monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 16 Dec, 2016 10:10 am
What is the Trump team's Haliburton equivalent?

I'm not sure there is a close analogy, re war profiteering. There may well be one but it hasn't come to my attention. But Exxon certainly does stand to increase profits if sanctions are dropped. And that speaks just to Russia. and then there's Wall Street and there's the private education scam and Trump's own investments/entanglements and lots more that you're already aware of.
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 10:16 am
War is where the money is.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 10:19 am
America is super excited about 0bama & his democrats being out of power soon. America is enthusiastic about making America great again after 8 years of devastating 0bamanomics. Liberal democrats have been vanquished, and that's a wonderful thing.
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 10:31 am
blatham wrote:

He was responsible for not doing anything about it, and not helping the situation.
That's actually a falsehood though a commonplace claim in right wing media (Fox, Breitbart, Townhall, etc).

As to ignore, that is specifically on you refusing to answer a question I put to you on what media sources you attend to. Are you going to?

Tony, you're on dangerous ground here, The thread master appears to here be getting impatient with your persistent questioning and resistence. Those at his feet must continuously express appropriate wonder and gratitude for the bits he posts here for your proper enlightenment.

This is serious: the hammer of the Thor of British Columbia awaits.
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 10:41 am
He was responsible for not doing anything about it, and not helping the situation.

He actually did do something, he perpetuated the lies & fanned the flames of violence... that's what all the best community agitators do.


0bama had plenty of help from people like this asshole.

0 Replies
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 11:02 am
blatham wrote:

Thank you for the answer. We'll trundle along with you remaining visible for the while.

Now, when you make a claim, I'd like you to provide a link to your data source(s). For example, up above I linked to Politifact which took the time to actually count up the lies from Trump and those from Clinton. If you looked at it, you'll have seen that the count was over 50 for T and 7 for C. If we want to get to the truth of things, if we wish to actually understand what is going on, we need to operate in such a manner. If we don't, there's little or no value in most political discussions.

Apparently you're starting to follow instructions Tony. Remember it's never too late to fail at the feet of the master.

Remember that Politifact and any other sites selected by Blatham are indisputable sources of absolute fact. They have special powers ehnabling them to discern lies in any form. They don't do well in detecting the endless carefuly worded Clintonian evasions that contributed to her recent defeat, but that is not a subject for your inquiry: only the master makes those determinations.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 11:06 am
Frugal1 wrote:

America is super excited about 0bama & his democrats being out of power soon. America is enthusiastic about making America great again after 8 years of devastating 0bamanomics. Liberal democrats have been vanquished, and that's a wonderful thing.

You forgot to put that in large font.
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 11:10 am
I knew that you would be wearing glasses...

For the vision impaired;

America is super excited about 0bama & his democrats being out of power soon. America is enthusiastic about making America great again after 8 years of devastating 0bamanomics. Liberal democrats have been vanquished, and that's a wonderful thing.
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 11:10 am
I guess they could profit from war in some way
(Exxon/Russia connection)

Not really war, but the lifting of sanctions against Russia and closer ties to
Russia and perhaps even the withdrawing from NATO would profit them greatly. I am sure oil in Syria is a factor as well. Looked this up on google in .69 seconds.

Syria is the only significant crude oil producing country in the Eastern Mediterranean region, which includes Jordan, Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinian territories. According to the Oil and Gas Journal, Syria had 2,500,000,000 barrels (400,000,000 m3) of petroleum reserves as of 1 January 2010.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 11:11 am
For the first time in 8 years WE have hope.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 11:13 am
blatham wrote:

Can't really back that up with a source of information, because it's just my opinion

But like anyone, you arrived at that opinion after some connection with the commentary of others. As consumers of information (and as citizens) that's the important element here. You say Clinton was "incompetent as Secretary of State". How did you arrive at that opinion? Who did you trust to inform you well on that matter? Do you recall? Do you have in mind some comparison with other prior S of Ss? What sort of criteria are relevant?

=>The reset button with Russia
=>Inaction as Russia took half of Armenia, all of Crimea and started a conflict to take down the government of Ukraine
=> Violated rules applicable to all State Department employees under her own signature requiring the use of government systems for official e-mail communications and instead put hers on a private server in her home that lacked even standard security systems prevalent among businesses throughout the counrtry.
=>No constructive action whatever taken during the long buildup by Russia to save the ghastly Assad government in Syria. The resulting human tragedy still unfolding is a result.

There is more but the master requires details. Your opinions are of no interest to him while his are mandatory for you.

