blatham wrote:
“It would be inappropriate for me to answer and reveal private conversations with the president when he has not had a full opportunity to review the questions and to make a decision on whether or not to approve such an answer,” Sessions told Democratic Sen. Martin Heinrich during a contentious exchange.
This whole sideshow is a joke. Sessions is right. He couldn't know what questions were going to be asked about privileged conversations with Trump. Is Trump supposed to be there too, sitting next to him like a lawyer, telling Sessions whether or not to answer each particular question?
If Sessions doesn't want to answer voluntarily, then congress can "order" him to answer. If he refuses they could try to hold him in contempt by filing a lawuit in the courts, where they would lose.
Trump should avoid this bullshit in the future by just telling every witness not to answer any questions pertaining to conversations with him when conducting official executive branch affairs.
The joke is senators getting all indignant about not getting answers to their improper grandstanding questions which they have no business asking in the first place. It's all for show. They know better than to try to "force" an answer. They would just end up looking even more petty and stupid than they have already shown themselves to be.