monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 14 Jun, 2017 01:41 pm
I heard that Kathy Griffin was being investigated. Are they/he/she being investigated?
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 01:44 pm
I agree, the hatred has gotten out of hand (on all sides) and we on the left need to be loud and clear (for our part) in denouncing it.

I don't hear it from you folks, rev, and it has caused the deaths of millions, also for which I have never heard any measure of sorrow, regret, anger, all the things that decent human beings feel and express.

That hatred was out of control come Setember 12, 2001, and you lot never did diddly squat to control it. Were you right in there fomenting that hatred that supported the deaths of those millions?
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 01:56 pm
This is sad to see going on at Berkeley.
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 02:37 pm
About that bet, I forgot to add what I said before:
Quote Blickers:
Like I said, you're on. Produce the post in 2012 where I said what you said I did, and I will send $25 to the charity of YOUR choice and post a pic of the receipt on here for all to see.

As I said in a previous post, if you can't produce the post where I said what you claim I did, then you send a $25 contribution to the charity of MY choice.

How about it?
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 02:43 pm
Give up an unalienable right??? Well why don't we give them all up.

The Second Amendment is not just about resisting tyranny it's about the responsibility of the individual to participate in his own defense.

Leave it to liberals to want to curtail your rights. It never ends.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 03:40 pm
Powerful stuff from Victor Davis Hanson


And yet, for all that and more, Barack Obama certainly did not warrant articles of impeachment; he was not unhinged, nor did he offer any evidence of medical incapacity. He would not deserve to have his family smeared with jokes about incest or autism. Any Madonna-like talk of blowing him up in the White House would have been obscene, perhaps illegal, and probably grounds for prosecution.

We are now watching insidious regime change, aimed at removing the president of the United States not because of what he has done so far, but because of his personality and what he might do to the Obama agenda — and because for a variety of cultural reasons, our elite simply despises his very being.

And this from Kevin D Williamson who is clearly not a supporter of Donald J. Trump


The president has not been in office for a year, and already there is talk of impeachment.

He is a man of means, in his seventies, and accustomed to getting his way. He seems genuinely confused by the situation. He came into office after seeing off a corrupt and venal woman — one he had once supported — promising a new beginning, a restoration, an act of national salvation in which the good of the people was finally to be given precedence over the desires of the elites.

Immediately, there was trouble. There were relationships — and payments — that didn’t look quite right, and a hostile press gleefully digging into them. High government officials came forward with claims that the president had pressured them to do favors for political allies. The words “obstruction of justice” began to be spoken with some anger. There was talk of covertly recorded conversations, and federal authorities sought documents that might or might not establish presidential wrongdoing.

Congratulations, America: You have at last, after all these years, transformed yourself into Brazil.

The doings in Washington have a distinctly tropical feel to them, and it isn’t global warming. Republicans who rallied to Trump are now learning that it is very difficult to steer the ship of state with one middle finger. American institutions are very robust, and this moment’s banana-republic stuff probably can be digested, provided there is not too much more of it. But there is no sign that Democrats will be satisfied with paralyzing the administration — at the grassroots, it is plain they will be satisfied with nothing less than driving him from office, and maybe not even with that.

But that is not how constitutional, democratic republics work.

There's still time for the hysteria to dissipate and for statesmen and/or stateswomen to rise above this hot mess, but I'm not betting on it. This is going to be ugly all the way through, and either way that it is resolved, the nation will be more divided than it already is.

The Democrats and their MSM allies clearly don't care if the way they handle this really angers large swathes of the American people. They're not trying to convince those who voted for Trump that perhaps they made a mistake. They wrote those people off during the campaign and they haven't changed their approach now even though in large measure it cost them the White House. As noted, the Republicans made this mistake in pursuing Clinton's impeachment and perhaps it will backfire on the Democrats too, but I'm sure they are convinced that Trump's disapproval rating is climbing and won't stop doing so, that the tsunami of innuendo and unproven claims they've engineered will wash away not only Trump, but the Republican Party and millions of deplorable Americans.

Before I saw video of the unstoppable tsunamis that devastated Indonesian islands in 2004 and Fukushima Japan in 2011, I always envisioned them as mountains of roiling water falling on the seaside towns and villages in their path, as depicted in the iconic woodblock print The Great Wave off Kanagawa by the artist Katsushika Hokusai. l learned though that tsunamis reaching as much as 100 feet in height are created, not by earthquakes, but more likely by volcanoes that hurl enormous boulders into the air that coming crashing back into the ocean (a la the giant tsunami that swept over a 100 ft lighthouse when Krakatoa literally blew it's top). The tsunami being created by Trump's opposition enemies is like one created by an earthquake. No spectacular towering crest crashing down on it's victims like the Great Wave off Kanagawa, but an incredibly powerful and deceptive juggernaut of ocean water sweeping enormous masses of mud and debris ahead of itself and destroying everything in its path.

