I'm not familiar with Schmidt, Wilson or Sykes, and of the remaining three the only one I read with regularity is Charen. Gerson is pure Establishment Republican and Jennifer Rubin has gone off the deep end.
I just returned from a week in London and didn't have a lot of time to visit the websites I usually peruse for news of the day so I don't know that I'm up on all the details of the Gianforte story, but from what I have read it doesn't seem to be a case of media exaggeration. It was a very bizarre and possibly criminal act, however I haven't read or seen anyone applauding the man's behavior, and certainly not Trump. Unless I missed some "atta boy" comment by Trump, focusing on him in relation to the incident seems far fetched to me, and much of the comments you've cited exaggerate his impact on the GOP and certainly the "conservative movement."
BTW - Most of the people I spoke with in London don't have a very high opinion of Trump. Liberals think he's dangerous and conservatives think he's a buffoon. (The driver who picked me up at the airport however thinks Americans picked just the right guy when they elected Trump because he's a businessman). When asked why they think he's dangerous or a laughable, there was very little specificity in their responses, and it's pretty clear that most of them are reacting to an image of the man rather than anything he's actually done.
As well, few knew that their government
is meeting it's NATO obligation relative to defense spending, but even when assuming it isn't, don't see a problem with it.
The newspapers focused on his lecturing NATO members for not paying their fair share (
bad form!) Macron's use of an attack handshake on him, and the leaks of information UK security forces had shared with their American counterparts. This last topic is one that was quite embarrassing for me as an American, and reveals how large a problem this has become. It's as if government employees in every department and area have all joined in on a fad: Tell the press any juicy tidbit you have no matter how sensitive the information or what damage the leaks might cause. The UK media presented the topic in terms of May telling off Trump, but, obviously, Trump is as pissed off about the leaks as May is. Hopefully this one will be the catalyst for a much needed DOJ investigation that see people fired from their jobs or prosecuted.