Abuzz Guilt

Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:08 am
I lingered over Abuzz for at least a year before joining and making a post. At first I posted mostly about food, but then I got upset with a few of the members... The trolls were horrible and without moderators, easily destroyed the usefulness of the site.

The online personna I have today evolved out of that experience. Sometimes chat boards are fun, other times they are battlefields.
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Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 09:13 pm
cjhsa wrote:
I lingered over Abuzz for at least a year before joining and making a post. At first I posted mostly about food, but then I got upset with a few of the members... The trolls were horrible and without moderators, easily destroyed the usefulness of the site.

The online personna I have today evolved out of that experience.

And here I thought it was because your siblings kept poking your fontanelle with sharp pointy sticks when you were a baby.

Who knew?

Sometimes chat boards are fun, other times they are battlefields.
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Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 03:51 am
JLNobody wrote:
I was one of the migrants from ABUZZ to A2K. What I've noticed most clearly over the years is the success with which A2K's staff and members have inhibited takeover by trolls.

Ha! How good can they be when they never caught me??

(Bonus points for rhyming, I get)
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Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 05:50 am
kuvasz wrote:
Who knew?

One thing lovable about A2K is the liberals insistence on making constant, personal insults about those they disagree with. Since the last election, it's gotten worse, right along with their approval ratings.
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Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 05:52 am
cjhsa wrote:
kuvasz wrote:
Who knew?

One thing lovable about A2K is the liberals insistence on making constant, personal insults about those they disagree with. Since the last election, it's gotten worse, right along with their approval ratings.

Both sides have been guilty of this, and so it goes.
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Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 08:50 am
I couldn't agree more, Edgar.
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Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 05:43 pm
cjhsa wrote:
kuvasz wrote:
Who knew?

One thing lovable about A2K is the liberals insistence on making constant, personal insults about those they disagree with. Since the last election, it's gotten worse, right along with their approval ratings.

Its not simply that I disagree with you, but that I consider you a danger to others and a completely contemptible excuse for a human being; one who antics should be held in high ridicule and shamed publicly.

But please, carry on. Since you are your own worst enemy, it only makes it easier for me to play you like the fool you are.

You see, its not your politics I find lacking, repugnant as they are, but your entire "persona."

I just don't like you.
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Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 06:20 pm
That's nice; don't fight.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 07:19 pm
kuvasz expressed in words what I've felt for a very long time about cjh.

cjh's contributions are usually meant as insults or repugnant comments that contribute nothing to any discusison. I don't respond to him anymore, and I hope he takes this as a clue that I don't value him in any way on a2k.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 02:44 am
Don't you think you guys are taking either politics or able2know a tad too seriously? I'm puzzled by the mindset that it would take to go out of your way just to try to make sure someone knows you don't like them.

I swear, internet message boards make normally decent people look socially retarded on a daily basis. I know, as I'm sure I've been guilty of it myself.
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Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 05:59 am
Craven, it's all over the Internet these days, not just A2K, it's been widely reported in the news media, even in the left leaning media. Liberal bloggers have gotten decidedly mean. No one knows for sure why, but the perception is the failure of their newly elected congress has really got their goat, and they are taking it out on those with more conservative blog positions.

Most of the mean spiritedness they detect from me has been in self defense - that they cannot see that is symptomatic of their disease. One of those who ridiculed me above, a few years back ignored my very solid, very accurate technical advice about HDTV, even went so far as to say it was wrong (it wasn't), simply because he disagreed with me politically (at least that's the only guess I have).

As far as kuvasz' comment, I must be doing something right, exposing someone for how cruel they really are.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 06:30 am
cjhsa wrote:
Craven, it's all over the Internet these days, not just A2K, it's been widely reported in the news media, even in the left leaning media. Liberal bloggers have gotten decidedly mean. No one knows for sure why, but the perception is the failure of their newly elected congress has really got their goat, and they are taking it out on those with more conservative blog positions.

Most of the mean spiritedness they detect from me has been in self defense - that they cannot see that is symptomatic of their disease. One of those who ridiculed me above, a few years back ignored my very solid, very accurate technical advice about HDTV, even went so far as to say it was wrong (it wasn't), simply because he disagreed with me politically (at least that's the only guess I have).

As far as kuvasz' comment, I must be doing something right, exposing someone for how cruel they really are.

The left sees it as self defense, the right sees it as self defense, with few admitting their own guilt.
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Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 06:43 am
Hey, I said "most"...
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Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 05:20 pm
Craven de Kere wrote:
Don't you think you guys are taking either politics or able2know a tad too seriously? I'm puzzled by the mindset that it would take to go out of your way just to try to make sure someone knows you don't like them.
I swear, internet message boards make normally decent people look socially retarded on a daily basis. I know, as I'm sure I've been guilty of it myself.

