Yes, yes, yes the hand wringers are worried that the Democrats will attempt to nullify the election, they won't. The democrats aren't happy but they know they lost the election. That's it, they lost and there are no avenues to crown a runner-up. What everyone should be in a panic over is the ease with which the Russians have inserted themselves into our elections....they aren't going to stop because the Russians believe in fair play, they have to be stopped.
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 03:48 pm
glitterbag wrote:
The democrats aren't happy but they know they lost the election. That's it, they lost and there are no avenues to crown a runner-up.

Many democrats still dispute the claim that they "really" lost, due to russian interference, of course. Likewise, many of them are determined to depose Trump, even if that means installing Pence as the "runner-up." And, of course, being the deluded fools they are, they always think they see an "avenue" to achieving this, whether it be a recount, an attempt to subvert the electoral college, the 25th amendment, impeachment due to "obstruction of justice," campaign law "violations," election fraud, treason, or some other wack-ass scheme that they're convinced will work, somehow.

Other than that, I think almost everyone agrees with the substance of this post.
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 04:22 pm
Ive been gone a couple of weeks but I see Layman is still spouting his Trump communist crap.
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