All these 'hidden' taxes are the downfall of this democracy! To be sure, to be sure.

This is a question to everyone here and I'd love feedback. Is there anything you'd like to see the Politics Forum Guides do more of, or less of? Have you had any ideas in going through the forum threads that might the activities more valuable?
blatham, Everythings fine, everythings fine.

Blatham: as far as activities i would like to see, thinkin' i would like Blatham doing a little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants. and the sooner the better,
Hey, dys, I like that idea; to see blatham sing and dance. I wonder if he's capable of doin both at the same time?

and don't forget the gingham dress!
Sing...high kick...interior decorating...rude seltzer tricks...blatham can do it all.
blatham, My faith in your Jack of All Trades abilities have not been in vain. My respect for you have been going only upwards. Where that will end is anybody's guess.

Maybe we could get all the male guides to do a chorus line routine.
Oh goody - bring on the dancing min!
All we men ever ask for is a modicum of respect - and once again, we are diminshed, mere sex objects. We men hate that.
Men hate being sex objects ??? <mouth open in wonder>
See!? You likely think it's 'in our makeup', don't you? A sort of 'genetic propensity', am I right? All the cliches just fall into line, like thinking we'll be charmed when you undress us, stand back, and exclaim "My GOD you're MAGNIFICENT?" How typical.
(Read "The Power of Suggestion" lately, eh, El Magnifico?)
AND we have 'wiles''s the old story.
Believe me, blatham, nothing that could possibly occur among us this evening could in any way diminish the regard which we currently hold for you. Trust us ... we'll respect you as much in the morning as we do now.
timberlandko: speak for yourself