Well, Craven a week late to the show. You might actually have read the interchange between cjhsa and myself before belching an opinion from Olympus on high. My remark was to counter cjhsa's pitiful and typical attempt to distort his stance when challenged. You must have read it old boy, because actually I emboldened it in my own response.

cjhsa wrote:
One thing lovable about A2K is the liberals insistence on making constant, personal insults about those they disagree with.

So, my remark corrected his wrongly conceived impression and stated clearly that it was not mere ideological differences that drove my remarks about him.

It was him.

My referenced remark was a part of the dialectic process, cjhsa's was as usual just making it up as he went along and like the last resort of a bully who is astonished when someone finally punched them in the nose and has now had a "come-to-Jesus" meeting with civility.

That is a far cry from your remark
I'm puzzled by the mindset that it would take to go out of your way just to try to make sure someone knows you don't like them.

I might be wrong here, but personally, I doubt that I need "to go out of my way" to make sure cjhsa knows I hold him in contempt for some of what he espouses on site.

What I wonder is, being the decent guy you appear to be, why you don't?

As to the question why...
you guys are taking either politics or able2know a tad too seriously?

For me it is personal, my brother fights in a US military uniform in Kabul, Afghanistan (second tour) while my 21 year old cousin is sitting in Karbala, Iraq in her Army MP uniform.

Now you might not understand this having no one you love in harm's way, but I believe, sincerely as the day is long that the bad-craziness, the lies, and distortions mouthed on site by these right-wing carbuncles of a human soul helped put them there.
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Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 06:20 pm
cjhsa wrote:
Craven, it's all over the Internet these days, not just A2K, it's been widely reported in the news media, even in the left leaning media. Liberal bloggers have gotten decidedly mean.

You mean that they finally started punching back and you can't take it. What a damned gutless, pissypants complaint by another armchair hero of the 101st Fighting Typewriter Brigade.

No one knows for sure why, but the perception is the failure of their newly elected congress has really got their goat, and they are taking it out on those with more conservative blog positions.

The disease was patience and a hope that with analytical logic, rationalism, and shared patriotism meetings of the mind could occur to move the nation forward during crisis. Instead, what liberals and even centrists found was the Borg staring at them, where no middle ground could be obtained; surrender or be assimilated. One can merely tune in to CSPAN and see how the GOP in the current House is attempting legislative guerilla warfare instead of the heralded "bipartisanship" they allegedly preach.

So, your remark is not based on any true fact or situation. It is pure rhetorical fantasy.

It does not conform to any objective reality.

It is not a true statement.

It is a lie.

Most of the mean spiritedness they detect from me has been in self defense - that they cannot see that is symptomatic of their disease.

No, it isn't. It is because you are an out-and-out bono fide liar.

One of those who ridiculed me above, a few years back ignored my very solid, very accurate technical advice about HDTV, even went so far as to say it was wrong (it wasn't), simply because he disagreed with me politically (at least that's the only guess I have).

As far as kuvasz' comment, I must be doing something right, exposing someone for how cruel they really are.

More delusions and meglomanical craziness from the Indiana Jones of the Internet.

If you think it took your sweet little ass to "expose" me as vicious counterpuncher apparently you haven't been reading carefully Abuzz or a2k for the last, oh..... seven years.

What's next? Are you off to star as King Canute and try to hold back the North Sea?

What really pisses off you guys is that you have become inconsequential, like some mutant offspring of Southpark's Cartman and Williams' Blanche DuBois; you're just not important any more but you still demand that others "Respect your Authority!"

Its all you have left.

History does that.

So it goes.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 06:34 pm
Give 'em hell, kuvasz. They deserve every morsal of crap they've tried to shove our way for the past six years, and it's finally beginning to bite them in the arse.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 06:39 pm
From ostroyreport.blog:

Let's review Bush's impact since 2000 at home and abroad, in no particular order:

