monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 13 Jun, 2017 08:52 pm
Quote Baldimo:
Jeez, don't you even read the news before you comment on anything? It was ruled a Muslim ban, which is unconstitutional.
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 08:53 pm
so you dont think that ANY merit is derived from ferreting out how Russia hacked our election?

What about Tinkerbell and the Easter Rabbit?? You don't think they were in on it as well???
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 09:08 pm
A must read!:

When faced with the choice between “resistance” and its meal ticket, Broadway backs down.

http://www.nationalreview.com/article/448574/broadway-donald-trump-obsession-julius-caesar-shakespeare-parkWhen faced with the choice between “resistance” and its meal ticket, Broadway backs down.

Two corporate sponsors have fled Eustis’s staging of the current Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar because of its undisguised Trump trolling.

In the past I have resisted and criticized boycotts and the pressuring of sponsors in regards to political expressions, but no more.

The "Trump trolling" referred to is found in the Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar wherein Caesar is unmistakably presented as Donald Trump:

(The play's director) Eustis even has Donald J. Caesar make a joke about murder on Fifth Avenue, in case costuming his raucous fans in MAGA caps and American-flag shirts had left any doubt about Eustis’s intentions.

Not surprisingly, corporate sponsors Delta Airlines and Bank of America felt depicting the bloody assassination of a sitting president was more artistic license than they felt comfortable paying for. The article doesn't address the decision making of the sponsors, but I understand that it was not in response to an outcry from offended consumers. If it's the case, that's great. It's nice to know that two corporations in which I own stock have a sensible executive management team that doesn't want to insult and offend half of their customer base. However if it was in response to external pressure, that's good too. The Left has been employing this tactic for years and it's been effective. Turn about is fair play.

Recently Ace the blogger at Ace of Spades HQ (http://ace.mu.nu/) published a column entitled "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum -- Again" or "If You Want Peace, Prepare For War--Again" for those of us who don't know latin. In it, Ace argues that the strategy of not emulating the tactics of the Left,which he has endorsed for several years now, is not working. I totally agree.

...the current policy of "unilateral disarmament, and hope that the Monster Babies will learn from our example" is a total, dismal, catastrophic failure.


Apparently the recent, disgusting actions of a mob at Everygreen State College was the tipping point for him. Recall this began with students storming the classroom of a progressive biology professor Bret Weinstein because he had the audacity (more like courage) to criticize the efforts of a group at the school to have white students and faculty leave the campus at an annual event which, in the past, found black students and faculty meeting off campus for a day or two to reflect on and discuss issues of race. Weinstein also refused to leave that day and so he was challenged by a mob who hurled obscenities and threats at him. The next day the mob stormed the president's office and the same unruly, filth laden "dialogue" was held. Here's a video of the confrontation. It will give you some idea of how badly the educational system has failed these students. They are incoherent and frankly moronic and to call them uncivil is the understatement of the year. At one point, out of doors, a student displays what amounts to near illiteracy in reading some text. It's a sad and painful scene.

The college president says he wasn't in any fear during the occupation and was entirely comfortable (If that's true the man must mainline valium on a daily basis) having a "conversation" with the kids. He did add that he was "immensely disappointed" in the students who stormed Weinstein's classroom and that those involved "could be punished" (Yeah right).


Ace just as well might have referenced the Donald J Caesar production in Central Park.

While there have been progressive pundits and academics who have spoken out against the clearly unacceptable trampling of free speech on campuses, most seem to have waited until their own ox was gored and in any case, the mad scientists obviously can't control the monsters they have created. What a shock! Applauding (forget about condemning) stunts like the Eustace Shakespeare production or Kathy Griffen's idiotic attempt at humor is encouraging uncivil behavior, not quelling it.

Refusal to spend money sponsoring productions in which POTUS is stabbed to death in a bloody scene of violence is not censorship. Eustace and his cast should be and are free to stage such "artful expressions," but they have no right to corporate or for that matter public funding that is somehow morally invulnerable to morality and politically based efforts to see that they don't get it. Ken Style, the author of the National Review piece, suggests that the Tony Awards were far more politically subdued than the other self-honoring events we've seen since Trump was elected and it was because of the withdrawal of funding by Delta and BOA. I didn't watch the show so I can't comment on whether or not any restraint was evident, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was and a result of the "artists" fear of the potential diminishment of their fabulous lifestyles. So many of them talk a good Marxist game at lavish penthouse parties, but upon consideration of the possibility of having to replace the Dom Perignon with Lime-a-Ritas has a way or causing the artistes among the 1% to get a glimpse of economic reality.

