I was invited here a few weeks ago, but just looked in today. I don't feel too guilty about liking it over here, especially as there are so many friends. Since I wasn't such an old Abuzzer, I don't feel guilty at all.
I don't see any old friends on Abuzz anymore anyway. I thought 'Hey! Where'd everybody go?! I showered today! Where's the love?!'
Then JerryR ratted you all out and sent me over.
Welcome dream2020 and Sugar!
Jerry, Jerry, Jerry ... :-D
oops - I forgot to make it over there today
Well Phoenix I have you to thank for inviting me here. There's a lot of good conversation here and I'm grateful to you. I was wondering why good posts were getting thin on Abuzz!
firebird, i know it's hard to find, but aren't you the web search guru?
Actually went there early this a.m. for the first time in a couple of days. And the truth is I could not stand the wait for page to load to browse my interactions involved in. I doubt I will ever go back to even check it out.
I continue to drop in every day or two, but slow isn't the word. And what you get after waiting. . . ?
Just for the record, and since I started this, I DO still go back to Abuzz and have found good stuff. I love littleK's new "Holiday Haiku" thread, and there's been some great stuff posted to the Hotline.
I still go there first thing each day, and at the end of the day. Got to do my clicking and check in at the rainforest. I saw the Holiday Haiku thread start - it's between holidays here, so a bit difficult to get in the mood - i guess i'd better check in so i can post when the seasonal spirit hits.
OK now I have some buzz guilt. Must run and do my clicking.
Hiya all, just got here......I've been an abuzzer for at least 2
years....Lately, I havent been able to figure the (Abuzz) system out....I posted a question (very recently) for artists, musicians and literary types....Then I checked out the list of invitees.....none of the regular artists that participate in the art threads were invited, and my question did not show up on "New Interactions".....What gives?....
I am sorry to see Abuzz in disarray since it IS the NY times.....I can scroll past the nasty responses if counterbalanced by some great debate, but its definately deteriorated....
Congrats to the initiators of this site.....I love what I've seen so far......!
Its wonderful to see so many familiar names and so many more features..... Thanks for the invite!!!!
Shepaints, welcome to A2K, a great site that I know you will enjoy. It's good to see you again and to know we're all together once again:)