monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 13 Jun, 2017 06:09 am
hightor wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Obstruction of justice is when you try to prevent an investigation from learning the truth.


An official deciding to not pursue an investigation is NOT obstruction of justice.

hightor wrote:
But the pattern of contact between his campaign and Russia — before he was even assured of the nomination — and the fact that the contacts were lied about, repeatedly, naturally raised suspicion, especially given the behavior of Manafort and Flynn and Trump's business deals in the country.

Raised a suspicion that the President was doing something that he had every right to do?

hightor wrote:
The citizens of the USA have every right to expect that our foreign policies are carried out for constructive, beneficial purposes. Hiding potentially embarrassing — or incriminating — information of about the president's business practices or shielding the behavior of his close associates is not a sufficient defense.

The President has a right to privacy no matter how much Democrats dislike that.

hightor wrote:
So let's learn the truth.

The Democrats are not making any attempt whatsoever to learn the truth about anything.

The only thing the Democrats are trying to do is abuse the law to harm people who disagree with them by launching spurious prosecutions.
0 Replies
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 06:13 am
hightor wrote:
You need to give this one a rest.

As long as the Democratic Party continues to abuse the law to launch spurious prosecutions against people who disagree with them, I will advocate that they be outlawed.

hightor wrote:
Although you trot it out at every opportunity it does nothing to further your argument

It isn't intended to. My argument takes care of itself.

My reason for suggesting that the Democratic Party be outlawed in America is to try to persuade others that we should do this.

hightor wrote:
and only makes you seem intolerant, with fascistic tendencies.

The fact that I am advocating this step only with a very good reason (the Democratic Party is maliciously causing grievous harm to innocent people) shows very clearly that I am a reasonable person making a reasonable proposal.

hightor wrote:
Sure, "outlaw" the party — you're still left with the same constituency who retain the same concerns, still share similar values and make up a significant portion of the electorate. Duh...

Well my hope is that the damage to their cause by having their entire political party destroyed and replaced by a new party would encourage the new leftist party to not be so eager to abuse the law to harm people who disagree with them.

If it turns out that the voting base on the left actually insists that their party commit abuses, then we will have to exclude these people from participating in the political process.
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 06:15 am
MontereyJack wrote:
Nonsense, all of it.

I notice your catastrophic failure to indicate any facts that I am wrong about.
0 Replies
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 06:17 am
farmerman wrote:
What th hell was that "north Korean" style endorsothon that we witnessed at yesterday's Cabinet Press Conference. Only Maddis came away with failing to blindly pull the sycophant role like the rest of those toadies??
Does Trump think that people buy that ****?

The cabinet members were all reading from scripts.

I didn't watch it. But considering that Trump is doing nothing wrong and is the victim of a vicious witch hunt, it seems natural for the people to rally around him.
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 06:19 am
oralloy wrote:

hightor wrote:
You need to give this one a rest.

As long as the Democratic Party continues to abuse the law to launch spurious prosecutions against people who disagree with them, I will advocate that they be outlawed.

hightor wrote:
Although you trot it out at every opportunity it does nothing to further your argument

It isn't intended to. My argument takes care of itself.

My reason for suggesting that the Democratic Party be outlawed in America is to try to persuade others that we should do this.

hightor wrote:
and only makes you seem intolerant, with fascistic tendencies.

The fact that I am advocating this step only with a very good reason (the Democratic Party is maliciously causing grievous harm to innocent people) shows very clearly that I am a reasonable person making a reasonable proposal.

hightor wrote:
Sure, "outlaw" the party — you're still left with the same constituency who retain the same concerns, still share similar values and make up a significant portion of the electorate. Duh...

Well my hope is that the damage to their cause by having their entire political party destroyed and replaced by a new party would encourage the new leftist party to not be so eager to abuse the law to harm people who disagree with them.

If it turns out that the voting base on the left actually insists that their party commit abuses, then we will have to exclude these people from participating in the political process.

Oralloy, just want to point out how boring it is for readers on this site to see your impossible "ban the democratic party" line get used over and over again. I actually placed you on ignore, not because you have some intelligent argument that I can't refute, but because you're now just like one of those spam bots...posting nothing new or interesting or intelligent...just repeating the same spam over and over again.