0 Replies
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 11:40 am
Well, let's start with the easy stuff. James Comey's review of the e-mail investigation. His statements of what the FBI found as fact where different than what Hillary Clinton stated was fact, and it was found that Hillary Clinton was mishandling information deemed as classified. That sounds like she was being pretty incompetent to me, and if the FBI investigation says her facts were different than the real facts, I believe it.
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 11:53 am
I wouldn't characterize myself as being angry so much as I am exceedingly happy that the United States dodged a bullet when Hillary Clinton was not elected to take over the Oval Office bringing with her the Clinton crime family and her cavalier disregard towards information and operational security.

I do sometimes get angry at libitards but then I stop and realize, hey, maybe they just can't help being retarded...After all it's not nice to denigrate the handicaped,right?

So, in the spirit of the holidays, I would encourage my fellow conservatives, who we all know are extremely intelligent, reasonable, and who have an abundance of common sense, to be a little more tolerant of all you mentally challenged Clinton voters.

Fri 16 Dec, 2016 11:57 am
Well said!
0 Replies
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 12:02 pm
Frugal1 wrote:


0 Replies
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 12:35 pm
Texas electors face threats for defecting: ‘Vote for Trump or we rape your wife and daughters’

Delegates face death threats from Trump supporters

Trump Supporters Threaten To Assassinate Hillary Clinton, Overthrow Government

Trump Supporters Are Now Sending Death Threats to Jewish Journalists

Trump Supporters Vandalize Openly Gay Candidate’s Home With Death Threat

Donald Trump supporters 'threaten children of Carrier union boss' after he exposed false claim by President-elect

‘You should die’: Trump supporters threaten Utah delegate, she says, at Republican National Convention

Trump supporters are threatening to kill me over this tweet

Trump supporters threaten to send actress Emmy Rossum to 'gas chambers'

Trump Supporters Release Home Addresses Of GOP State Leaders, Issue Death Threats

Donald Trump Supporters Heckle NDTV Reporter, Threaten To Knock Her Mic Down

Vile Trump supporters threaten the kids of Newsweek reporter who exposed his shady business dealings

For the last time, I voted for Evan McMullin -- not Hillary Clinton or Jill Stein.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 01:26 pm
Did you just post that Hillary only had 7 serious lies during the campaign? She had that during her interrogation about her emails. Maybe you should see to some more honest sources.
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 02:46 pm
tRump is going to be president. Why do you keep using Clinton to justify electing a liar, crook con man. Be truthful for a change and admit hatre was your excuse for electing this cook. He won t disassociate him self from his business and is going to use the presidency to make himself richer thanks to suckers like you.
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 02:57 pm
blatham wrote:

If you read one thing today, make it this
Is Donald Trump a Threat to Democracy?

Unlike his predecessors, Mr. Trump is a serial norm-breaker. There are signs that Mr. Trump seeks to diminish the news media’s traditional role by using Twitter, video messages and public rallies to circumvent the White House press corps and communicate directly with voters — taking a page out of the playbook of populist leaders like Silvio Berlusconi in Italy, Hugo Chávez in Venezuela and Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey.

An even more basic norm under threat today is the idea of legitimate opposition. In a democracy, partisan rivals must fully accept one another’s right to exist, to compete and to govern. Democrats and Republicans may disagree intensely, but they must view one another as loyal Americans and accept that the other side will occasionally win elections and lead the country. Without such mutual acceptance, democracy is imperiled. Governments throughout history have used the claim that their opponents are disloyal or criminal or a threat to the nation’s way of life to justify acts of authoritarianism.
link here
Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt are professors of government at Harvard University.

Well I read it, but I'm underwhelmed. My experience with academia reminds me that it is populated with a few wise and well informed people who truly search for better understanding of our exceedingly complex world, and also a large number of self-important pipsqueaks, given to rather ponderous pontificating about trivia. It appears that Blatham has found two of them.

In the first place the news media consists of profit making corporations and paid commentators who depend on their audiences. It, and the White House Press Corps, has no statutory right to interpose itself between our government and the voters, and no harm is necessarily done in going around them. It certainly has a proper function and can play any role the law allows and its audience gives it: however it has no "rights" to anything. Populists of all type sppear in politics. Some of ours have included Andrew Jackson , Franklin Roosevelt, and Harry Truman. There indeed are others including Hugo Chavez and many others. Populism is a technique not a policy. Blatham's selected pipsqueaks appear to be unaware of these obvious truths.

Secondly, the only rejection I can see of oppositions to the "right to exist, to compete and to govern" on the part of the opposition - something so earnestly advocated by Blatham's pipsqueaks - appears to be coming right now from the Democrats who appear to be in a major state of denial regarding our election.

I was duly impressed by the cited credentials - "proferssors of government at Harvard". However, such people can dissappoint. Consider a recently famous "Professor of Constitutional Law " (actually an instructor, not a Professor) at the University of Chicago.
cicerone imposter
Fri 16 Dec, 2016 02:58 pm
The problem with Trump keeping all his business ties is the simple fact that most people don't care. They don't care about conflict of interest. I don't think most understand the term.


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