kuvasz wrote:
Well, Craven a week late to the show. You might actually have read the interchange between cjhsa and myself before belching an opinion from Olympus on high. My remark was to counter cjhsa's pitiful and typical attempt to distort his stance when challenged. You must have read it old boy, because actually I emboldened it in my own response.
I read the exchange kuvasz (I don't come around much so I'm sorry if my posts are not timely) and I'm not trying to act superior to anyone I was addressing (was actually addressing all 3 of you) and I mentioned that I've certainly been guilty of the same (worse even, I had had in mind an absolute brainfart where I made a thread just to poke fun at a member).
So, my remark corrected his wrongly conceived impression and stated clearly that it was not mere ideological differences that drove my remarks about him.
It was him.
Sure, but I still wish you guys could use some other medium (maybe PM's?) to tell each other how much contempt you have for each other. Y'know for the community's sake, it'd make us look better and we'd get to spend more time reading more edifying stuff.
I might be wrong here, but personally, I doubt that I need "to go out of my way" to make sure cjhsa knows I hold him in contempt for some of what he espouses on site.
You certainly don't need to, but you seem compelled to and that's a feeling I can relate to.
Quote:What I wonder is, being the decent guy you appear to be, why you don't?
Why I don't go out of my way to tell him I hold him in contempt? I might hold his thinking on some issues in contempt, and have never failed to say so if I felt it appropriate. But I've learned that good people can hold ideas I find extraordinarily foul and there's more to life than politics and don't have contempt for him for his political views.
I personally have more contempt for people who treat others poorly than for those who hold political positions I find untenable. The former is a far better indication of what kind of person the individual is to me.
As to the question why...
Quote:you guys are taking either politics or able2know a tad too seriously?
For me it is personal, my brother fights in a US military uniform in Kabul, Afghanistan (second tour) while my 21 year old cousin is sitting in Karbala, Iraq in her Army MP uniform.
Now you might not understand this having no one you love in harm's way, but I believe, sincerely as the day is long that the bad-craziness, the lies, and distortions mouthed on site by these right-wing carbuncles of a human soul helped put them there.
I'm not sure why you are playing this card, or why you claim such intimate knowledge about the people I love.
The person I love the most (my brother) in in the military and did time in Afghanistan as well kuvasz. He's also a right-winger and happens to be the reason I developed the ability to separate one's politics from my feelings about them more so than I was able to in the past.
I recall disowning my brother over his politics after spirited political discussions before realizing I was taking politics far too seriously. Politics may be life, and a big part of how it plays out, but interpersonal relationships are as well and I find that treating others badly is a far greater evil than bad politics.