You're the guy at the office party who won't stop talking about how bad the catering is...over and over and over. You don't mind talking to the guy normally, but he needs to shut up about the catering. Until he does, I'm going across the room to talk to someone more interesting.
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 06:25 am

David Stockman on Comey Testimony: ‘One Big, Fat Nothingburger’

June 12 (EIRNS)—Those were the words of former Reagan Budget Director David Stockman, referring to former FBI Director James Comey’s staged testimony before the House Intelligence Committee June 8. Interviewed by CNBC the next day, Stockman said, “First of all, I think the testimony was one big, fat nothingburger. There was nothing new. There was nothing about obstruction of justice. It was the same self-serving tommyrot that Comey has been leaking for weeks.”

Stockman, no friend of Trump, nonetheless drew the lesson from the hype: distraction, from both foreign and domestic agendas. “If the Senate can involve itself in something this groundless,” Stockman said, “that’s backed in more hysteria about Russia-gate that holds no evidence.... If they can bog themselves down in this, we have a dysfunctional, ungovernable situation in Washington.”
0 Replies
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 06:32 am
maporsche wrote:
Oralloy, just want to point out how boring it is for readers on this site to see your impossible "ban the democratic party" line get used over and over again.

Hardly impossible. All we need to do is have Congress pass the law.

It'll surely be challenged in court, but so long as the focus of the law is on preventing the Democrats' abuses, I think there is a good chance it'll pass muster with the Supreme Court.

maporsche wrote:
I actually placed you on ignore, not because you have some intelligent argument that I can't refute, but because you're now just like one of those spam bots...posting nothing new or interesting or intelligent...just repeating the same spam over and over again.

It is no more repetitive than the posts that it responds to, namely Democrats advocating that it is a good thing for them to abuse the law to harm innocent people. Strange how you don't object to those arguments being repeated.

I realize that Democrats dislike hearing someone stand up to their abuses. Democrats would like it much better if they could ravage innocent people and simply get away with it.

But so long as the Democrats continue to commit horrible abuses against innocent people, I am going to point out these abuses and advocate that the party be outlawed because of it.
0 Replies
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 06:33 am
Russian Breach of 39 States Threatens Future U.S. Elections

Russia’s cyberattack on the U.S. electoral system before Donald Trump’s election was far more widespread than has been publicly revealed, including incursions into voter databases and software systems in almost twice as many states as previously reported.

In Illinois, investigators found evidence that cyber intruders tried to delete or alter voter data. The hackers accessed software designed to be used by poll workers on Election Day, and in at least one state accessed a campaign finance database. Details of the wave of attacks, in the summer and fall of 2016, were provided by three people with direct knowledge of the U.S. investigation into the matter. In all, the Russian hackers hit systems in a total of 39 states, one of them said.

The scope and sophistication so concerned Obama administration officials that they took an unprecedented step -- complaining directly to Moscow over a modern-day “red phone.” In October, two of the people said, the White House contacted the Kremlin on the back channel to offer detailed documents of what it said was Russia’s role in election meddling and to warn that the attacks risked setting off a broader conflict.

The new details, buttressed by a classified National Security Agency document recently disclosed by the Intercept, show the scope of alleged hacking that federal investigators are scrutinizing as they look into whether Trump campaign officials may have colluded in the efforts. But they also paint a worrisome picture for future elections: The newest portrayal of potentially deep vulnerabilities in the U.S.’s patchwork of voting technologies comes less than a week after former FBI Director James Comey warned Congress that Moscow isn’t done meddling.

“They’re coming after America,” Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee investigating Russian interference in the election. “They will be back.

More at Bloomberg
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 06:39 am
Just think. If the Democrats hadn't decided to make this all about making spurious prosecutions against the Trump Administration, we might be having a robust investigation and discussion right now about how to better secure our future elections.

But the Democrats don't care about securing our elections. All they care about is abusing the law to harm people who disagree with them.

So nothing will be done to improve our election security. One more way the Democratic Party is bad for America.
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 06:40 am
My reason for suggesting that the Democratic Party be outlawed in America is to try to persuade others that we should do this.

I came to that conclusion eight or 10 years ago.

