I just went to Abuzz, feeling guilty, posted a response.... well, nothing happened, it just disappeared ... so sad!
I've been in contact with one abuzz member who won't be coming even after abuzz dies due to some neurotic reasons I didn't bother exploring.
demise of the 'Buzz
so this is where ya'll got to!
the "Buzz ain't yet dead, but it's been coughing up blood for about a year. i used to post questions there every other day, but one only in the past 5 months. most of my buddies are gone, the best have left, what remains are mostly nuts and half wits.
glad to see so many monikers i recall with fondness here at A2K. i'll be back often.
oooohh nice spell check, too!
kuvasz ... Welcome! Glad you tracked us down! C'mon in, have a good shake, and make yourself comfortable.
Wah' happened, kuvasz? I saw you on the membership list eons ago? Welcome, and thanks for the doggy pic. I always wondered what they looked like.
they look tres cute, it seems.
Pffffffttttt! Silent but deadly
Deb and I are the only ones here!!!!
pppppfffffhhhhhttty! where is everyone - only a cuppla Aussies farting around!
Wilso - love your signature!
Took me a while to find it!
ThaT bunny made me do it...and then SQUIBBED!:
quote from the wabbit: (on IM)
Deb says:
stop than
Deb says:
before jes kicks you out
Deb says:
and I will go: "I KNOW! SHOCKING, wasn't it/! I cannot THINK what possessed her!"
See - I was lead astray by a forum guide - wotza little kitty to do!
At least you could have edited out the typos - there goes my reputation!