monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 8 Jun, 2017 10:51 pm
Notice that other than for monkeyjerk the tards seem to have gone a bit quiet tonight? They seem to have put all their hopes behind a guy whose entire working career has been spent playing goalie for the KKKlintlers...
Thu 8 Jun, 2017 10:56 pm
oralloy says:
The notion that he encouraged the Russians to do so is goofy. The notion that this would be illegal is even goofie

You can't rewrite videotape. He said it repeatedly. I gokt a new computer, and the defulat search engine is Bing. I have nmo idea why. I can't figure out how to post a non youtube video on it but look at it and trky again to tell me he doesn't encourage Putin to hack Hillary. Doofus. Everyuone, even Republicans, were appalled at the very idea he would suggest it.
Thu 8 Jun, 2017 10:57 pm
yeah, we know you've been a Putin apologist for years demonstrated over and over.
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Thu 8 Jun, 2017 10:58 pm
What we really need is a special prosecutor to focus on Democratic misdeeds.
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Thu 8 Jun, 2017 11:02 pm
MontereyJack wrote:
You can't rewrite videotape. He said it repeatedly. I gokt a new computer, and the defulat search engine is Bing. I have nmo idea why. I can't figure out how to post a non youtube video on it but look at it and trky again to tell me he doesn't encourage Putin to hack Hillary. Doofus. Everyuone, even Republicans, were appalled at the very idea he would suggest it.

I know what event you are referring to. The notion that he was somehow encouraging Russia is goofy. He said it to make headlines about Hillary's missing emails, and it is very obvious that that is what he was doing.
Thu 8 Jun, 2017 11:05 pm
Trump has unleashed Roy Cohn II on Comey now, eh?:

Trump's personal lawyer to file complaint after Comey testimony

Kasowitz said in a statement that "Comey’s excuse for this unauthorized disclosure of privileged information and appears to entirely retaliatory. We will leave it the appropriate authorities to determine whether this leaks should be investigated along with all those others being investigated."
0 Replies
Thu 8 Jun, 2017 11:08 pm
Not factual at all. You should realize there are ALWAYS multiple opinions about what is lawful and why, and this is no different. You are taking one wet of uber conservative opinions of the law and running with them as if they were set in stone and ignoring all the other multiple opinions that say what Trump may have done is in fact illegal. You do that all the time, uyouchoose one particular set op opinions that yu happen to agree with and deny there are any others. And it was the GOP who came up with the special prosecutor, not the Dems.
Thu 8 Jun, 2017 11:14 pm
Obvious to you, but not to all the people who looked at what He ACTUALLY said, not what apologgists like you hypothesized he meant. And he repeated it over and over agin, hiwch kind of indicates he meant exactly what he said. Very generous of you to tell everybody else what he meand in the absence of any evidence he meant other than what he said.
0 Replies
Thu 8 Jun, 2017 11:18 pm

General Election results live: Hung parliament confirmed as UK votes for chaos

Britain has a hung parliament after Labour's victory in Southampton Test made it impossible for any party to reach the 326 MPs required to achieve an absolute majority in the House of Commons.


Like chaos in Britain is something new?

0 Replies
Thu 8 Jun, 2017 11:19 pm
Right, snaKKKe, I seem to be the only one stupid enough to stay up to My dreams make more sense than you do and my dreams never make any rational sense at all. point out the multiple errors of the conserviturds when I could more productively be sleeping. Don't know why I keep wasting time on yyour inanities. My dreams never make any rational sense at all, but they make more sense than yiou do.
0 Replies
Thu 8 Jun, 2017 11:27 pm
MontereyJack wrote:
Not factual at all.

I am confident that no one will demonstrate any errors in my facts.

MontereyJack wrote:
You should realize there are ALWAYS multiple opinions about what is lawful and why, and this is no different. You are taking one wet of uber conservative opinions of the law and running with them as if they were set in stone and ignoring all the other multiple opinions that say what Trump may have done is in fact illegal. You do that all the time, uyouchoose one particular set op opinions that yu happen to agree with and deny there are any others.

Nonsense. The law is very clear. There is nothing illegal about colluding with Russia. Perhaps Manafort needed to register as a foreign agent. But that is about it.

If that sort of collusion were illegal, we need to ship Bill Clinton and Barack Obama off to an Israeli prison cell right away, because both of them have meddled in Israeli elections.

MontereyJack wrote:
And it was the GOP who came up with the special prosecutor, not the Dems.

It was the Democrats who created the untrue atmosphere of wrongdoing and then relentlessly demanded a special prosecutor.
0 Replies
Thu 8 Jun, 2017 11:32 pm
Trump, and many others, hated it at the time, but I think appointing a special prosecutor was the best thing he could have done under the circumstances.