There is also a question about anybody were actually voted for the Hildeabeast in this last election. Anybody in that category is clearly not doing the Republic or the gene pool any favors.
0 Replies
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 06:41 am
I didn't watch it. But considering that Trump is doing nothing wrong and is the victim of a vicious witch hunt, it seems natural for the people to rally around him.

A witch hunt usually means people hunting FOR widgets. This is more like a human hunt being conducted BY witches...
0 Replies
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 06:42 am
Trump Should Come Clean, Ask For Forgiveness (Roll Call)
0 Replies
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 06:52 am
Your president conspired with the Russian mafia clique in order to get elected. He's a traitor.
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 07:14 am
Paul Craig Roberts:

It must be wonderful being Vladimir Putin and being the most powerful person on earth. And not even have to say so yourself. The US Democratic Party is saying it for Putin along with the entirety of the Western presstitute media and the CIA and FBI also. The Russian media doesn’t have to brag about Putin’s power. Megyn Kelly, the Western presstitutes, and Western leaders are doing it for them: Putin is so powerful that he is able to place in office his choice for the President of the United States.

I mean, Wow! What power! Americans are simply out of the game. Americans, despite a massive intelligence budget and 16 separate intelligence services plus those of its NATO vassals, are no match whatsoever for Vladimir Putin.

I mean, really! What is the CIA for? What is the NSA for? What are the rest of them for? Americans would do better to close down these incompetent, but expensive, “intelligence services” and pay the money to Putin as a bribe not to select our president. Maybe the CIA should get down on its knees and beg Putin to stop electing the President of the United States. I mean, how humuiliating. I can hardly stand it. I thought we are the “world’s sole superpower, the uni-power, the exceptional, indispensable people.” It turns out that we are a nothing people, ruled by the President of Russia.

When the Democrats, CIA, and media decided to launch their PR campaign against Trump, they didn’t realize how inconsequential it would make the United States appear by putting American democracy into Putin’s pocket. What were they thinking? They weren’t. They were fixated on making sure Trump did not endanger the massive military/security complex budget by restoring normal relations with Russia.

There is no sign that American leadership in any area is actually capable of thought. Consider Wall Street and corporate leadership. To boost share prices Wall Street forced all corporations to desert their home country and move the production of goods and services sold to Americans offshore to where labor and regulatory costs were lower. The lower costs raised profits and share prices. Wall Street threatened resistant corporations with takeovers of the companies if they refused to move abroad in order to increase their profits.

Neither Wall Street nor corporate boards and CEOs were smart enough to understand that moving jobs offshore also moved US consumer incomes and purchasing power offshore. In other words, the financial and business leadership were too stupid to comprehend that without the incomes from high value-added, high productivity US jobs, the American consumer would not have the discretionary income to continue in his role as the economy’s driver.

The Federal Reserve caught on to Wall Street’s mistake. To rectify the mistake, the Fed expanded credit, allowing a buildup in consumer debt to keep the economy going on credit purchases. However, once consumer debt is high relative to income, the ability to buy more stuff departs. In other words, credit expansion is not a permanent fix for the lack of consumer income growth.

A country whose financial and business leadership is too stupid to understand that a population increasingly employed in part-time minimum wage jobs is not a big spending population is a country whose leadership has failed.

It is strictly impossible to boost profits by offshoring jobs without also offshoring US consumer incomes. Therefore, the profits from offshoring are temporary. Once enough jobs have been moved offshore that aggregate demand is stymied, the domestic market stagnates and then declines.

As I have demonstrated so many times for so many years, as has John Williams (shadowstats.com), the jobs reports from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics are nonsense. The jobs in the alleged recovery from June 2009 are largely low income domestic service jobs and the product of the theoretical birth/death model. The alleged recovery from the 2007-08 financial crisis is the first recovery in history in which the labor force participation rate declined. Labor force participation rates decline when the economy offers scant job opportunities, not when employment opportunities are rising.

What we know about US jobs is that the jobs are increasingly part-time minimum wage jobs. According to a presstitute news report that might or might not be true, there are only 12 counties in the entirety of the United States in which a person can rent a one-bedroom home on a minimum wage income. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/08/minimum-wage-affordable-housing-rentals-study

In response to this report, a professor at Virginia Tech suggested that the government offer increased rental assistance and boost programs such as the National Housing Trust Fund, which invests in affordable housing.

