That's just the problem indeed my friend, we've got to at least speak about the needs that not only we need, but others that have no one in particular to help speak for themselves... Why? They're afraid of the answers, but answers is part of the vast majority of what we really do need, that's a fact!

And, if more people would take the time, to just examine the issues, they would be more informed, & definately better prepared to get out & Vote... I've always lived by, & practiced one rule when it comes to Politics in general: "If one doesn't Vote, don't gripe about it later", especially if one doesn't have the gumption to go Vote, I mean, it really ain't hard, & if one doens't know how, there are always people to help them out. But the problem w/that aspect of it, is that they're simply too lazy to actually put forth the effort... Sad indeed, & oughtta be against the Law!
You've made very good remarks, & I for one, appreciate that! Thank you!
Primarily Waitin' in Kentucky for May!
