monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 17 Jun, 2017 05:16 am
Naughty boy, Jeff Sessions.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 05:37 am
...the US Senate passed by a vote of 98-2 what they called a “Russian sanction bill” that they spuriously claimed was in reaction to Russia’s never proven interference of the 2016 US presidential election...

"Sorcha Faal" is a fraud.

Sorcha Faal is the alleged author of an ongoing series of "reports" published at WhatDoesItMean.com, whose work is of such quality that even other conspiracy nutters don't think much of it. There is a high chance that "Sorcha Faal" is actually David Booth, the owner/operator of the website, or someone collaborating with him.

The primary audience of Sorcha Faal's reports and the only ones who take them seriously are usually other conspiracy theorists, but in a few cases the site has been noticed outside of the fringe, such as in 2016 when a few Russian news sites reported Sorcha's inane speculation as a straight news story.


Note the use of the phrase "never proven interference" — duh, the investigation is far from complete. You could just as easily claim that Russian interference has yet to be disproven.

More crap from the disinformation bot known as "gungasnake" — maybe it will tell us about pyramids and crop circles next.
Walter Hinteler
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 06:12 am
hightor wrote:
maybe it will tell us about pyramids and crop circles next.
Please let sleeping dogs lie.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 06:18 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
If I make you laugh, I'm glad I can't hear it because it might sound like someone unhinged - bad enough to read your written thoughts.

Why do you have to misrepresent what I say to argue with my position? The "thesis" you try to ascribe to me is bogus strawman bullshit.
I guess you have to do that to keep up your ridiculous, empty high dudgeon.

I never said and a reasonable person could not infer from what I said that the only resolution acceptable to me would be the absolute destruction of those of the opposite political view, or however you misstated my goal here.

What I have been saying here is that the right wing has contributed far more to hate speech and to an environment that makes violence more likely, than has the left. And that a reasonable and honest person would admit that.

There are reasonable people on the right - I see them all the time - who concede that point and still maintain their right-leaning convictions. They don't implode, or melt, or anything.

Hell,even Ted Nugent - whose words over the last 8 years have been some of the most reprehensible, but who doesn't strike me as a mental giant - seems to be admitting lately the excesses of his side.

You lament the imminent dissolution of the union. I don't know if I agree with that prediction, but I do agree that it would take some concessions from both sides to save it. I am willing to concede much, but not objective reality. It is fact that the right has contributed more to the destruction of civil discourse. The ubiquitousness of rightwing talk radio, the rise of the alt-right, and the increased prominence of extreme views in the republican mainstream is objective reality.

That you can't concede that says more about you than about me, or "my side".
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 06:36 am

Later today, I will be holding a meeting with all of you. We'll go around and, one at a time, you will proceed to describe how incredible this discussion thread has been under my leadership. You'll want to concentrate on how honored and blessed you are to be part of this effort.
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 06:38 am
snood wrote:
Why do you have to misrepresent what I say to argue with my position? The "thesis" you try to ascribe to me is bogus strawman bullshit.

Because Finn has no real point to argue, and unlike Gunga, Gooey and Oral he's smart enough to know that.
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 07:00 am
blatham wrote:


Later today, I will be holding a meeting with all of you. We'll go around and, one at a time, you will proceed to describe how incredible this discussion thread has been under my leadership. You'll want to concentrate on how honored and blessed you are to be part of this effort.

I'll make copious notes
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 07:06 am
I, for one, am so grateful. Not only have you put thoughts in my head and words in my mouth, but most importantly, by pulling strings you've made my brain your marionette. And thank you for all the links to the revealed scriptures which I can regurgitate at will — at your will, of course. I like the way you've peopled this site with artificial "opponents" as well just to guarantee further discussion of the topics you, and you alone, choose for us.

I pledge allegiance.
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 07:09 am
You all should be taking notes. And be sure to use a very expensive and beautiful pen. Looks better. You can all buy one down at the Trump Gift Shop I've just set up in the White House entry chamber.

0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 07:13 am

Now, who can do better?
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 07:17 am
Karen Handel — the Republican candidate in next week’s special election in Georgia’s 6th Congressional district — told a constituent with a lesbian daughter that her “faith calls her” to prevent the woman’s daughter from ever adopting a child.

Charles P. Pierce‏Verified account @CharlesPPierce 13h13 hours ago
Charles P. Pierce Retweeted Raw Story
She sounds nice.

0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 07:25 am
Joe Walsh‏Verified account @WalshFreedom 11h11 hours ago
Screw talks of 'bipartisanship.' This country is at war with itself. Choose your side and choose it now. Grab your musket and get ready.

Climb in your pickup truck, find a local baseball field and make America great again.
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 07:31 am
That Joe Walsh is a real 'Murican, I tell you.
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 07:44 am
For all the similarities between President Donald Trump’s Russiagate scandal (or, as I prefer to call it, Onion Dome) and Watergate—the special counsels; the Congressional hearings; the talk of obstruction of justice and secret tapes—there’s one parallel that is getting less attention.

In Watergate as in Onion Dome, defenders of the president plunged deep into conspiracy theory to explain away a growing body of evidence pointing to serious White House wrongdoing. Today, Trump surrogates deny Russian interference in the election and assert that U.S. intelligence agencies—portentously (and inaccurately) called the “Deep State”—are hoping to overturn the election results through leaks and fake news. And though it has largely been forgotten, some Nixon acolytes during and after Watergate pushed a very similar claim: that the CIA, the Pentagon or other entrenched government interests secretly conspired to oust Nixon for their own reasons, even as the news media trumpeted a phony narrative about the president’s guilt.
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 07:59 am
That Joe Walsh is a real 'Murican, I tell you.
He's now a conservative radio host. Of course he is.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 08:47 am
As special counsel Robert S. Mueller III widens his inquiry of Russia's role in the 2016 presidential campaign, it can be difficult to keep track of who is under investigation for what. The Fix is here to help.

The law enforcement investigation led by Mueller now has three known prongs, after The Washington Post reported Wednesday night that Mueller will interview senior intelligence officials to help determine whether President Trump attempted to obstruct justice.

I've broken down each of the three prongs below. Keep in mind that congressional committees are conducting investigations of their own: This post covers only the special counsel investigation. To better understand the others, check out Amber Phillips's guide.

The details are at WP. It is quite a bit of information, but interesting for those who want to keep it straight.
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 08:54 am

I wonder if some of us could diagnose the particular psychopathology displayed here where by the majority of these anti-Trumpers who are not citizens or even inhabitants of the USA. What specific personality disorder drives them to be so consumed with the affairs of my country but not of their own.

This may help:

"Behavior pathology exists when an individual's reactions are disordered. This means one or both of two things: the reactions are not justified by the external situation or they are ineffective in achieving desired results. There are three major categories of behavior disorders: neurosis, psychosis, and character disorders. A neurotic is a person who admits to being unhappy, behaves irrationally, and exhibits certain symptoms (tension, phobia, compulsion). The psychoses represent the most extreme forms of pathological reactions. Psychotics have poor contact with reality, behave peculiarly, are a danger to themselves or others, and are often unable to care for themselves. Persons suffering from character disorders behave, with little evidence of anxiety, in an immature, self-centered manner oblivious to the needs of others and society."
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 09:01 am
does sound exactly like the callers to right-wing talk radio shows, though.
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 09:03 am
oh, you man the witch hunt against the Clintons?
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 09:07 am
they somehow dont see the analogy. Clinton is righteous vengeance, Trumpty's is a witch hunt.

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