Conservatives have essentially surrendered to liberals in the American Culture War and it has given a tremendous advantage to the ideology with which they strongly disagree. It's time to fight back and with some of same weapons used against us. I'm no where near the point where I would condone using the tactics of the campus mobs, but economic pressure? Absolutely.

Hit 'em where it hurts most.

Tue 13 Jun, 2017 09:20 pm
Blickers wrote:
Absolutely nothing in any of your subsequent posts proves that Bill Clinton did that.

Plenty of evidence though that Bill Clinton committed perjury, witness tampering, and obstruction of justice.
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 09:24 pm
Jeez, don't you even read the news before you comment on anything? It was ruled a Muslim ban, which is unconstitutional.

Crackpot rulings from lower courts don't count for anything. The Supreme Court is going to consider things like "reality" and "what does the law actually say" when they come up with their ruling.
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 09:40 pm
First, good read. I mistakenly put my own quote in the quote in the quote box when I meant to put Baldimo's. Which is why I accidentally posted my words as coming from Baldimo. Glad to see you knew I posted that, not Baldimo. Apologies to Baldimo for the error.

Quote orally:
Crackpot rulings from lower courts don't count for anything. The Supreme Court is going to consider things like "reality" and "what does the law actually say" when they come up with their ruling.

LOVE the way all court rulings automatically become illegitimate and legally invalid as soon as they contradict your position. You have a real talent for that.

Even in the unlikely event the Supreme Court overturns the lower court, (which is difficult to envision, in that Rudolph Giuliani had a hand in crafting the order, and he called it a "Muslim ban" a day or two before the order was issued), the fact is that the lower courts overturned it, and the reason was they thought it was unconstitutional. So to Baldimo's question as to how noncitizens can have Constitutional rights, there it is. Discrimination against immigrants is unconstitutional if it is based on religion.
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 09:57 pm
Quote Baldimo:
I'm willing to bet that if you went back to Blickers posts during the 2012 elections, she was laughing at Romney and clapping for Obama when he said the 80's wanted their Foreign Policy back...

You're willing to bet that?

You're on, sucka!!!

We'll make it small. If you can produce the quote or the link from any post of mine in 2012 that said that, then I agree to send $25 to the charity of YOUR choice, and produce the receipt via picture posted on this forum.

If, however, you cannot produce that quote or link to that quote from any post of mine in 2012, then you have to donate $25 to the charity of MY choice, and post a pic of the receipt.

You have made it clear to everyone here that you are a religious Christian who tries to live by the commandments. You said you would do something, the bet is not for personal profit by neither you nor myself, so let's see you follow through. If you do not do so, your reputation as an honest man will be history. Justifiably.

PS: By the way, this has nothing to do with whether or not I support Obama's 2012 statement that terrorism, not Russia, was the greatest geopolitical threat, because it is. How many Americans have been killed or injured by terrorists since 2012 vs how many Americans have been killed or injured by Russia? So there was nothing wrong with Obama's statement. But you shot your mouth off and said I was on here in 2012 applauding Obama for that statement, and this is your chance to back it up, Buster.
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 10:10 pm
200 Congressional Democrats to file emoluments lawsuit against President Trump

0 Replies
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 10:12 pm
Quote oralloy:
Plenty of evidence though that Bill Clinton committed perjury, witness tampering, and obstruction of justice.

In a case about whether he had a mistress. And there were no criminal charges. Trump is filling his campaign and Administration with Putin adherents and people right off Putin's damn payroll, and we're supposed to be the leader of the FREE world. What a stinking disgrace this Trump is.
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 11:47 pm
Food for thought, eh?:

Thomas Jefferson wrote:
I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever, in religion, in philosophy, in politics or in anything else. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent. If I could not go to Heaven but with a party, I would not go there at all.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 12:00 am
Olliver Stone on his interviews with Putin:

0 Replies
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 12:23 am


Sessions nailed it, totally vindicates Trump, Mueller investigation to be stopped, Democrats in full panic mode

Looks like its all over for the libtards, all Russia investigations will soon be shut off after Session's complete vindication of any wrongdoing by President Trump


Also mentions the rinos...


