monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 7 Jun, 2017 08:34 pm
If Trump hadn't already been overly patient while being stone-walled by Comey, he might have given him a choice.

He could have said:

"Comey, one of two things is gunna happen.

1. Either YOU are gunna reveal that I'm not under investigation, or else,

2. I will fire your ass and I'LL announce it.

Either way, it's gunna come out, got it? Your choice as to how."

The arrogant Comey thought he had played Trump so hard that Trump was defenseless while he, Comey, was immune from consequence. Comey actually laughed at the "joke" when he saw his firing reported.

Like I done said, no real wonder why Trump said Comey was a nut-job, eh?
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 08:40 pm

Everyone was shocked when former President Barack Obama appointed the nominal “Republican” James Comey as director of the FBI. However, new evidence indicates that Comey was only appointed because he was implicated in the Clintons’ corruption.

Former FBI Director James Comey had numerous ties to the corrupt Clinton political machine, and he still does. One connection is his brother, Peter. Peter Comey is an executive at DLA Piper, the law firm responsible for filing the Clinton Foundation’s taxes. James Comey holds the mortgage for his brother’s mansion, tying a direct financial connection between Comey and the Clinton Foundation while he was investigating Hillary. (via Big League Politics)

James Comey was appointed by Obama because he was a political insider with many dark connections to the Democrats. Obama trusted Comey not to target the establishment he was a part of.

The former president’s hunch was ultimately proven correct, as James Comey allowed numerous Democrat crimes to go unpunished during his three-year term leading the FBI.

James Comey has been connected to the Clinton criminal network for decades. In 1996, James Comey acted as the deputy special counsel for the Senate committee investigating the Whitewater scandal. The Senate was investigating shady real-estate loans authorized while Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas. (via ABC News)

Many people connected to the Whitewater company were arrested and charged with over 40 crimes, yet the Clintons remained unscathed. James Comey acknowledged that Hillary Clinton obstructed the investigation and destroyed evidence, yet he decided not to prosecute due to lack of “intent”.

After observing the soft-handed approach Comey took investigating the Clintons, Obama appointed him in 2013. James Comey repeated his past, 23 years after the original Whitewater investigation. Again, he decided not to press charges — this time for Hillary’s mishandling of classified information, even after condemning her actions. The same phony “intent” excuse was used. (That’s how it works!)

James Comey was rewarded handsomely for enforcing a two-tiered justice system where the political elite live free from consequence.

After leaving the Department of Justice in 2005, Comey moved into the private sector to receive his rewards. He was hired as the General Counsel for Lockheed Martin — the largest recipient of contracts from the Department of Defense. Comey was paid over $6 million before leaving the corporation in 2010.

Immediately after Comey left Lockheed Martin, he became a partner of the Clinton Global Initiative and was awarded 17 contracts from the Hillary Clinton State Department.

James Comey left Lockheed Martin with newfound wealth and joined the board of directors of HSBC Holdings, a British bank. The bank is a long-time partner of the Clinton Foundation and rewarded Comey well until he was appointed by Barack Obama.

James Comey’s career highlights the incestuous pay-for-play relationship between major corporations and the political elite. Comey let the Clintons off for their crimes and was heavily rewarded by corporations who were, in turn, rewarded with government contracts and favorable policy. This is exactly the swamp that President Trump promised to drain, and removing Comey was the first major step.

HSBC Appears to be the main bank involved in the international drug trade.


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Wed 7 Jun, 2017 08:45 pm
Jim Commie apparently has been playing goalie for the KKKlintlers all the way back to their petty gangster days in Arkansas.
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Wed 7 Jun, 2017 08:56 pm
The same kinda thing happened to a homey of mine a few months back.

He was in a biker bar and was feelin up the Babe on the stool next to him (which she loved).

Three bikers thought they owned this Babe, so they sucker-punched him, then kicked him 30-40 times while he was on the ground. They thought he was finished, down and out, so they went to the bar to order drinks, laughing their ass off.

They under-estimated my homey's ability and willingness to retaliate. They didn't know he had a loaded 9 under his belt.

