Hello Craven
Yes I agree...without the innumerable personal touches and little things that I see everywhere at Able2Know, it would not be the remarkable site that it has become. I am not surprised to hear that Abuzz has been so astonishingly lacking in the technical department....the entire NYT attitude toward the web has always been to treat it as an unpleasant afterthought, and they are paying the price for that now not only with the decline of Abuzz but in the steep decline of business and revenue in all other areas as well. They seem comfortable in the role of the dinosaur, and they will meet a similar fate.
Hello Cicerone Impostor
I appreciate your letting me know about the Amazon deal, and I will be sure to use it the next time I buy something from them (which is a far-too frequent occurence

Thank you very much for your kind words. I regret that I haven't been participating here much, but my life has become far more complex lately than it was some months ago. I will do my best to come here as often as I can however, mainly because there are many nice folks like you here
Hello jespah
i'm very happy that you like the avatar. It's actually a photo of my Uncle Ermie, but we have such a strong familial resemblance that he lets me use it. :wink:
Those Google results that you cite are certainly impressive; particularly the ones that don't depend upon the person entering in Able2Know as part of the search criteria or keyword string, as that depends upon name recognition. I'm happy to hear that promotions are in the works as well. I'm wondering if you have considered those thin clear vinyl appliques that use static electricity to cling to the inside of a window? Unlike bumper stickers they are completely nondestructive to a person's vehicle and they are more at eye-level as well. Perhaps something with a catchy slogan, something like "Have a Question? Get an Answer!
www.Able2Know.com" Something short and direct that a person who sees a vehicle go by at 30mph can assimilate. I would certainly put one in a back side window of the StoatMobile
Thanks to you all for your responses....it's nice to know that things are progressing full steam ahead