0 Replies
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 12:45 am
Blickers wrote:
If, however, you cannot produce that quote or link to that quote from any post of mine in 2012, then you have to donate $25 to the charity of MY choice, and post a pic of the receipt.

Don't hold your breath, Baldy has a track record of making **** like this up. When called out, instead of acknowledging his mistake he goes all frothing at the mouth and accuses you of hacking A2K/ manipulating the mods to amend/delete posts.

He's simply not capable of rational discussion.
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 12:49 am
What Izzy said. Ditto.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 01:51 am
Um, yes.

What in heaven's name makes you think Putin wants to return to communism?

Maybe he'd like Russia's borders to once again expand to the size of the USSR.. maybe he'd like Russia to become as dictatorial as the USSR was... but communism? No way. He and his cronies have done very well indeed under capitalism, thank you very much. He wants a right-wing dictatorship, not a left-wing one.

Maybe talk to Gungasnake, at least he seems to grasp that much -- it's just that he likes it.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 01:57 am
McGentrix wrote:
Why not be intellectually honest and use an average instead of one as skewed as Gallup?

Mostly because I was responding to Layman, who used ... Gallup.

I'm perfectly happy to go with an average, though. Here's the Pollster.com trendline, for example: Trump's disapproval is at 57% - just 3 points less than Gallup, and just like with Gallup, at a record high.


And here's the Real Clear Politics poll average: Trump's disapproval is at 56% - and just like with Gallup, at a record high.


McGentrix wrote:
snood wrote:

Is it specific percentages you're disputing,? Because you're not seriously disputing that Trump has record low approval and high disapproval for this time in an administration, are you?

No, it's the continuous use of Gallup, which is almost always pushing the lowest polling numbers.

Take it up with Layman. He started this conversation citing Gallup's job approval numbers; I just pointed out he got them wrong. And as it happens, the polling averages you prefer are showing the same thing as Gallup: record high disapproval for Trump. Meaning Layman was wrong about the impact of Comey as well.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 02:01 am
Baldimo wrote:
if they were still sporting the hammer and sickle of the good old USSR, you would be upset about the harsh language and treatment of your comrades.

This just goes to show how you're willing to spout any ole bollocks about anyone. Greetings from Hungary, signed: an anti-communist.
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 02:29 am
oralloy wrote:

During the Cold War the Democratic Party was all for having Russia conquer the world including the United States.

In what parallel universe were Truman, JFK and LBJ cheering on the Soviets rather than waging a Cold War against them?

oralloy wrote:

nimh wrote:

You're aware Russia hasn't been remotely communist for 26 years?

That might be best addressed to the Left. They are the ones who are engaging in fake Russia hysteria.

That doesn't make any sense. Liberals and leftists are quite aware that Russia hasn't been remotely communist for 26 years. They're concerned it's becoming a fascist dictatorship instead, and meddling in the US elections to boot.

The US has done plenty of meddling in other countries' elections as well of course, but to their credit, a lot of US leftists were opposed to that as well; and two wrongs don't make a right.
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 05:58 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
BroadwayWorld has learned that in their 2012 season, during which Delta Airlines was a Business Circle sponsor - The Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis presented an Obama inspired Julius Caesar co-produced with The Acting Company.

Though information on the level of financing Delta contributed for the year 2012 was unavailable, this year they donated between $100,000 and $249,000 to the Gurtrie Theater.

MSP Mag described the production in a review: "And, because Caesar is cast as a tall, lanky black man, the Obama inference is a bit too obvious. But it fits, sort of. Like Caesar, Obama rose to power on a tide of public goodwill; like Caesar, there were many in government who doubted Obama's leadership abilities; and now that Obama's first term has failed to live up to the messianic hype, there are plenty of people who-for the good of the country, you understand, not their own glory-want to take Obama down."
0 Replies
Wed 14 Jun, 2017 06:23 am
Early this morning, Jeff Sessions was delivered to his residence by DC police who'd found him wandering around his neighborhood at 5:00 AM, having forgotten where he lives.

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