1. Lied about WMD.
2. Unilaterally invaded a sovereign nation without provocation and justification.
3. Lied during State of the Union speech re: Niger Uranium.
4. Responsible for pre-9/11 intelligence failures in White House, CIA, FBI.
5. Allowed 9-11 murderers to remain free while diverting precious military and financial resources to his vanity war in Iraq.
6. Lied about Saddam/bin Laden connection.
7. Turned Iraq into a terrorist breeding ground.
8. Lied about nation-building.
9. Opposed creation of 9-11 Commission and Homeland Security Department.
10. Disrespected and alienated the U.S. from French, German and other key allies.
11. Lied to Americans about the real cost of war.
12. Fostered an environment of torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.
13. Lined Halliburton's pockets in Afghanistan and Iraq with fat no-bid contracts.
14. Under-manned and under-equipped our armed forces in Iraq, resulting in unnecessary death and injuries.
15. Ignored the nuclear build-up in both Iran and N.Korea; marginalized Kim Jong Il.
16. Shunned Kyoto Treaty.
17. Lied about effects of man-made pollutants on the environment to support corporate pals.
18. Lied about the insolvency of Social Security.
19. Gave huge cuts to the wealthiest taxpayers.
20. Lied about true cost of health care bill.
21. Lied about Free Trade stand.
22. Bitterly divided the nation along religious, party and sexual preference lines.
23. Guilty of numerous cronyism appointments (Homeland Security, Supreme Court, etc)
24. Rewarded failures of Condi Rice and other cronies with key promotions.
25. Dreadful energy policies lead to record gas and oil prices.
26. Responsible for the largest debt in U.S. history.
27. Colossal failure of preparedness, rescue and relief during Hurricane Katrina.
28. Fostered a culture of corruption among GOP and top leadership (Tom Delay, etc).
29. Allowed Donald Rumsfeld to keep job despite utter failure in Iraq.
30. Presided over the U.S.'s lowest popularity throughout the world.
31. Saw No Child Left Behind fail.
32. Lied last week about Iraqi troop strength during Saturday radio address. Directly contradicted by testimony given earlier in the week by Gen. Abizaid.

And these early promises from Bush:
"I will restore honor and integrity to the White House"
No decision on Yucca Mountain until research results are available
Free trade
"I'm a compassionate conservative"
"Leave no child behind"
"I'm a uniter, not a divider"
"President of all the people, not just those who voted for me"
"A reformer with results"
"It's the people's money, not the government's"
* Election reform
* Reforming the military
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 06:58 pm
Blanche DuBois had AUTHORITY?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 07:34 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
From ostroyreport.blog:

Let's review Bush's impact since 2000 at home and abroad, in no particular order:

1. Lied about WMD.
2. Unilaterally invaded a sovereign nation without provocation and justification.
3. Lied during State of the Union speech re: Niger Uranium.
4. Responsible for pre-9/11 intelligence failures in White House, CIA, FBI.
5. Allowed 9-11 murderers to remain free while diverting precious military and financial resources to his vanity war in Iraq.
6. Lied about Saddam/bin Laden connection.
7. Turned Iraq into a terrorist breeding ground.
8. Lied about nation-building.
9. Opposed creation of 9-11 Commission and Homeland Security Department.
10. Disrespected and alienated the U.S. from French, German and other key allies.
11. Lied to Americans about the real cost of war.
12. Fostered an environment of torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.
13. Lined Halliburton's pockets in Afghanistan and Iraq with fat no-bid contracts.
14. Under-manned and under-equipped our armed forces in Iraq, resulting in unnecessary death and injuries.
15. Ignored the nuclear build-up in both Iran and N.Korea; marginalized Kim Jong Il.
16. Shunned Kyoto Treaty.
17. Lied about effects of man-made pollutants on the environment to support corporate pals.
18. Lied about the insolvency of Social Security.
19. Gave huge cuts to the wealthiest taxpayers.
20. Lied about true cost of health care bill.
21. Lied about Free Trade stand.
22. Bitterly divided the nation along religious, party and sexual preference lines.
23. Guilty of numerous cronyism appointments (Homeland Security, Supreme Court, etc)
24. Rewarded failures of Condi Rice and other cronies with key promotions.
25. Dreadful energy policies lead to record gas and oil prices.
26. Responsible for the largest debt in U.S. history.
27. Colossal failure of preparedness, rescue and relief during Hurricane Katrina.
28. Fostered a culture of corruption among GOP and top leadership (Tom Delay, etc).
29. Allowed Donald Rumsfeld to keep job despite utter failure in Iraq.
30. Presided over the U.S.'s lowest popularity throughout the world.
31. Saw No Child Left Behind fail.
32. Lied last week about Iraqi troop strength during Saturday radio address. Directly contradicted by testimony given earlier in the week by Gen. Abizaid.

And these early promises from Bush:
"I will restore honor and integrity to the White House"
No decision on Yucca Mountain until research results are available
Free trade
"I'm a compassionate conservative"
"Leave no child behind"
"I'm a uniter, not a divider"
"President of all the people, not just those who voted for me"
"A reformer with results"
"It's the people's money, not the government's"
* Election reform
* Reforming the military

You clear that with Brandon?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 08:06 pm
Wow, talk about proving myself right...
0 Replies

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