I sure hope Mueller is the honest straight shooter so many claim him to be, but the last time I heard those accolades, they were about Comey; so I'm not sanguine about his impartiality. If this thing turns out looking like a purely political power grab, with no real there there, this country is going to be in for a very rough ride.

I'm no huge fan of Trump, although I don't hold the level of animus towards him that Williamson does, but like Williamson, I think the whole thing reeks, and if Trump is deposed without clear and convincing evidence of wrongdoing that amounts to more than incompetence, lousy judgment and a very unpleasant personality, I will stand as an enraged citizen. What I can do about or will do about it, I've no idea at present, but I'm sure there will be those who will make convincing suggestions.

The argument that Bill Clinton's impeachment was nothing but a purely political power play doesn't hold much weight with me even if it is absolutely accurate. The Democrats may feel like they are owed the impeachment of a Republican president, but the country isn't. The voters are owed the president they elected and if he is truly and seriously unfit for office (and not because he's a crude and nasty s.o.b. who says mean things about people and won't advance the progressive political agenda) they are owed the proper working of the system to remove him from power.

Wed 14 Jun, 2017 03:53 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
A powerful and persuasive post, Finn. But, sorry to say, I have to agree with you about this also:

There's still time for the hysteria to dissipate and for statesmen and/or stateswomen to rise above this hot mess, but I'm not betting on it.

It takes many years for a baby to grow to maturity. It doesn't, and can't, just magically happen overnight. But when an individual has reached the age of 50, and yet continues to mimic a baby (like the MSM and the typical "progressive"), then all hope for eventual maturity seems utterly pollyannish.
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 03:58 pm
A person should certainly be past the baby stage by age 70, eh?
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 04:02 pm
Well, I've always thought it would be quite entertaining if the wrestling promoters would televise a "cage match" using all three year olds, eh, Rog?
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 04:06 pm
revelette1 wrote:

I agree, the hatred has gotten out of hand (on all sides) and we on the left need to be loud and clear (for our part) in denouncing it.

Yes, we should be clear in denouncing the attack.

Also, before reading the thoughts of pundits from either side, it would worth reading the eye witness accounts from people like Rand Paul. It was a nightmare, even for those who weren't injured.
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 04:18 pm
It's nice to see some people in this thread finally actively denouncing the violence of the left instead of just ignoring it or tacitly attempting to justify it by confining their commentary to attempts to show how "vile" the victims of it are.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 04:26 pm
Blickers wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Plenty of evidence though that Bill Clinton committed perjury, witness tampering, and obstruction of justice.

In a case about whether he had a mistress.

I just don't get this idea that it is OK to commit felonies so long as it is to cover up sex.

And how far does this idea extend? Is it OK to murder a nun to keep her silent if she witnessed an adulterous act?

Blickers wrote:
And there were no criminal charges.

It would have been futile. The Democrats were outraged that someone would dare to tell Bill Clinton to obey the law. We would have needed to find a way to exclude all Democrats from the jury.

Blickers wrote:
Trump is filling his campaign and Administration with Putin adherents and people right off Putin's damn payroll, and we're supposed to be the leader of the FREE world. What a stinking disgrace this Trump is.

It is perfectly reasonable for a president to seek better relations with Russia.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 04:34 pm
Blickers wrote:
First, good read. I mistakenly put my own quote in the quote in the quote box when I meant to put Baldimo's. Which is why I accidentally posted my words as coming from Baldimo. Glad to see you knew I posted that, not Baldimo. Apologies to Baldimo for the error.

I always preview my posts before submitting them. And then after hitting submit I review them again. It is amazing the way errors suddenly jump out at you *after* submitting a post. I don't know why those little errors are not so clear before submitting, but the difference is amazing.

You have 15 minutes after submitting a post to edit it. So if you review immediately after hitting submit you can fix most of the errors when they pop out at you.

Blickers wrote:
LOVE the way all court rulings automatically become illegitimate and legally invalid as soon as they contradict your position. You have a real talent for that.

It is a consequence of my always basing my position on reality and what the law says. It means that when people disagree with me, they tend to also disagree with either the facts or the law.

