Quote:Translation: The Republicans say the Democrats are a mostly a bunch of ignorant minorities who can't follow simple directions in the voting booth, so forget about any charges coming from African-Americans about being cheated out of their vote.
Don't both sides claim the other side is full of "low information voters"? How about "uneducated white men"? That is the claim from the dems is it not? My bad it was "racist uneducated white men". You are one of those people who have said this.
I did a simple search on google for "votes switched" and I see news stories from both sides claiming there were votes being switched. It seems someone knows someone who saw their vote change.
Quote:conservatives like yourself
Which type of conservative am I, where have I claimed to be a conservative? If you had been paying attention, which I know you don't, I'm a registered Libertarian and I voted for Johnson. Do I hold some conservative beliefs? Sure I do but I also hold some liberal/progressive beliefs, so I'm firmly in neither camp.
Quote:The Republicans say the Democrats are a mostly a bunch of ignorant minorities who can't follow simple directions in the voting booth, so forget about any charges coming from African-Americans about being cheated out of their vote.
Careful, your racism is showing. Low information voter applies to those who don't understand the issues and have been mislead by their party, both sides contain these easy to mislead people. It has nothing to do with the ability to understand how a voting machine works, that is your own transference taking place.
Take Hillary's claim about suing gun manufactures. I'm sure you agree with her comments that the law needs to change so that they can be sued. Did you know what she said was a complete lie and that gun manufactures enjoy the same type of protection from lawsuits as other industries? It's true. If someone gets a Chevy truck and runs a bunch of people over, Chevy can't be sued. If Chevy builds a bad truck and it leads to someones death, they can be sued. The same is true for gun manufactures. If someone has a Smith & Wesson gun and goes on a shooting spree, S&W can't be sued. If they build a bad gun and it blows up in your hand, you can sue them. Listening to Hillary and her supports talk about it, you would think S&W can't be sued at all, and that isn't the case.
I'm sure you can find examples of those from the right who have the same examples.
The point I'm making is that when Obama won in 2008 and 2012, you guys didn't think anything was wrong with the system. Now in 2016 when you loose, you insist that there was cheating involved. Have you not seen how bad the media, the Hillary supporters that they were, screwed up. They were so in her corner that they dropped the ball. You were so involved in her win and so sure of it, that the only way you can think of her loss is that she was cheated.