Does this thread having morphed to a discussion of things sticky, jingly, botty and techie in re A2k mean that we have all evolved at last beyond Abuzz yah boo sucksiana?
what? I had no idea what Craven was talking about.My problem with computereze is that this technology has practically stolen the contents of an entire language. unapolagetically also, I might add.
Even if you air freight, it's gonna be at least a couple days....
Beth, typing in in the address bar takes me right to the home page if I don't want to go through the favorites. Is there something in the problem I'm missing?
Beth is typing it in the search field. You have it right, if you type it in the address bar it will work. The search is best used for sites that you do not know the address to.
I haven't yet targeted the search engine that provides MSN's search results but a redirect link to able2know is still the first result on MSN search. But if you wantto be taken directly to this site use the address bar.
BTW can any MSN users tell me if MSN uses something like AOL keywords?
AOL's address bar serves as a search bar too if you type in something that it doesn't recognize, so maybe MSN is the same. If she adds 'www.' and '.com' to 'able2know,' maybe it will take her right there.
I like those staticky clingy what'sits - they are hassle free.
bobsatemalia-I have to admit I have a sticker on the front license holder of one of my trucks. It says
"My border collie is smarter than your honor student"
Babs - Craven did most of it, particularly the technical aspects. I tested much of the site and wrote a lot of the descriptions. We did some other stuff together, like decide on the forums, stuff like that.
I can't believe this thread went 56 pages without me posting in it even once. A Google search of my online name led me to it because I was mentioned one time. Oh, well, I think for those interested in the history of Able2Know, this would be an essential.
dlowan, You're already a "guru." What are you trying to accomplish beyond "guru?" LOL
"In Training"?
Geez-O-Pete, how many more posts does a person have to chalk up to be a full Guru? (Boggles the mind...)
edgarblythe wrote:I can't believe this thread went 56 pages without me posting in it even once.

56 pages and about 2½ years!
Just re-read the first 42 pages.
Thanks be to Craven.
Why do people have cheese on their head?