Blickers wrote:
Even in the unlikely event the Supreme Court overturns the lower court, (which is difficult to envision, in that Rudolph Giuliani had a hand in crafting the order, and he called it a "Muslim ban" a day or two before the order was issued),

It is quite easy to envision. All they have to do is rule that whether someone called it a Muslim ban is completely irrelevant. We'll have to see how they ultimately rule, but given that the Supreme Court tends to value facts and the law, such a ruling is quite likely.

Blickers wrote:
the fact is that the lower courts overturned it, and the reason was they thought it was unconstitutional. So to Baldimo's question as to how noncitizens can have Constitutional rights, there it is. Discrimination against immigrants is unconstitutional if it is based on religion.

I think Baldimo was hoping for an explanation based on facts and law though. These lower court rulings completely disregard both.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 04:40 pm
Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say

The special counsel overseeing the investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 election is interviewing senior intelligence officials as part of a widening probe that now includes an examination of whether President Trump attempted to obstruct justice, officials said.

The move by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III to investigate Trump’s own conduct marks a major turning point in the nearly year-old FBI investigation, which until recently focused on Russian meddling during the presidential campaign and on whether there was any coordination between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.

The obstruction of justice investigation into the president began days after Comey was fired on May 9, according to people familiar with the matter.


If this is true, then Mueller should either resign or recuse himself from any involvement with deciding whether the firing of Comey, his longtime close friend, was "proper." That Comey has his own personal "ax to grind" is beyond question.

Any bets on whether he will?

Any bets on whether democratic politicians will insist that he do?
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 04:44 pm
This is sad to see going on at Berkeley.
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 04:45 pm
nimh wrote:
In what parallel universe were Truman, JFK and LBJ cheering on the Soviets rather than waging a Cold War against them?

I can't fault their acts. The problem was with other Democrats. For instance the Democrats lynched Nixon to stop him from protecting South Vietnam, and then under a weakened President Ford the Democrats cut off all aid to South Vietnam so that the Communists could overrun them.

Then later under Reagan the Democrats tried to cut off aid to the Contras so the Communists could overrun Central America. Luckily Reagan wasn't as weak as Ford was after Nixon was lynched, so he was able to keep aid flowing to the Contras and Central America was saved.

nimh wrote:
That doesn't make any sense. Liberals and leftists are quite aware that Russia hasn't been remotely communist for 26 years. They're concerned it's becoming a fascist dictatorship instead, and meddling in the US elections to boot.

No. The Democrats are not concerned about Russia at all. Their supposed concern is all fake. All they care about is harming Trump because he disagrees with them.

nimh wrote:
The US has done plenty of meddling in other countries' elections as well of course, but to their credit, a lot of US leftists were opposed to that as well; and two wrongs don't make a right.

What is the alleged wrong here?

Were Bill Clinton and Barack Obama wrong to try to get Netanyahu voted out of office in Israel?
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 04:49 pm
Lash wrote:
Republican lawmakers shot this morning.

I knew these Democrats were willing to go way over the line when they started abusing the law to try to convict innocent people on untrue charges, but I didn't think they'd go as far as trying to murder people.

I'll say it again. We need to outlaw the Democratic Party in America.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 04:56 pm
All these statements from people familiar with the matter is just more detritus being swept along by the tsunami. Hell, I read newspapers, I'm familiar with the matter. WaPo should contact me for my insight.

You notice how they never refer to these comments as "alleged?" WaPo must have the world's only Truthometer as part of the hotline system they've installed for use by dark state operatives...or the reporter's brother-in-law who is as familiar with the matter as I am.

Half the world could watch someone mow down a choir of singing nuns with an Uzi and WaPo reporters would refer to him as the alleged murderer, but speople familiar with the matter? Gospel.
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 05:02 pm
maporsche wrote:
Lash wrote:
Yeah, you'll get it with a car or a pub stabbing.

Which, you full well know, is less deadly (on a massive scale) than firearms.

Nonsense. Gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.

And when it comes to accidents, car accidents kill FAR more people than gun accidents.

maporsche wrote:
You know something like 25,000 people die from firearms in the USA each year.

They'd be just as dead if they were killed with knives.

maporsche wrote:
I'm a gun owner, but there's no denying how deadly they are and the price that America chooses to pay for this freedom.

Since it isn't true, it is actually quite easy to deny it.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 05:04 pm
maporsche wrote:
Lash wrote:
When people decide to murder, they find a way.

Sure Lash. Sure.
Some countries make that 'way' much easier and much more deadly though.

Strange how gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.
0 Replies

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