<barking, howling, wagging tail> What Setanta said.
Anyone got a liver snap?
Kuvasz is here! ooooooooooh, i do love the doggies. And Setanta is currently is possession of rawther a large collection of doggie booties - so any doggies with salt and ice probs, please call!
wilso, it took me a couple minutes to figure out what was different about you. Great sig. Oh, and sure, I believe your avatar is the very personificaqtion of ... well, maybe the Inner You.
Hey, kids.
Just a quick post to let you all know that I'll be thinking of you here and on Abuzz. I don't create threads there any longer, but I do respond frequently.
To all my old friends, and to my new friends:
A warm, wonderful tomorrow and and a near perfect today.
from Florida
P.S. and to those who can no longer be seen, but felt--a smile and a memory.
kuvasz, You finally made it here! Want to extend my 'personal' WELCOME to you. I'm sure we'll be debating alot on A2K, and really look forward to them. c.i.
Maybe this is heresy - but I do like this better than abuzz. Good Lord, I was becoming one of them!
Now that I'm here, ehbeth - will you have more on food? That's one of the things that gave me comfort the last few weeks.
Politics, as most of you who know me know, is one of my big interests, but the format had degenerated so. And food - not enough of it. And just plain old-fashioned, good-natured silly.
Not griping - really. This is nostalgia season, and I feel I've been handed a present.
So thank you, everyone, and a big ho ho ho!
mama, There is no way I'm going to upset your apple cart. Your eyes scare the bejesus out of me!

Mamajuana- Hi and Welcome to Able2Know. I sent you a private message
welcoming you a few days ago, and I see that you have not picked it up. Do you know how to access private messages? When you are on the Forums, on the top, right in the middle, you will see, "You have x number of new messages. Click on that, and you will be able to retreive the mesages. When you go to your profile, you also can select to have a box pop up each time you get a new message.
This place has so many great "bells and whistles"!
Welcome Mamajuana, it's great to see you here! I'm an avid admirer of you, so there!
Phoenix - I'm still working my through this thing. What do I do with a message after I've picked it up? (Assuming I've picked it up.)
I'm really beginning to enjoy this no end. It's snowing now, the husband and the cat are sleeping, finally got my daughter off IM (she's the queen of the long goodbyes), and it's my time of day. That's why you all always saw me posting so late.
Santa's coming, probably through the window since we have no chimney.
READ IT! LOL. After you read it, you can leave it in the inbox, save it, or delete it. Of course, you can also reply to it. Just by the way, when you send a message, you can look in the outbox. If it's still there, that means it hasn't been picked up yet.
Welcome to A2K.
friends, thanks for the warm welcome. it is always wondeful to be greeted by old friends.
hope and good wishes to one and all for a merry christmas.
and today is the birthday of my oldest kuvasz, kodi the beardog. she is 10 and is sleeping by my side as i type.
the turkey (26 pounds) just went into the oven, Abba, Aja (the second), and Dr J are sitting by the oven making sure the bird does not escape and expect payment for guard duty later today
BTW my avatar is a pix of my old sweetie, AJA (the first) and I have been told many times that I look like her.
Welcome aboard kuvasz, my turkey goes in the oven in about 20 minutes!
My bread goes in the oven about the same time, which means i'll have home-made eatables at lot sooner than you, Boss. Course, Lovey wants this to take to our hostess for today's dinner--not fair, really, all that work, an' i can't eat it for hours . . . sigh . . . so, in fact, you may be eating your turkey before i get to eat my bread . . .
Wonder what it's supposed to be!!!
Oh, it's not just me. If you figure it out let me know, Wilso.
I think geocities images won't hotlink to other sites. Heres the URL to the image: