monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 12 Jul, 2017 11:04 am
maporsche wrote:

If by "amount to nothing" you mean impeachment, then of course you're right.

What's happening right now isn't "nothing" though. The negative press this president is getting and creating for himself is exactly what is needed to keep the extremes of your Republican Party in check. Maybe the president will force his party to make good on calls from democrats to include them in the governing process for once.

That's hilarious, there has been no indication that these assholes are willing to work together to get America's work done no matter what flag they fly. There are interested in pushing their will (Usually the will of those who hand them money) or the imagined best interest of the partisan team they play for only.

We dont matter, how badly America gets fucked as they screw around does not matter.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 11:13 am
Donald Trump’s pick to lead the FBI said he did not believe a special counsel investigation into possible coordination between Russia and Trump aides was a “witch-hunt”.
At the Senate confirmation hearing, Christopher Wray says he sees ‘no reason to doubt’ Russia meddled in the 2016 election.

Does this mean, there will be another, different candidate?
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 11:18 am
maporsche wrote:

These are not serious rebuttals to what I posted.

Regarding #2 ---- I'm going to put this in bold here, because it's important. The Republicans are blocking the Democrats from working on a bipartisen solution. Actively and completely blocking them. I'll even include a right-wing link to show you. The link even shows that democrats are doing whatever is in their power to get INTO the conversation.


The other points....well I think you're agreeing with me, but saying that it's not just the democrats but also the republicans....ok, I guess.

Bullshit and I am the guy who said at A2K many years ago that we should vote out of office every single person till/unless these assholes get back to work, which means work together to get America's work done. I have also been saying for years that justice demands that both parties die for the crime of treason. I am not going to play your game of "My assholes are better than your assholes" nor should you, because they all need to be tossed overboard, and because I am a Zen Socialist. I stopped being an R in 1983, and I stopped being a D by the end of that decade.

Wed 12 Jul, 2017 11:41 am
If by "amount to nothing" you mean impeachment, then of course you're right.

I still say he will be primaried in 2020.

What's happening right now isn't "nothing" though.

There should be nothing going on, the whole Russian affair has been BS from the start. The media coverage from day 1 has been nothing but an attack job by the MSM, Hollywood left.

The negative press this president is getting and creating for himself is exactly what is needed to keep the extremes of your Republican Party in check.

Trump hasn't done himself any favors in this respect, but the media has gone out of their way to also generate plenty of false BS. Russia and Trump working together being the main BS I'm talking about.

BTW, the Republican Party isn't my party and hasn't been my party for a few years now. What is taking place now is not keeping the extremes in check, it is doing the very thing the DNC accused the GOP of doing the last few years, pure obstructionism and the left-wing US media is complicit.

Maybe the president will force his party to make good on calls from democrats to include them in the governing process for once.

You have the nerve to say this after Obama used his "phone and a pen" to govern? You have got to be kidding me.
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 11:43 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

maporsche wrote:

These are not serious rebuttals to what I posted.

Regarding #2 ---- I'm going to put this in bold here, because it's important. The Republicans are blocking the Democrats from working on a bipartisen solution. Actively and completely blocking them. I'll even include a right-wing link to show you. The link even shows that democrats are doing whatever is in their power to get INTO the conversation.


The other points....well I think you're agreeing with me, but saying that it's not just the democrats but also the republicans....ok, I guess.

Bullshit and I am the guy who said at A2K many years ago that we should vote out of office every single person till/unless these assholes get back to work, which means work together to get America's work done. I have also been saying for years that justice demands that both parties die for the crime of treason. I am not going to play your game of "My assholes are better than your assholes" nor should you, because they all need to be tossed overboard, and because I am a Zen Socialist. I stopped being an R in 1983, and I stopped being a D by the end of that decade.


Not bullshit. The republicans are actually, in fact, holding closed door meetings with just 13 white republican men.

They. Are. Excluding. Democrats. From. The. Process.


Before I continue, I'm curious if you're able to at least agree with me that far.
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 11:45 am
Baldimo wrote:

The negative press this president is getting and creating for himself is exactly what is needed to keep the extremes of your Republican Party in check.

Trump hasn't done himself any favors in this respect, but the media has gone out of their way to also generate plenty of false BS. Russia and Trump working together being the main BS I'm talking about.

BTW, the Republican Party isn't my party and hasn't been my party for a few years now. What is taking place now is not keeping the extremes in check, it is doing the very thing the DNC accused the GOP of doing the last few years, pure obstructionism and the left-wing US media is complicit.

Maybe the president will force his party to make good on calls from democrats to include them in the governing process for once.

You have the nerve to say this after Obama used his "phone and a pen" to govern? You have got to be kidding me.

The DNC cannot obstruct a process that the Republicans are not including them in.