In other words, taxpayers are to pick up the costs to Americans of US corporations deserting the US labor force. Those Americans who still have middle class incomes will be taxed to cover the lost incomes that the offshoring corporations and Wall Street have snatched away from American workers who can no longer earn enough to pay for their own housing.

In other words, capitalism has reached the point in its descent that it cannot exist without public subsidies for the people dispossessed by capitalism.

On a number of occasions I have written about how many costs of production are imposed on third parties, such as the environment. A significant percentage of the profits of capitalist corporations comes from the political and legal ability of the corporations to impose their costs of production on third parties. In other words, capitalism makes money because it can impose its costs of production on the environment and on people who do not share in the profits. I have provided many examples of this, especially in the area of real estate development. The developer is able to shift a large part of his costs to others.

This cost shifting has now reached the level of inducing Armaggedon. There is an effort to impeach Trump and put the warmonger VP Pence in the presidency. As Trump campaigned on restoring normal relations with Russia, a defeat of the attempt to reduce tensions would reinforce the recent conclusion of the Russian military high command that Washington is planning a first strike nuclear attack on Russia.

This is the risk that the entire world faces due to the dependence of the power and profit of the US military/security complex on war and enemies.

In other words, there is only one remaining rationale for the existence of the United States of America — the interests of the military/security complex — and these interests require a powerful enemy whether real or orchestrated.

Former CIA official John Stockwell wrote: “It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize and teach the American people to hate, so we will let the Establishment spend any amount of money on arms.” The hatred and distrust of Russia that the West is currently being force-fed reflects Stockwell’s revelation, as does the orchestrated hatred and distrust of Muslims that has supported Washington’s destruction in whole or part of seven countries and trillions of dollars in new US war debt.

Globalism, that is, labor arbitrage across national boundaries, and financialization, the diversion of consumers’ incomes into interest and fees to banks, have wrecked the US economy. The “opportunity society” has vanished. Children have poorer economic prospects than their parents. The offshoring of manufacturing and professional service jobs such as IT and software engineering has collapsed the growth of aggregate demand in the US. The Federal Reserve’s credit expansion was only a temporary reprieve.

Formerly prosperous areas are in ruins. States’ budgets and pension systems are failing. There is no payoff to a university education. Americans’ economic prospects have been erased by globalism. Getting ahead requires connections as it did in the aristocratic systems. The high concentration of income and wealth has negated democracy. The government is only accountable to the rich.

American political and business leadership not only destroyed the image of US sovereignty by placing American democracy in Putin’s pocket, but also destroyed the formerly vibrant American economy, once the envy of the world.

Where can Americans find leadership? Certainly not in the Democratic Party, nor in the Republican Party, nor in the media, nor in the corporate community. How then does the US compete with Russia and China, two countries with good leadership? Is war the only answer to the question?

0 Replies
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 07:16 am
Response moderated: Personal attack. See more info.

Able2Know is currently phasing out this manner of removing posts that violate the A2K rules. Soon all such posts will simply be pulled again.
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 07:26 am
Response moderated: Personal attack. See more info.

Able2Know is currently phasing out this manner of removing posts that violate the A2K rules. Soon all such posts will simply be pulled again.
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 07:50 am
The thing which has always seemed counterintuitive, to me at least... Is that I would be terribly ashamed of being an idiot if I were an idiot, but the message I've always sort of gotten from your ilk is more like:

YO!! That's right, I'm an idiot, and I'm awfully God damned proud of it and, in fact, if you're NOT an idiot, then there must be something wrong with YOU!!
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 07:53 am
Response moderated: Personal attack. See more info.

Able2Know is currently phasing out this manner of removing posts that violate the A2K rules. Soon all such posts will simply be pulled again.
0 Replies
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 08:10 am
@Debra Law,
Reminds me of this gem:

Michele Bachmann: Liberals are letting the Antichrist come to power

A bit of a whackadoodle, that dear lady.
0 Replies
Tue 13 Jun, 2017 08:21 am
CNN and NYT could lose white house press credentials over asshole play:


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