farmerman wrote:so you dont think that ANY merit is derived from ferreting out how Russia hacked our election?
You aren't trying to do that. There is no effort to learn and secure future elections here. You are only trying to harm the Trump Administration with spurious prosecutions.
farmerman wrote:You just want Trump to be relieved of any association, even if hes got **** on his hnds??
It is already clear that Trump has done nothing wrong.
And yes, I want the Trump Administration to be free of spurious prosecutions.
farmerman wrote:As far as NO evidence, THATS what the investigation is about.
Not this investigation. The only thing this investigation is about is abusing the law to injure people who disagree with the Democrats.
farmerman wrote:Why yo acting so damn jumpy???
I have a natural revulsion to seeing innocent people harmed.
Why are you so eager to harm innocent people?
farmerman wrote:Scared theyre gonna find something out HMMM?
I know for a fact that they will not find something on Trump. The evidence is already in on that count.
I do fear they will abuse prosecutorial discretion and prosecute Flynn and Manafort for minor offenses that should never have been prosecuted.
And given that the special prosecutor maliciously prosecuted Scooter Libby when he knew he was innocent, and got him convicted on those bogus charges, I fear more innocent people will be convicted.
And then there is all the energy that you are sapping from the Trump Administration. If Trump's time in office were to be lengthened for every day you waste on these spurious prosecutions (with the time ultimately made up by reducing the term of the next Democratic president), maybe it wouldn't matter so much. But as it stands now your spurious prosecutions are just obstructing Trump's agenda.
farmerman wrote:The diff between this and Clinton is that even th Dems were calling for CLintons hoist. Remember it was CONGRESS that bcked off finding him accountable.
The Democrats were outraged that someone would dare to suggest that Clinton wasn't above the law. They wanted him to get away with all of his crimes and they got their way.
farmerman wrote:With Trump, you guy are claiming sainthood for Trumpty even before the investigation i barely underway.
It is abundantly clear that Trump has done nothing wrong.
It is also abundantly clear that you are abusing the law just to harm someone who disagrees with you.
farmerman wrote:Relaaaaaax, it may be a bumpy ride but either way, we will be entering a new age of cyber security from having been burnt good.
Nothing is being done here to learn and better secure future elections. The only thing you are trying to do is launch spurious prosecutions against innocent people.