Thanks for the insight Margo.
what insight? it was a forgery!!!!
On this occasion I have chosen to believe Margo.
Love you, Wilso - and thanks
giggling crazily here - almost present time!!!
It is an hour and forty-five minutes Margo!!!!!
You aren't gonna cheat are you?
of course not - I'm going to have a shower - polish my fingertips with emery board so they are ultra-sensitive, and just sashay by and have a little poke at things, though.......
Presents, I seem to remember those, somewhere in the distant past.
An Aussie invasion? Oh my! A wascawy wabbit, a puddy-tat and a un-Avatared Wilso... Hmm.. This can't be good....
Definetely not good. I'm ascared.
Scared of little old us?
Only 13 minutes 'til Xmas here now.
You gettin' a new avatar for christmas, Wilso?
31 minutes and counting here...
We isn't scawy!
Don't know how long I'll keep it for.
Stop it Fishin'!
You will make him shy!
Hiya kuvasz!
<whistling at Wilso>
Um, am I supposed to be gettin' the wabbit in trouble? Me so confuzzled.
Kuvasz is here, I better start using the spell check now...
Welcome aboard the SS A2K...
A party boat if ever there was!!
I just don't have time to read throught these threads . . . damn, hey there Kuvasz ! ! ! Glad to see ya here . . . join the ranks of all the doggies here at able--me, patio dog, jespah . . . you're in good company . . . i know you'll have fun here, so don't be a stranger . . .