Well,that didn't work. Sorry.
went to vist afuzzland this afternoon. have to say i don't miss it at all. old time afuzzer will remember that even a couple of years ago the religious and political threads/interactions were a little rough, but now it seems the whole damn site has gone haywire. i remember one affuzer i used to debate with that went by"freethinker". at that time i thought although bright, he/she had a few screws loose bordering on maniacal. freethinker would be considered mild in todays afuzz. afuzz seems to be a magnet for fringe elements these days, too bad, it used to be a lot of fun .
Hmmmm ... on this load of the page, BillW's image is there, and the link I extracted from it seems to work. Perhaps the earlier difficulties were due to bandwidth restrictions ... only so many downloads of an image, or "X" number of megabytes in some period of time or something. I just dunno.
I tell ya, pueo, I don't find much reason to hang out over there in the rough neighborhood much at all anymore. Maybe I'm just getting crotchety in my old age, but lots of folks over there really irritate me. I'll drop in, catch up on a couple threads I'm involved with, and pop right back out without prowling around at all.
timber, i know what you mean
I'm getting updates from them 3 days old and out of order. I'm not going to wait. I'll be disabling soon.
Craven addressed the geocities thing:
Quote:Side note:
Goecities won't work as they have their servers configured to not allow "hotlinking".
There are other services that don't work as well. But MSN groups work (though they have LONG file names) and lycos hosting works.
If you just copy and paste the link it works, though. It's a cute li'l bear being hugged by a cute li'l angel.
Since it's been two months since the last post by sozobe, I guess we have all overcome our 'guilt.'

LOL c.i.
Hedonists don't experience guilt :wink:
If only the NYTimes had left well enough alone!
NH, They did leave it alone - all alone.

I don't think it was the NYTimes changes that made Abuzz as bad as allowing certain certins to continue posting!
There is currently a group of spammers on Abuzz spamming everything. No rhyme or reason as to why or what they choose. A roll call thread I created got spammed. Go figure.
Abuzz finally allowed me to sign in again. Must have been lonesome for some of those threads that were soooo funny.
There is exactly NOTHING funny on Abuzz anymore. Guess I'll continue to read now and then but not post. That way nobody will know I'm there. Abuzz was very good, once upon a time.