monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 16 Jun, 2017 09:49 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
It's a moot point that the tallies would not be "roughly equal". They wouldn't, but you wouldn't accept it as fact if it was certified by 100 accountants, blessed by the Pope and engraved on your ass. That's my rough estimate of the limits of your open-mindedness and honesty.
And just by the way - you left uncommented upon that this disgrace of a president encouraged physical violence from the podium during his campaign for the whole world to see. Even your welded-shut mind should understand that a party nominee was in a uniquely influential position to directly incite hateful acts - and that he undeniably did - some right in the very events where he spoke. That man's words did more than anyone else's to set the bar so disgustingly low for what's considered acceptable speech this recent political season. A sitting president counts as a hell of a lot more than just 'one' on a tally sheet for anyone who actually made a count.
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 10:08 pm
snood wrote:
It's a moot point that the tallies would not be "roughly equal". They wouldn't,

Clearly nearly all of the hatemongering comes from the Left.

snood wrote:
but you wouldn't accept it as fact if it was certified by 100 accountants, blessed by the Pope and engraved on your ass. That's my rough estimate of the limits of your open-mindedness and honesty.

If there were ever a subject that you have no business talking about.

snood wrote:
And just by the way - you left uncommented upon that this disgrace of a president encouraged physical violence from the podium during his campaign for the whole world to see. Even your welded-shut mind should understand that a party nominee was in a uniquely influential position to directly incite hateful acts - and that he undeniably did - some right in the very events where he spoke.

If you don't try to wreck a Trump rally with your hatemongering, you won't get roughed up by a justifiably irate crowd.

I guess if you can't figure out why you shouldn't take PCP and try to kill police officers, you won't figure that one out either.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 10:10 pm
Trump doesn't need to do anything right now, except stop the fuckin leaks by Moeller and his crew.

If I were him I would (or would have Sessions/Rosenstein) announce right now that Moeller will be fired for incompetency if he can't stop the leaks. Of course questions can also be raised about his conflicts of interests, and well as those attorneys hired by him who have been heavy supporters of, and donors to, the Democratic Party.

I would just lay back on the ropes and throw in the straight rights when the opportunity arises. No need to panic. Just chill, ya know?
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 10:22 pm
The thing is, this threat of legal prosecution is sapping energy from the Trump Administration. Plus these high-end lawyers aren't cheap. Not everyone who works for Trump is as wealthy as he is.

If Trump ends the legal threat now, so the only thing anyone has to worry about is congressional hearings, that would be of great benefit to everyone.
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 10:26 pm
Sure, if there were an acceptable way to do it. Issuing pardons would be a political disaster. It wouldn't "end" the matter, it would just make things worse, as far as "distractions" go. As you acknowledge, the hearings would continue. The thing to do is to say that's exclusively in the special prosecutor's hand, and let him **** around in secrecy for a year or two.

You can grant a pardon ANY time. No rush.

Fri 16 Jun, 2017 10:27 pm
If Chief Witchhunter Mueller is fired, the Democrats will tantrum and demand a new chief witchhunter be appointed.

Still, if I were Donald Trump, I'd have to think about which (between firing the asshole and simply pardoning everybody) would be more satisfying.

See here, asshole, I'm not firing you for being an asshole; I'm firing you for being a STUPID asshole...
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 10:33 pm
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 10:36 pm
If Trump ends the legal threat now, so the only thing anyone has to worry about is congressional hearings, that would be of great benefit to everyone.

The "legal" threat is small. The political threat is big. If I could only eliminate one of the two, the question of which one would be a no-brainer.
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 10:49 pm
If Trump tried pardoning everyone:

A. The FACTS would remain, and they're right now enough to get a completely bipartisan overwhelming condemnation of Russia and total undoing of Trump's present plans to do away with sanctions, even tho it is clear that the Russians meddled in the election and tried to alter election results in 30 states (they hopefully did hnot succees). Which makes the whole thing far from a witch hunt, but a TRUTH hunt, and putin is far from the side of truth (and Trump has never been truthful).

B. Congress is already working on ways to make sanctions that Trump cannot undo. That work would increase tenfold, and Trump would lose what little credibility he now has. He's pissed now that he can't stop the investigations, no matter what he does. If he tried that ****, they
'd just redouble again, and he'd lose what little credibility he has left (something like 68% of Americans think the Russians meddled, and the facts prove they
re right about that. If Trump takes the Russians side, he'll be gone in two months tops).

Fri 16 Jun, 2017 10:56 pm
As far as Mueller goes, even if he thought he had a criminal case against Trump that wouldn't be laughed out of court, there aint jack-**** he could do about it. He can't file charges against a serving President.

