oralloy wrote:
farmerman wrote:Obviously you have no factual information bout McCain and his capture than the crap you suck up from our "Liar -in-Chief" Trump.
I am fully aware of all the facts. If McCain doesn't want me to denounce him as a surrendering coward then he should stop knifing his fellow Republicans in the back.
"Maverick" McCain often drives me nuts, but you are absolutely wrong to denigrate his service in the Navy during the Vietnam War.
He despises Trump for several reasons, but chief among them, in my opinion, were Trump's uncalled for comments about his service. However, McCain attacked Trump and Trump counter-punched...with a low blow. but politics aren't fought in accordance with the Marquess of Queensberry rules.
At some point in his life it came to Trump that the best way to win a fight is an asymmetrical response, or
The Chicago Way. The other guy pushes you; you sock him square in the face and then kick him when he's down. Chances are that if the other guy is a bully, he won't push you again, but McCain is not a bully in the sense that he doesn't only pick on people he knows he can beat, but then the same thing can be said of Trump.
Trump is far too indiscriminate in making enemies, and often the only reason he does is due to a relatively minor offence. I don't know what McCain was saying or doing to prevent Trump from winning the nomination, but I'm sure Trump thinks he does, and maybe the counter-punch wasn't truly asymmetrical. After all, McCain sent an aide to London to secure a copy of the highly questionable Dossier, and then immediately sent a copy to the FBI without making any effort what-so-ever to confirm any of the allegations or even to determine if the FBI was aware of it already. I think it's safe to assume that he wanted Trump to know he sent it.
McCain is far too quick to criticize his fellow Republicans, and my sense is that it is due to his wanting to polish the image he has cultivated with the MSM. He is one of those people who seems to be able to forget past slights and slurs if you speak of him in glowing terms. Maybe if Trump were to highly praise him in public, he would find McCain a lot more friendly. I wouldn't be surprised. After repeated profanity laced tirades directed at his Republican colleagues, I don't think McCain has too many friends in the Senate, and none in the House.
I agree that he's sanctimonious show boater. He and John Glenn seemed to be the least culpable of the infamous
Keating Five but you might think that his experience would have tempered his urge to declare
"Scandal!", but it seems to have had the opposite effect.
I also agree, however, with FM that you can't be aware of all the facts if you consider him a
surrendering coward relative to his service in Vietnam. Frankly, your regard for him is not about to change his behavior.