monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 16 Jun, 2017 05:40 pm
This is now a slow-moving version of Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre — but graver. It’s graver because the original crime — the Kremlin’s attempt to hack our elections in possible cahoots with some on the Trump campaign — has so much wider ramifications than an office break-in...

I know Democrats never tell the truth, but come on.

The original crime here was a couple campaign staffers' failure to register as a foreign agent. This witch hunt has nothing to do with any election hacking.

Anyway, pardons are far preferable to firing. If Chief Witchhunter Mueller is fired, the Democrats can keep pressuring for a new chief witchhunter to be appointed. If Trump just pardons everyone, there is nothing the Democrats can do to undo those pardons.
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 05:40 pm
Today's leading entry in our "Money Makes The World Go Round" series
Matthew Yglesias‏Verified account @mattyglesias 5h5 hours ago
Can’t travel to Cuba because human rights but here’s a $100 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia, global champion of freedom.
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 05:49 pm
I don't recall any cheese-eaters showing outrage about this NYT report, eh?:

An examination by The New York Times, based on interviews with more than 30 current and former law enforcement, congressional and other government officials, found....that at one point, President Obama himself was reluctant to disclose the suspected Russian influence in the election last summer, for fear his administration would be accused of meddling.

His misgivings were only fueled by the discovery last year of a document written by a Democratic operative that seemed — at least in the eyes of Mr. Comey and his aides — to raise questions about [Lynch's] independence. In a bizarre example of how tangled the F.B.I. investigations had become, the document had been stolen by Russian hackers.

During Russia’s hacking campaign against the United States, intelligence agencies could peer, at times, into Russian networks and see what had been taken. Early last year, F.B.I. agents received a batch of hacked documents, and one caught their attention.

The document, which has been described as both a memo and an email, was written by a Democratic operative who expressed confidence that Ms. Lynch would keep the Clinton investigation from going too far, according to several former officials familiar with the document.

The document complicated that calculation, according to officials. If Ms. Lynch announced that the case was closed, and Russia leaked the document, Mr. Comey believed it would raise doubts about the independence of the investigation.


They knew the russians could expose Lynch's obstruction of justice, so Comey had to cover for her and pretend to "make the decision himself," eh? Much, much more there about Lynch (and presumably Obama) attempting "obstruct justice" by impeding the Clinton investigation in that story.

As far as the Democrats and the FBI colluding with the russians to smear Trump while hiding their involvement goes, the article says this:

Mr. Steele had been a covert agent for MI6 in Moscow, maintained deep ties with Russians and worked with the F.B.I., but his claims were largely unverified. It was increasingly clear at the F.B.I. that Russia was trying to interfere with the election.

[Comey] proposed writing an op-ed piece to appear in The Times or The Washington Post, [which].... laid out how Russia was trying to undermine the vote. The president replied that going public would play right into Russia’s hands by sowing doubts about the election’s legitimacy. Mr. Trump was already saying the system was “rigged,” and if the Obama administration accused Russia of interference, Republicans could accuse the White House of stoking national security fears to help Mrs. Clinton. The op-ed idea was quashed.

Mr. Steele met his F.B.I. contact in Rome in early October, bringing a stack of new intelligence reports....The agent said that if Mr. Steele could get solid corroboration of his reports, the F.B.I. would pay him $50,000 for his efforts, according to two people familiar with the offer.

The FBI was willing to pay $50,000 to a guy who "maintained deep ties with Russians" in order to "get the goods," on Trump, eh? Problem was, the guy and his russian homeys had no goods to give, so they just leaked the story later.

No problem at all with any of THAT, eh, cheese-eaters? Just shut the **** up.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 06:08 pm
Yeah he's quite the humanitarian, our resident plump.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 06:36 pm
Yeah, right, eh? Like that's gunna stop these cheese-eaters from publishing, then endlessly repeating, fake news, eh, Rosenstein?

Rosenstein warns Americans to 'exercise caution' about anonymous reports

"Americans should exercise caution before accepting as true any stories any stories attributed to anonymous 'officials,'" Rosenstein said in a statement, "particularly when they do not identify the country — let alone the branch or agency of government — with which the alleged sources supposedly are affiliated."

Though Rosenstein's statement did not reference the Russia investigation specifically, it was released hours after the Washington Post reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating Jared Kushner — Trump's senior adviser and son-in-law — over his finances and business dealings.

Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller, did not comment on the Post report when reached by Fox News, but did say that the special counsel's office "has undertaken stringent controls to prohibit unauthorized disclosures that deal severely with any member who engages in this conduct.

Yeah, right, eh, Mueller? FIVE leakers from your office on one report in one day. Now that's "stringent control," sho nuff, eh?
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 06:55 pm
Yeah, right, eh, Mueller? FIVE leakers from your office on one report in one day. Now that's "stringent control," sho nuff, eh?

If Mueller wants to try to blame this on congress (not sayin he does), then he should make it a policy to NEVER tell congress anything about his investigations. Congress has much less "right" to interfere with his investigation by disclosing information that compromises it than Trump does.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 07:12 pm
Now that's just plain WRONG, eh, cheese-eaters?:

Waterboarding'a most effective use, say current and former CIA officials, was in breaking Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, known as KSM.

"KSM lasted the longest under waterboarding, about a minute and a half, but once he broke, it never had to be used again," said a former CIA official familiar with KSM’s case.

KSM subsequently confessed to a number of ongoing plots against the United States.

A senior CIA official said KSM later admitted it was only because of the waterboarding that he talked.