And no, it's keeping the extremes in check. The house healthcare overhaul bill was drafted by the far right, not the moderates, same with the Senate bill.
0 Replies
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 11:45 am
If there was information proving Trump to be corrupt, would anyone complain because that information was passed on to us by a foreign government or a "foreign national" from Britain, France, or some other country? Would we complain because the motive of the party passing it on was to hurt Trump?

I don't think so. Homey don't play dat.

We would only want to find out if it's true.
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 11:53 am
We would only want to find out if it's true [that Trump is corrupt].

It IS true.
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 11:57 am
Olivier5 wrote:

We would only want to find out if it's true [that Trump is corrupt].

It IS true.

Well, Ollie, I suggest you take your proof of that to the FBI, then, eh?

Oh, wait. You can't do that. You're a foreign national and you would be making an illegal contribution to the Democratic Party if you did that.
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 12:02 pm
If I speak to the FBI, I make a contribution to the FBI.
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 12:04 pm
Do you know who Emin is? Eminem? No, whew - I see it's Emin Agalarov. <waves hand bruskly>

A little hard to tell from the text.
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 12:06 pm
Olivier5 wrote:

If I speak to the FBI, I make a contribution to the FBI.

You don't get it, do ya, Ollie? If truthful information of national interest helps the democratic party in any way then it is a CAMPAIGN contribution, see?
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 12:32 pm
maporsche wrote:

Not bullshit. The republicans are actually, in fact, holding closed door meetings with just 13 white republican men.

They. Are. Excluding. Democrats. From. The. Process.


Before I continue, I'm curious if you're able to at least agree with me that far.

R's are trying to get something done old school in the back rooms because Washington is now so broken this is the only way to get things done. I am of the school that too many many badly thought out sunshine reforms thus the killing off of the wheeler-dealers as well as being swamped with low quality people is the problem. I am more interested in getting Washington working again than I am in giving the American a great look at the sausage being made, something that we never wanted to begin with and mostly are too ignorant to understand and for sure are too squeamish to watch.

So no, you are not going to see me object to the R's working in secret.

If the D's want to do something then the first thing they need to do is come up with a plan for saving ObamaCare enough to get it out of the way for a few years. They dont need any R's for that, they cant blame the R's for their refusal to do that. Until they do that they have no grounds to say that they are serious about fixing ObamaCare though of course I have already gone further, I have said that they would rather have the problem than the solution, because at the end of the day they figure it is all about the best interests of the party and the fulfilment of their will (Usually the will of those who are handing them money) rather than what is best for our kids and the unborn.
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 12:45 pm
Ten House Democrats propose plan to fix ObamaCare


Hillary also released a plan during her run for presidency that we largely supported by Democrats in congress.

But of course, these are ALL ideas that have been talked about and mentioned for MONTHS. There was no secret to what Democrats would want to do to fix healthcare.
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 12:49 pm
I hear-tell that 3 voters changed their votes from Hillary to the Donald because of this meeting with the attorney. I think one of them was the doorman at Trump Tower, who was seen greeting her.

So, it's all purty obvious now, aint it? The russians stole the election from Hillary.
0 Replies
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 12:58 pm
maporsche wrote:

Ten House Democrats propose plan to fix ObamaCare


Hillary also released a plan during her run for presidency that we largely supported by Democrats in congress.

But of course, these are ALL ideas that have been talked about and mentioned for MONTHS. There was no secret to what Democrats would want to do to fix healthcare.

Way short of the problem and 8 months late is not making an effort in my books.
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 01:01 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

maporsche wrote:

Ten House Democrats propose plan to fix ObamaCare


Hillary also released a plan during her run for presidency that we largely supported by Democrats in congress.

But of course, these are ALL ideas that have been talked about and mentioned for MONTHS. There was no secret to what Democrats would want to do to fix healthcare.

Way short of the problem and 8 months late is not making an effort in my books.

Well, you're just wrong then. It's obviously 'an effort'. You may argue that it's not enough of one, but.....

Hillary had a plan for over a year. The ideas presented today have been talked about by elected democrats for years (I can provide you articles if you'd like).

Again, it's no secret that this is the plan. I know that you're not reading anything you haven't read before.

But really, since they're not being asked for any input in the process, this really means nothing.
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 01:08 pm
The only idea the Dems had to fix the ACA, was to enact Single Payer. That's not fixing anything, that's making it worse. If the ACA was so good, why did so many Dems either not run for re-election or retire in 2010, not to mention the ass whipping the DNC received in 2010...
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 01:22 pm
I'm worried, McConnell is unveiling another plan tomorrow. If it is pleases the more conservative wing of the party, it is bound to be horrible.
0 Replies
Wed 12 Jul, 2017 01:25 pm
My father begged to be let in, as he had poor eyes, heh, like me. I have the letters he wrote, virtually begging. I think this was early '42, but can look it up if I have to. He was a full colonel time later, a commanding officer, and so on.

Just because I have a lot of quandaries about the roads the US has taken in my life doesn't mean I don't pay attention, or that I don't care.
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