Mueller’s appointment complicates Congress’ Russia investigations

Robert Mueller's appointment as a special counsel has quickly complicated Congress' investigations into Russia’s election meddling.

The leaders of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees are anxious to speak with Mueller, who’s now overseeing the FBI’s parallel Russia probe, to ensure their congressional investigations don’t interfere. But Mueller has yet to agree to meet with congressional investigators, according to the panels' leaders.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, who chairs a Judiciary subcommittee with oversight over the FBI, is simply putting the brakes on his investigation. “One of the realities of having somebody looking into potential criminal charges is that you've got to be careful what you do in Congress,” said Graham, a former Air Force lawyer.

if Congress’ investigation crumbles, the public may never find out the depths of Russian intrusion in the 2016 election, as a special counsel is largely focused on whether anyone broke the law.


Democrats screamed for it at the top of their lungs. They got it. Now they can get back to real congressional business.
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 12:03 am
Did someone mention "obstruction?"

Eric Holder slammed for ‘Fast and Furious’ obstruction

The House Oversight Committee let loose with a scathing assessment of Eric Holder in a recent report, accusing the Barack Obama-era attorney general of outright misleading Congress on its investigation of the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal.

Among the report’s 300 pages is the committee’s finding that Holder regarded the family of murdered Border Patrol agent Brian Terry as a “nuisance.” Terry’s death was supposedly the incident that led to revelation of Fast and Furious — the program that saw the feds turn blind eyes to 2,000 or so firearms illegally purchased by drug smugglers, in hopes of tracing them to cartel big-wigs. Sadly, the feds then lost track of 1,400 or so of these weapons — two of which turned up at Terry’s crime scene.

Holder told investigators he didn’t know of this program before Terry’s murder. But report authors say that’s just not true. The report also claims Holder’s Justice officials purposely stonewalled Sen. Chuck Grassley with his requests to learn more of the program.

So what’s to come of this report? Likely: Nothing.

Most in America, already know Holder’s a deceiver with a past that includes using his Justice position to spy on the media and to drum up anti-police rhetoric within the black communities of America.

And most in America already know that Holder — and leftists of his ilk — are well-protected by high-ranking Democrats, progressives and radicals who will do what it takes to shield their own from accountability and prosecution.

Fri 9 Jun, 2017 12:49 am
“From Operation Fast and Furious to his misleading testimony before the House Judiciary Committee regarding the Department’s dealings with members of the media and his refusal to appoint a special counsel to investigate the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups, Mr. Holder has consistently played partisan politics with many of the important issues facing the Justice Department.”

Holder became the first sitting Cabinet official to be found in contempt of Congress. Holder...has chosen w moment to call it quits. “It was a quit-now or never-quit moment,” one former administration official said. “You didn’t want confirmation hearings in 2015 if the Republicans control the Senate.


Like Nixon, Holder concluded that it was better to quit than be "thrown out" of office, eh? Loretta wasn't any better, just a different face, that's all.

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Fri 9 Jun, 2017 02:25 am
MontereyJack wrote:

As the evidence mounts that in fact the Russians were illegally hacking DNC sites and employees and running a sophisticated disinformation scheme and fake news stories in an attempt to sway the election for Trump, who encouraged them illegally to do so, it becomes ever more important to fully explore what Trump knew about it and when he knew it, and the role he played, wittingly or unwittingly in furthering it.. And the role his campaign advisers played in spreading it and furthering it. So far the noose around them seems to be getting tighter and tighter.

You are living in a wishful fools paradise. There is no noose. You should take note of the deafening silence that now abounds from the democrats regarding their hereto for cacophonous use of the word impeachment.

Dear little snowflake and preeminate cheesehead...my advise is that for the sake of your stress level and possible future coronary you better get used to the Donald and the new style to which he executes the office of president cause he's here till 2024.
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Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:40 am
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Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:47 am
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Fri 9 Jun, 2017 04:47 am
10 James Comey Quotes That Would Look Great On A T-Shirt
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Fri 9 Jun, 2017 04:54 am
The only people I hear crying are the Trump supporters. Their desperate attempts to put some sort of positive spin on Comey's damning testimony offers insight into how propaganda is manufactured and disseminated. I remarked yesterday that the same right wing talking points were being deployed, over and over. Someone later accused the left of doing the same thing but I don't think that charge is accurate here. The reason is that the stories have continually been breaking against Trump. The anti-Trump people don't have to resort to talking points — all they need to do is discuss each new revelation. It's Trump's supporters who are on the defensive, grasping at straws and distinguishing nuance where none exists. I like the "Great Day for Our Glorious Leader" meme and of course, the never-ending refrains of "Hillary's a Crook!", "Obammy Lied!", and "Russia Never Tried to Hack Our Election!"
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 05:01 am
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