a gentle kiss on both peepers
Ladies...just bumped into this and thought I ought to pass it on.
Quote:National researchers, policymakers, and the media have voiced major concerns in recent weeks about a pattern of distorting knowledge-based information and science in the service of political goals under the current administration. Now, the National Council for Research on Women brings you the story from the women's research and policy perspective.
For a introduction, see this Salon piece...(just click on day pass)
For my part I get tired of being ignored or perhaps my comments are not on point or considered not relevant. It is hard to post in the political threads when you are consistently talked over with the usual suspects quoting and quoting each other which I take a sign they are having a personal conversation.
Over used quoting is like over used foot noting. Heard to follow and impossible to follow if not part of the group that quotes each other.
However I do follow the political issues and have participated in politics at the local level most of my life. But have for the most part given up trying to be part of the A2k political insider group.
Don't give up so easily. One must make a nuisance of oneself in order to be a part of this crowd. It's the nuisance crowd......it can be fun. Come on and try again. You quote someone and tell them what you think. If they ignore you, do it again. Eventually, they'll acknowledge something and then you're in.
My experience has been consistent in this regard. And not just on these boards. There's a heated conversation among a few people......I make a comment or post an entire essay......I'm ignored, so I do it again. Eventually I step on someone's toes enough to get them expressing themselves to me. I don't think this is because I'm a woman, although, I'm sure my sex does influence the situation in all kinds of interesting ways, but I think it's just a reality.
It's true that the politics crowd are, or can appear to be, tough skinned. But it is possible enough to get past the hide and into the substance.
thanks, Blatham for that article. It looks interesting.
Ok then Lola I will keep trying. Whatever Lola says JoanneDorel does.
Okie Dokie Ms. Olga aka troubgle maker.
JoanneDorel wrote:Okie Dokie Ms. Olga aka troubgle maker.
Have you thought of anything REALLY provocative yet, Joanne?
Actually, Joanne has made me sit back a bit. There are a few women who remain active on those threads, but normally it is where they are fairly clearly partisan. In fact, most men stay away in droves too.
I think it is the nature of this beast, in its present 2004 form. The discussions are often quite partisan, because the general discourse in the US is quite partisan. And, there's enough repetition (WOMD...proper role of UN, etc) to make anyone cross-eyed.
I hang in mostly because the issues are very interesting and important to me, and because my understanding of things suggests that this is a particularly pivotal and dangerous point in time, and because there is just so much bullshit flying around (Karen Hughes just suggested that the women's march in support of choice was like terrorism...and that's typical...and I feel like I must raise one more voice against that stuff).
I hope that doesn't sound self-righteous. I'm just really quite angry and quite worried.
I understand why folks stay away. But I'm really not sure what to do about that. I'd rather none of you did stay away.
JoanneDorel wrote:However I do follow the political issues and have participated in politics at the local level most of my life. But have for the most part given up trying to be part of the A2k political insider group.
Joanne, please don't give up on this particular Political Forum & thread! It's a grand one indeed, & just because it seems that some of us have our own personal opinions doesn't mean that we're at each others throats, (but it wouldn't surprise me to get bit by a few!) LOLOLOL
But, it's worth the readin', & respondin' to anything you feel the need to speak about! I've posted here, & some of the Members come lookin' to get one "riled" up over a hot Political Issue, but that comes w/the territory... LOL BUT!!! The facts always speak for themselves, & here a while back I was aimin' to post some of the facts, but I've not had to do that, for they are already bein' discussed in this Forum!
That is indeed a good thing! But your opinion & thoughts are just as important as anyone else's, honestly it is!
Have fun w/ A2K, that's a major part of bein' a Member of this Site, & to learn how each other feels on Issues... Just remember 1 thing, ok? We were all born w/a mind, & our mouths, (& fingers for the keyboards, LOL), so therefore, please feel free to use yours too, ok?
The mouths that the Good Lord gave us to go w/our Brains should be exercised, or they'll get extremely lazy! LOL Have a grand rest of your day Joanne! 
I Look Forward To Seein' Your Opinions! 
Patt in Kentucky
I "stay away" from the political threads here mostly because they're so US focused. And, as you say, people are often locked into their positions & nothing will change their minds. Sometimes it just feels tedious to see the same people saying the same things, over & over ...
But because people stay away from the political debates here doesn't necessarily mean they're not keenly involved in politics, in other ways & possibly within their own communities. Sometimes it's not debate that we want, but change.
Like you, I often follow particular threads to better inform myself about particular issues. But there are so many of them! Whose got the time?
Blatham, you have touched on a subject that we both finally agree to agree upon...

(At least most of the things you've said, some, I still gotta stick to my guns!) LOL
Take Care My Friend!
I pop in to give my considered opinions from time to time, but I am not very interested in shoring up a defense of them with links. I could shore them up with background for how I think, as my thinking is fairly well developed through much threshing of read material and personal observation intertwined, and, while well honed, is still open to new takes.
But ... it is actually hard, at least for me with my particular brain, to delineate all that quickly and certainly not again and again in response to different posts.
I always consume information and digest it - speaking stomatically - and fail to annotate the ingested material. Am sort of a datafailure, but my points of view aren't snatched from the crib of words in full sentences.
The nature of the political forums seems to be debate on issues, and who am I to disagree with the great need for that.
Me, I am just out to finesse my own present refinement (such as it is) of views, and am open to keep learning. I am not so much in an arguing mode, to convince anyone else... I am really interested in the development of analyses on varying issues.
so I too back off of the quote quote quote refute refute refute thing, at the same time I think those are vital discussions and don't want to see them disappear.
I say all this about not trying to convince anyone else because it is true for me. But I'll add that I change my mind myself from time to time, usually in increments, and never by being yelled at or even sarcasted at. Considered thought can alter my views.
I hesitate to guess that I am not alone in this. No matter the sparkle of winning a discussion/competition.
Blatham has never insulted me that is for sure. I consider him a wise and considerate gentle man.
Thank you everyone for all your kind comments. I am planning on jumping into the political forums just need to read up a bit before I do so.