The democrats are front-runners, the kind that think they've done something great if they can get a lot of attention by being in the lead at the half-way point of the race. Those kind don't look so hot when they fade and cross the finish line way back in the pack.

They thought they had accomplished all they needed to when Hillary was leading in the polls (right up to, and including election day). They were congratulating themselves, in advance. Nice try, cheese-eaters.
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 11:04 pm
layman wrote:
Sure, if there were an acceptable way to do it. Issuing pardons would be a political disaster. It wouldn't "end" the matter, it would just make things worse, as far as "distractions" go.

I don't see how it would be a disaster or make things worse. Ending the threat of prosecution and the distraction/expense that poses would make things very much better.

layman wrote:
As you acknowledge, the hearings would continue.

Yes, but so what. Trump has the facts and the law on his side. The Constitution gives the President absolute power over the federal executive branch. There isn't anywhere the Democrats can go with that.

layman wrote:
The thing to do is to say that's exclusively in the special prosecutor's hand, and let him **** around in secrecy for a year or two.
You can grant a pardon ANY time. No rush.

If this bogs down the White House so they can't get anything done over those years, Trump won't get extra time added to his presidency once he is declared innocent. Whatever he might have achieved in those years will be lost.
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 11:07 pm
Yes, but so what. Trump has the facts and the law on his side. The Constitution gives the President absolute power over the federal executive branch. There isn't anywhere the Democrats can go with that.

Then there's no where Mueller can go with it either. Difference is, congress doesn't have to prove an actual crime under the strict rules of evidence which apply in a court in order to impeach.

I think you're putting WAY too much emphasis on the legal aspects here.

When I get charged with a crime, so long as I can make bail, things are good. No worries, they won't make the rap stick. Generally charges are just dropped within a few years, at most.

These bottom-feeding DA's will always charge you with a crime, even when they know they can't prove a case against you. They count on being able to threaten you with long time and intimidate you into pleading guilty, that's all.

Plead guilty!?

I don't think so! Homey don't play dat.
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 11:48 pm
layman wrote:
The "legal" threat is small. The political threat is big.

It seems the opposite to me. These special prosecutors get innocent people convicted of imaginary crimes.

Given a fair hearing of the facts, I don't see any political threat. And I think the Republicans will give Trump a fair hearing of the facts in Congress.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 11:49 pm
layman wrote:
As far as Mueller goes, even if he thought he had a criminal case against Trump that wouldn't be laughed out of court, there aint jack-**** he could do about it. He can't file charges against a serving President.

He can file charges against other members of the Trump Administration though, and cost them a lot of grief and legal expenses.

And he can immobilize the White House for years. Trump wants to achieve things. This will prevent him from doing so.
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 11:51 pm
layman wrote:
When I get charged with a crime, so long as I can make bail, things are good. No worries, they won't make the rap stick. Generally charges are just dropped within a few years, at most.

Scooter Libby was completely innocent. They convicted him anyway.
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 11:54 pm
MontereyJack wrote:
If Trump tried pardoning everyone:
A. The FACTS would remain,

Yes. Exactly.

The facts are that Trump is innocent of any wrongdoing.

MontereyJack wrote:
and they're right now enough to get a completely bipartisan overwhelming condemnation of Russia and total undoing of Trump's present plans to do away with sanctions, even tho it is clear that the Russians meddled in the election and tried to alter election results in 30 states (they hopefully did hnot succees).

Last I heard that big sanctions bill only passed the Senate, and the House was unsure if they even wanted to take it up.

Plus Germany is threatening a trade war with the US if those sanctions become law.

MontereyJack wrote:
Which makes the whole thing far from a witch hunt, but a TRUTH hunt,

No. When you try to convict innocent people of imaginary crimes, that's a witch hunt.

MontereyJack wrote:
B. Congress is already working on ways to make sanctions that Trump cannot undo. That work would increase tenfold,

See above.

MontereyJack wrote:
and Trump would lose what little credibility he now has.

I doubt that.

MontereyJack wrote:
He's pissed now that he can't stop the investigations, no matter what he does. If he tried that ****, they'd just redouble again,

They could investigate to their hearts' content. Post-pardons, no investigation would be able to damage anyone in the Trump Administration.

MontereyJack wrote:
and he'd lose what little credibility he has left

See above.

MontereyJack wrote:
(something like 68% of Americans think the Russians meddled, and the facts prove they're right about that. If Trump takes the Russians side, he'll be gone in two months tops).