It wasn't loaded for long. They couldn't arrest those bikers for battery because...well, because they were all dead, ya know?
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 08:58 pm
What about the girl? Who did she leave with?
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 09:07 pm
gungasnake wrote:

What about the girl? Who did she leave with?

Some other dude, who moved right in as soon as my homey hit the floor, eh? The skank.
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 09:08 pm
Lash wrote:
This is so complicated to me. I don't think Comey's comments prove impeachable offense from a legal standpoint, but the press and the most vociferous contingent of the nation is poised to begin proceedings.

That the Democrats want to use untrue legal accusations to harm people who disagree with them just means that it is time to outlaw them from American politics.

Lash wrote:
I do think eventually proper evidence is available to begin legitimate impeachment proceedings, but Comey's released testimony doesn't provide it.

Such evidence won't become available, because it doesn't exist, because Trump has done nothing wrong in the first place.

Lash wrote:
Doesn't mean it won't happen.

Impeachment won't happen. Outlawing the Democratic Party just might.
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 09:24 pm
That the Democrats want to use untrue legal accusations to harm people who disagree with them just means that it is time to outlaw them from American politics.

I have to say I like the sound of it:

Are you now or have you ever been a fucked up, shit4brains, cheese eating member of the Demoperv Party of the United States?
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 09:29 pm
Yeah, where's good old Tail-Gunner Joe, when ya really need his ass, I ask ya?

They never get past him. Bobby Kennedy would run down the records of cheese purchases and consumption, nation-wide. He would have their sorry ass cold.
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 09:47 pm
You got it, the good old days...
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Wed 7 Jun, 2017 09:51 pm
What would you give to be able to go back in time and warn Bobby Kennedy that Lyndon Johnson and Ed Clark were plotting to assassinate his brother.....
0 Replies
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 09:52 pm
layman wrote:

gungasnake wrote:

What about the girl? Who did she leave with?

Some other dude, who moved right in as soon as my homey hit the floor, eh? The skank.

I could listen to your stories all night long... ******* hilarious.
0 Replies
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 10:15 pm
All the public wants is the TRUTH!

Tricky Dick had it right: People have gotta know.

Wed 7 Jun, 2017 10:17 pm
If you can believe this, I can remember being 22 or 23 years old and thinking that tricky Dick had to be the worst president there could possibly ever be... How silly is that? I mean, after eight years of Bork Obunga, I don't know anybody who wouldn't have taken Dick back in a heartbeat.
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 10:33 pm
Tricky Dick was a little "tricky," sure, and he was willing to go to get lengths to try to protect his homeys, but he really wasn't a bad president.

Nixon was a national hero, whose efforts produced the pumpkin papers and eliminated slimy-ass commies from government. He lied, sure. Show me a Prez that aint, ya know?
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 10:56 pm
Dear looney lefties:

Someone won the lottery today that doesn't need the money...

President Donald Trump.
0 Replies
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 11:12 pm
I believe Nixon will be chiefly remembered for two things, continuing the Vietnam war several years past the last possible point where it should have ended, and aiding and abetting the formation of OPEC for nefarious purposes which were not consistent with the interests of the United States. The guy was basically a creature of the bankers, and I don't picture history books being kind to him.
0 Replies
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 11:13 pm
Tricky Dick WAS a crook, just like his veep. Only prez ev er to resign in disgrace, because he knew if he didn't he'd be impeached for cause. hIS socalled "secret plan to end the war" involved bombing the **** out of N. viet, Laos, and Cambodia, dropping more bombs on that small area than in all of WWII. It didn't work, except for killing thousands of innocent villagers. He destabilitzed Cambodia because LonNol wasn't sufficiently warlike for him, which gave the Khmer Rouge their opening to come to power and kill millions of innocent Cambodians, until the NORTH VIETNAMESE xcame in and forced the Khmer Rouge back to the jungle. TrickyDick was a ******* diszaster.
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 11:24 pm
You're sick, man. Why do so many of your posts involve violent murders? Sounds just like all the fantasies that people who a couple years later commit mass murders have, and post online, and are discovered when people start examining their history after they have committed the crime. Get some professional help.
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 11:37 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

Why do so many of your posts involve violent murders?

What are you talking about? Let me guess--you don't like any posts which expose ISIS terrorism, that it?
0 Replies

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