layman wrote:
The arrogant press often seems to think that they can violate YOUR rights at will, with impunity and with immunity from consequence.
Here's another thing that I feel like elaborating upon.
Only a cheese-eater would say, for example, that if a guy is trying to physically attack you, you would be guilty of "assault" if you hit him. Like, if he had you on the ground, pounding your face, your only recourse would be to hope he eventually stops, then "call the police."
There is a universally acknowledged (if you exclude cheese-eaters) right of self-defense. You are NOT committing a crime by defending your self.
You also have the right to defend and protect your property, your privacy, etc. if someone illicitly tries to interfere with your rights in that regard.
Some limey thinks he can bust into a private office, without asking for, or receiving, permission to enter, stick a microphone is some guy face, refuse to desist and leave, when told, and then whine that he has been "assaulted" if his illegal intrusions are resisted. I don't think so. Homey don't play dat.