monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 17 Jun, 2017 09:12 am
all those things may be possible,Id wait for someone other than"Dr Svage" the self proclaimed PhD "scientist .
However, most of the folks that dwell on the dexteral side of the ruler have BATSHIT PARANOIA pretty well all sewn up.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 09:23 am
Resident Plump's protestations about a "witch hunt" ring even more hollow to me, when I consider the fact that he built his whole political foray on a 4 year long witch hunt after the "true" origins of Obama.
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 09:36 am
MontereyJack wrote:

does sound exactly like the callers to right-wing talk radio shows, though.

You can stop projecting cheese head. You too farm boy.
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 09:48 am
may I just point out to you that it was you who started this particular bout of projecting?
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 10:48 am
layman wrote:

This quote is provided just for you, Finn. You probably knew that anyway. Obviously, no cheese-eater would ever understand it.

David Hume wrote:
“Disputes between men pertinaciously obstinate in their principles are the most irksome. The same blind adherence to their own arguments is to be expected in both; the same contempt of their antagonists; and the same passionate vehemence in enforcing sophistry and falsehood; and, as reasoning is not the source from whence either disputant derives his tenets, it is in vain to expect that any logic, which speaks not to the affections, will ever engage him to embrace sounder principles.”

At the very least ya gotta admit that's one long-ass sentence, eh? Maybe a record, who knows?

I don't know, I've displayed a remarkable aptitude for run-on sentences on numerous occasions in this forum, and I think I may even have topped Hume once or twice.
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 10:49 am
Hey, you made me laugh again!

Finn dAbuzz
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 10:51 am
I'm scheduled for heart surgery late this afternoon, but if you can give me a specific time, I'll see if I can re-schedule.
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 11:02 am
hightor wrote:

I, for one, am so grateful. Not only have you put thoughts in my head and words in my mouth, but most importantly, by pulling strings you've made my brain your marionette. And thank you for all the links to the revealed scriptures which I can regurgitate at will — at your will, of course. I like the way you've peopled this site with artificial "opponents" as well just to guarantee further discussion of the topics you, and you alone, choose for us.

I pledge allegiance.

Damn you Hightor, you set the bar pretty high. However, you shouldn't get too comfortable. I see your obsequiousness and raise you three skillfully worded outrageous over the top unctuous bits of flattery that are almost impossible to state aloud without laughing. I shall raise bootlicking to an art form, be afraid my friends, be very afraid.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 11:05 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
AS I recall, the record for a run-on sentence is now some 900 words long. Hume is not even in the running.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 11:30 am
You left out inveterate loser disorder and fucked up personality disorder....
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 11:58 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Hey, you made me laugh again!


Good answer, Finn. Hope your surgery goes well.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 12:01 pm
For about 50,000 examples of fucked-up personality disorder, check this out:

0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 12:10 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
I am sorry to hear that. I hope your heart surgery (I imagine you're already gone) goes good and your recovery as well.
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 12:16 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Best of luck on your surgery, Finn. We're all looking forward to your swift recovery.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 12:17 pm
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 12:18 pm
Heh, I don't think those three are kidding, Finn. Leftists have no sense of humor.

As even that hardcore commie, Chris Hitchens, observed:

Christopher Hitchens wrote:
One of the many problems with the American left, and indeed of the American left, has been its image and self-image as something rather too solemn, mirthless, herbivorous, dull, monochrome, righteous, and boring.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 12:18 pm
Trump’s business ties in Persian Gulf raise questions

LONDON — President Trump has done business with royals from Saudi Arabia for at least 20 years, since he sold the Plaza Hotel to a partnership formed by a Saudi prince. Mr. Trump has earned millions of dollars from the United Arab Emirates for putting his name on a golf course, with a second soon to open.

He has never entered the booming market in neighboring Qatar, however, despite years of trying.

Now a feud has broken out among these three crucial American allies, and Mr. Trump has thrown his weight firmly behind the two countries where he has business ties, raising new concerns about the appearance of a conflict between his public role and his financial incentives.

Mr. Trump has said he is backing Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates because Qatar is “a funder of terror at a very high level.” But his stance toward Qatar, which is host to the largest American air base in the region, has differed sharply from the positions of the Pentagon and State Department. The secretaries of defense and state have stayed neutral, urging unity against the common enemy of the Islamic State.

Mr. Trump is the first president in 40 years to retain his personal business interests after entering the White House. Other senior officials in the executive branch are required to divest their assets. Critics say his singular decision to hold on to his global business empire inevitably casts a doubt on his motives, especially when his public actions dovetail with his business interests.

“Other countries in the Middle East see what is happening and may think, ‘We should be opening golf courses’ or ‘We should be buying rooms at the Trump International,’” said Brian Egan, a State Department legal adviser under the Obama administration. “Even if there is no nefarious intent on behalf of the president or the Trumps, for a president to be making money from business holdings in sensitive places around the world is likely to have an impact.”

Sat 17 Jun, 2017 12:23 pm
Kinda like being a muslim marxist, like Obama, is "likely to have an impact," on his decisions, eh?
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 12:26 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

may I just point out to you that it was you who started this particular bout of projecting?

You're confused...I was speculating about a diagnosis... you're projecting...classic syndrome there cheese head.
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 12:31 pm
The APA is in the process of officially establishing a definition of, and identifying recognizable symptoms pertaining to, a new category of mental illness, eh, John?

It's called "leftism."

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