Enter Sandman - Game over!
The way I see it, Boston may be toast. If Schilling's injury is bad (and the way he pitched last night suggests it is), then I can't see how they can take NYY, with its store-bought all-star line-up.
Then again, if Pedro can get over his funk vs. NYY, it could be a brand new ballgame!
Remember - You do not need great pitchers to win a short series. You need pitchers to pitch great.
On any given day, the Yanks staff can pitch great (as can the Sox).
cool, dry weather is pedro's real daddy...
Game 2 coming up. A lot depends on whether Pedro rises to the occasion. I'm betting he does.
I'm not sure my gut can handle another game like last night's. Yikes.
I'm just hoping for a well-played, exciting and competitive game.
Oh, and if there happens to be a bench-clearing brawl, please let it be Pedro who ends up getting his ass beat to a bloody pulp.
Has anyone's ass ever been beaten to a bloody pulp in a baseball fight?
I don't think so, but there's a first time for everything, I hope.
Anything to get NYY into the World Series, eh, kicky?
Myself, I'd like to see Jeter make one of his famed dives into the stands, then have to nurse his injuries until the spring...
My hope for Pedro to get his ass beat has nothing to do with how it would affect the teams. I just hate the guy.
Fair enough. I'm not too fond of Jeter, myself. The best paid punch & judy hitter in the majors...
I don't hate any of the individual players. Heck, you just don't know but what the one you hate most will end up traded to your favorite team.
True enough. I can't root against Sheffield because he played so well for the Braves. Alas, they couldn't afford to re-sign him, so of course he went to the Yankees...
I recall in basketball hating Charles Barkley. Then he became a Rocket. All at once I was able to see him as his fans saw him.
OK fans, gonna settle in with a beer and a dog. May the best team win.
Varitek and Ortiz made valiant efforts but man, it wasn't enough.