Wrong. Absent any evidence that he was involved in wrongdoing, Trump is staying right where he is.

And no evidence of such wrongdoing is going to come to light, because Trump was never involved in any wrongdoing to begin with.
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 12:07 am
The day after the election:

Assassination threats against Trump flood Twitter

One user wrote that the “only” remaining question after Tuesday’s historic and polarizing election is who will “assassinate” Trump, who will be inaugurated on Jan. 20. Some users even cited that date as a deadline for the assassination. There’s even an #AssassinateTrump hashtag.


After just two weeks in office:

Over 12,000 tweets about assassinating Trump

In a Dataminr search of Twitter posts since Inauguration Day containing the phrase "assassinate Trump" more than 12,000 tweets came up.


It aint got no better. I wonder what the count is up to now, eh?

ISIS has proved, over and over and over, that incitement on social media produces concrete results. The cheese-eaters noticed.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 12:27 am
And what point is that? There has not been an exact item by item equality between the two sides over the last few decades?

Are you, and snood keeping score by awarding "hate points" to specific comments?

A) Holding up the bloody severed head of the president in an image published in the public media: 7 points (It was a comedic effort after all and the people who are upset about it need to stop whining a get a sense of humor!)

B) Running a political ad that depicts Paul Ryan pushing an old woman in a wheelchair over a cliff: 5 points (It's pretty damned close to the truth after all)

C) Publishing a Daily Kos piece that accuses Republicans of killing the poor to save enough money to give rich people a tax break: 6 points (See B for reasoning. 3 additional points awarded for the 20 or 30 other articles published in left-wing e-zines and blogs that say almost the exact same thing, such as the 5/4/17 "Salon" article by Chauncey Devega that claimed there is "new research" that reveals why Republicans hate poor and sick people.)

D) The production of "Killing Republicans-A Rock Opera" which is funded, in part, by the taxpayers of NYC and New York State is a musical that
centers on the assassinations of Republican presidents. The clever poster for this musical follows: Actually "Killing Republicans," despite its title, its marketing poster and the subject around which it based, is awarded -10 points because it actually addresses a very important question as eloquently expressed by the the play's writer and lyricist, Dick Zigun:

Zigun wrote:
“I wanted to explore why the Republican party, champions of blacks’ lives under Abraham Lincoln, has now completely flipped now (sic).”

Zigun also tweeted to the whole wide world that he doesn't condone violence...that's a relief. So it gets 10 negative points (which for this scoring system is a positive), because after all, any moron should be able to tell it's satire, and the writer swears he doesn't condone violence.


E) The tweets of Fresno State’s lecturer Lars Maischak, of which the following are examples:

“To save American democracy, Trump must hang. The sooner and the higher, the better.”

2 points. He's just a lecturer at a State college after all.

“Has anyone started soliciting money and design drafts for a monument honoring the Trump assassin, yet?”

8 points and highest rated hateful item. Hey, maybe it would be best for Trump to leave the national stage...permanently, but we can't have people talking about monuments to assassins!

“Justice = the execution of two Republicans for each deported immigrant.”

6 points. Geez this one really isn't very nice, but Republicans are trying to kill the poor, the sick and immigrants. Karma's a bitch after all.

“When California secedes, you Fascist Trump-voting white trash scum can wallow in your filthy hell-holes of flyover states. Enjoy.”

0 points. What's wrong with this one? The white trash supporters of Trump who are fascists, (and a whole lot of them are!) are scum.

“A democracy must not be tolerant of those who want to abolish democracy. It must vigorously defend itself. Ban the GOP.”

0 points. After all, oralloy wants to do the same to the Democrat party.

“Given the nature of his [Trump’s] regime, he will be held accountable for his crimes in a court, and historical precedent suggests that a death sentence is inevitable, if democracy prevails.”

0 points. We had to let camlok score one.

“If only Mary had had an abortion! We would have been spared this Clerical-Fascist crap. His Glory, my ass!”

0 points. Nothing wrong with abortion and Jesus is a fictional character, so don't get your panties in a twist! After all, the fascists of the Religious Right do present a dire threat to our nation and our freedoms. Falwell was no fictional character and Robinson and Jeffress ain't either.

H) At an LGBT Fundraiser in NYC, Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton let down her guard and told the audience that approx 25% of the American people (one half of Trump's supporters) numbering in the tens of millions, were deplorable and irredeemable human beings:

HRC wrote:
...you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables.’ Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that, and he has lifted them up.