Letting a savage killer "suffer" for whole damned minute and a half, just to get information about ongoing murder plots against the U.S.!?

Despicable, I tellya!! Indefensible. Every member of the CIA should be hanged for war crimes!
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 07:25 pm
This guy has RIGHTS, dammit!

0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 08:23 pm
Robert Mueller expands special counsel office, hires 13 lawyers

(CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has brought 13 lawyers on board to handle the Russia investigation, with plans to hire more, according to his spokesman Peter Carr.


13 LAWYERS? Probably being paid $500+ an hour? All at taxpayer expense? With more coming?

For what!?

Lawyers don't investigate. They prosecute cases. Mueller must plan to file a shitload of charges immediately, eh? They investigation part must be over.
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 08:27 pm
Lawyers do everything. They investigate. They're good at digging up hidden facts. Don't get on their bad side, or they'll find out all those embarrassing things you did when you were 17, 23, and 29 that you've been trying to hide ever since. Just sayin'.
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 08:39 pm
Lawyers do everything.

From what I've seen, bottom-feeders don't do much of anything past sending out phony billing invoices, eh?
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 08:39 pm
Republicans are poised to take the unprecedented step of passing a sweeping piece of legislation — a bill to eliminate health insurance from millions of Americans....

Translation into plain English: Republicans are poised to free millions of Americans from the grief which was brought about by the catastrophically ill-conceived program of obungacare, and provide those same people with decent and affordable healthcare.

For they (Republicans) are jolly good fellow's,
for they are jolly good fellows,
for they are jolly good fellows,
which nobody can deny.
Which nobody can deny,
which nobody can deny........
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 08:47 pm
This is now a slow-moving version of Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre — but graver. It’s graver because the original crime — the Kremlin’s attempt to hack our elections in possible cahoots with some on the Trump campaign — has so much wider ramifications than an office break-in...

If Blatherskite actually believes that ****, he is mentally deranged and should be seeking help. Donald Trump would like to establish decent normal relations with Russia and China and is being prevented from that by the antics of these stupid SOBs and this ridiculous claim of collusion, whatever that's supposed to mean.

Fri 16 Jun, 2017 08:54 pm
Robert Mueller expands special counsel office, hires 13 lawyers

This guy is trying to move from a witch hunt to a full-blown Inquisition. Donald Trump needs to fire his ass immediately.
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 09:02 pm
How do you extablish "decent, normal relations
with someone whose politicalrivals have a tendency to die suddenly, who directed a cmapign of disinformation aimed at Trump, who bought it unquestioningloy, who ran an operation that hacked our elections and tried to change the outcomes in some 30 states? (we hope they didn't succeed). That spreads lies around the world, and trries to change other countries elections too. That has close ties with Russian oligarchs and is one himself. You've shown repeatedly you uncricitiacally worship the ground he walks on. You're the delusional one, snaKKKe.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 09:08 pm
You really buy tht horseshit? Trumpcare will not cover everybody, contrary to his promises. It'll cost more. It'll price millions out of the market, and it won't cover preexisting conditions, which means further millions won't be able to get coverage. It had the support of a whopping 17%, that's SEVENTEEN PERSCENT of the American public, because it's a LIE from start to finish. But you bought into it. Better hope you never have to rely on it, or you will be truly and royally screwed.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 09:09 pm
gungasnake wrote:
This is now a slow-moving version of Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre — but graver. It’s graver because the original crime — the Kremlin’s attempt to hack our elections in possible cahoots with some on the Trump campaign — has so much wider ramifications than an office break-in...

If Blatherskite actually believes that ****, he is mentally deranged and should be seeking help. Donald Trump would like to establish decent normal relations with Russia and China and is being prevented from that by the antics of these stupid SOBs and this ridiculous claim of collusion, whatever that's supposed to mean.

I'm sure Blatham believes it, but those aren't Blatham's words. That was one of those things where Blatham quotes a Leftist intellectual and yells "Look everyone! I think what the smart people think!"

As for the witch hunt, that is easily dealt with by pardoning all the people who the Democrats are targeting (including Trump himself). Once someone is pardoned, the legal case against them is over just like that. And there is nothing the Democrats can do to undo the pardon.

Congress could still hold hearings to investigate the matter themselves, but that's no big deal. Since there is nothing to this case to begin with, the hearings will go nowhere. And with the threat of legal prosecutions ended, the White House can get back on track doing the business of the American people.
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 09:14 pm
gungasnake wrote:
This guy is trying to move from a witch hunt to a full-blown Inquisition. Donald Trump needs to fire his ass immediately.

If Chief Witchhunter Mueller is fired, the Democrats will tantrum and demand a new chief witchhunter be appointed.

I have no problem ignoring (or mocking) Democratic tantrums, but technically the threat will remain in the background.

If President Trump pardons himself and the other targets of the witch hunt, the legal case against them is instantly and irrevocably over and there is no way for the Democrats to undo it.
Finn dAbuzz
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 09:18 pm
Apparently an understanding of "roughly equal" slipped your mind as well...if it was ever there to begin with.

Have you been keeping a tick sheet of all the hateful things said by public figures over the last 40 years? You certainly comment as if you have. Why not share your precise tallies with us?
Fri 16 Jun, 2017 09:37 pm

Pardons Pardons Pardons Pardons Pardons Pardons Pardons Pardons Pardons

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is investigating the finances and business dealings of Jared Kushner, President Trump's son-in-law and adviser, as part of the investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

0 Replies

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