Craven de Kere wrote:Don't you think you guys are taking either politics or able2know a tad too seriously? I'm puzzled by the mindset that it would take to go out of your way just to try to make sure someone knows you don't like them.
I swear, internet message boards make normally decent people look socially retarded on a daily basis. I know, as I'm sure I've been guilty of it myself.
Well, Craven a week late to the show. You might actually have read the interchange between cjhsa and myself before belching an opinion from Olympus on high. My remark was to counter cjhsa's pitiful and typical attempt to distort his stance when challenged. You must have read it old boy, because actually I emboldened it in my own response.
cjhsa wrote:One thing lovable about A2K is the liberals insistence on making constant, personal insults about those they disagree with.
So, my remark corrected his wrongly conceived impression and stated clearly that it was not mere ideological differences that drove my remarks about him.
It was him.
My referenced remark was a part of the dialectic process, cjhsa's was as usual just making it up as he went along and like the last resort of a bully who is astonished when someone finally punched them in the nose and has now had a "come-to-Jesus" meeting with civility.
That is a far cry from your remark
Quote:I'm puzzled by the mindset that it would take to go out of your way just to try to make sure someone knows you don't like them.
I might be wrong here, but personally, I doubt that I need "to go out of my way" to make sure cjhsa knows I hold him in contempt for some of what he espouses on site.
What I wonder is, being the decent guy you appear to be, why you don't?
As to the question why...
Quote:you guys are taking either politics or able2know a tad too seriously?
For me it is personal, my brother fights in a US military uniform in Kabul, Afghanistan (second tour) while my 21 year old cousin is sitting in Karbala, Iraq in her Army MP uniform.
Now you might not understand this having no one you love in harm's way, but I believe, sincerely as the day is long that the bad-craziness, the lies, and distortions mouthed on site by these right-wing carbuncles of a human soul helped put them there.