7 points. It was nasty alright but hateful? She admitted she was being "grossly generalistic" and after she received sharp criticism for the comments, she did say she regretted them so were they really all that bad? After all, she was right...at least half of Trump's supporters are deplorable racists, sexists homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic -- you name it, and the other half are stupid marks who don't realize they are all being played by a despicable conman.

G) Candidate Donald Trump telling his supporters at one of his rallies that if they see someone getting ready to throw something at Trump or any of his supporters they should knock the crap out of the guy, and not to worry because he would pay the legal fees of anyone who did: [b]150,000 points[/b]. The guy was running for president of the United States for Chrissake and there he was encouraging his supporters to act violently towards someone about to take a violent action. It's atrocious and unprecedented! Yeah these other things are hateful and violent but none of them were running for POTUS when they said or did them, and no Democrat presidential candidate every encouraged his supporters to engage in violent acts.

Sure Robert Creamer a Democrat operative who worked for the Clinton campaign all but admitted in a hidden camera video that he engineered efforts to incite violence at Trump Rallies, but he wasn't the candidate after all, he just worked for her.

Sure George Wallace ran to be elected the Democrat nominee for POTUS in 1964, 1968, 1972 and 1976 and no liberal will deny that his campaign rhetoric was hate filled and, at the very least, teetered on the edge of actually calling for violence, but he never won the nomination despite giving his opponents a run for their money before an assassination attempt forced him to withdraw (though he won the Maryland and Michigan primaries after the shooting). No one, though, can find any evidence that Wallace actually urged his supporters to respond with violence to potentially violent disruptors at any of his campaign events. There were plenty of things that absolutely fall under the heading of hateful which he said and did during his career; including his campaigns for the Democratic nomination for POTUS, but none were exactly like what Trump did and so none of them are scored any points.

We could compile pages and pages of lists of the vile and hateful things people at both ends of the political spectrum have said and done over the years, and for many of them, their entries on the lists would include violence or incitement and/or encouragement of violence, but to what end? I've no doubt that you snood and other like minded members of this forum would want to continue the process until the thesis of which you are zealously convinced of was empirically proven, namely that Republicans and conservative are much worse people than Democrats and liberal and the frequency and severity of their hateful deeds and comments far, far exceeds that of those who oppose them.

I'm convinced that the numbers won't ever tell the story you want to believe, but you can knock yourself out trying. I certainly won't be lured into playing that game. More importantly though, even if we took days and enlisted the assistance of all the A2K members, if, at the end of the day, the lists demonstrated that the frequency of incidents was roughly equal between the two sides, you would still attempt to support and advance your thesis by arguing ad infinitum, often incredibly, that the severity of Democrat incidents was negligible in comparison to those of Republicans. The Molehill vs the Mountain scenario. Snood has already tried to make the case that the fact that there is no exact replica of Trump's given comments at one rally, that can be attributed to anyone running for president as a Democrat, proves his case, and you, in agreement, apparently believe that it is irrefutable.

The cute little addition to your comment of "...let's hope" is intended to imply that only someone mentally ill or devoid of principle would disagree, and is the perfect demonstration of the smug self assurance that makes further discussion of this matter pointless.

Sat 17 Jun, 2017 12:32 am
‘Hunt’ Republicans, says Union County Democrat in response to shooting

A longtime Democratic operative from Union County has responded to the Wednesday shooting of a congressman by calling for a “hunt” of Republicans.

“We are in a war with selfish, foolish & narcissistic rich people. Why is it a shock when things turn violent?” Devine posted on social media, ending the message with the hashtag: #HuntRepublicanCongressmen

“I have little sympathy for the Republican Congressman who got shot today because he viciously opposed President Obama’s effort to reduce gun violence and instead, he accepted more gun lobby money than all but 15 other members of the House of Representatives,” he said on Facebook.

Devine’s website notes that he has been working on Democratic campaigns for three decades.

| http://nj1015.com/hunt-republicans-says-union-county-democrat-in-response-to-shooting/?trackback=tsmclip

The hunt is on, eh? No shock, no sympathy, just a call for more violence. That's a lefty for ya, sho nuff.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jun, 2017 12:36 am
Impeachment is not decided in the courts. It's decided by a majority of the House. And it's in the Consittution, so a sitting president can clearly be impeached. No criminal case has to be fied, and no cort can judge it.

And to repeat it once again, since it still doesn't seem to have sunk in. Trump LOST the popular vote. Badly. It was only the anti-democratic electoral college that sleazed him in. He couldn't win it on his own. The country didn't want him. The country is rejecting all his initiatives. We don't want him, his lies, or the flimflam he's peddling. He should just resign now and spare the country the agony he's putting it through..

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