rexel, Good point; support for Israili children but none for Palestinian children. That's not bad, but sad as well.
Re: oil for food scandal. Please note that Cheney did not mention it tonight perhaps for fear it would pale beside the amounts being raked in by his former company, now under investigation for bribery, filing false financials and other violations of the law.
I watched the debate tonight. What size steak do you think Dick is wearing right now on his black eye, the one (maybe two) that he received in the first five minutes of the program from John Edwards?
I thought Vice-President Cheney pointing out that people in Edwards' home state of North Carolina refer to him as "Mr. Gone" was kinda funny
Cheney does have a sense of humour.
Well, I saw that no big damage was done by either. No memorable performance to either stop a train or turn it around (unlike the presidential debate part 1 ) . Bush is on notice, he can be shown to be an empty suit if he drops another one. Having seen that his vice president is better informed than he, Bush better realize how vulnerable he is. COURSE, i AINT GONNA BE THE ONE TELLIN HIM.
How do you figure, McG. I counted 2.
After the two debates...the most significant thing any realistic observer would note it that of the four individuals being tested by these debates...
...the least in command of the facts and the least able to present coherent arguments is George Bush.
He is a sorry excuse for a president...and the American people will be calling him Mr. Gone after the election.
Good for the American people....and good for the free world.
And of course, then our conservative friends can start another of their eight years temper the one they threw when Bill Clinton showed them they way over-rate themselves and their influence on the American public.
Ah, McG is right, he did say the word 'halliburton' 6 times, but 4 of those were in the same paragraph, ie, the same response. The subject of halliburton came up three times.
JustWonders wrote:I thought Vice-President Cheney pointing out that people in Edwards' home state of North Carolina refer to him as "Mr. Gone" was kinda funny

I am a resident of North Carolina. I read the papers and watch the news and have never heard this name in connection with John Edwards or seen it in print..........I think Cheney may have plucked it from thin air sorta like the I never met him comment......
I would vote Cheney before I would vote Bush, Edwards before I would vote Cheney, The VP's did better than their counterparts.
Bush was reading from a script this morning, and the crowd was a yelling and a yelping at every word. Kinda like a set-up movie set, if you know what I mean.
cicerone imposter wrote:Bush was reading from a script this morning, and the crowd was a yelling and a yelping at every word. Kinda like a set-up movie set, if you know what I mean.
I noticed that bush is a tough talker when surrounded by his supporters and reading other peoples words but when confronted and left on his own is a babbling idiot...and barely any babbling, mostly silence.
Yes Bush is an idiot and he has proven it time and time again. The question is will there be enough support among his fellow idiots to reelect him.
au, Evidently there are enough babbling fellow idiots. The proof is in the polls.
It is beyond comprehension. How could anyone looking at the accomplishments of the last four years vote for four more of the same.
Now get this; there's a news article in this mornings newspaper on "Saddam's threat was fading" on page 13. The sub-title is "AT TIME OF INVASION, IRAQ HAD DESIGNS BUT NOT THE MEANS TO DEVELOP ARMS, U.S. STUDY SAYS." All the justifications used by Bush and Company just fades away one by one, but people still listen to these lying SOBs. To top it off, Bremmer said yesterday that Bush and Company failed to control Iraq after the pre-emptive attack with too few of our soldiers, thereby increasing looting and access to munitions that are now being used against our military. Bush and Company keeps repeating the rhetoric that we're going to bring democracy and freedom to Iraq, and the war in Iraq is doing fine, but the situation gets worse by the day. Is that success?
cicerone imposter wrote:Now get this; there's a news article in this mornings newspaper on "Saddam's threat was fading" on page 13. The sub-title is "AT TIME OF INVASION, IRAQ HAD DESIGNS BUT NOT THE MEANS TO DEVELOP ARMS, U.S. STUDY SAYS."
Anyone can predict the outcome of a contest
after it is over.
The "hard work" is in making the call
before the contest and making it in an environment of uncertainty.
You know what's even harder, Larry? Admitting that you failed to make the right call in the environment of uncertainty.
This is what the admin did re: WMD intelligence. That's not an opinion, it is fact. If the admin would admit that, they would go a lot farther with a lot more people.
But I doubt they will.