Jaysus Crist; what's the world coming to? Economically sliding practically to third world status, reverting to pre Depression Era morality, allowing a beliggerent moron into the White House, attacking helpless countries on the grounds they might a hundred years hence nuke us - And now the Red Sox beating the New York Yankees. What's next, appointing a rigidly conservative Supreme Court to ensure Republican agendas don't falter overmuch?
All hail the Amazing Joe!
Knows all!
Tells all!
(Doesn't make a dime off it.)
Gotta say, "TheFour" was great call.
Happily, yours truly had the foresight to lay a friendly wager down. I'll be drinking the good stuff tonight.
Yup, Joe called it--and I encouraged him to call it. I take full responsibility. Sigh.
I'll be rooting for Boston in the Series. Go Sox! Did I just say that? Yes, I did.
Condolences, Roberta. You're a classy dame.
Yes, Roberta, if all NYY fans were like you, it would be much harder to root against them...
But whenever I falter, I think of George Steinbrenner, and that makes everything OK again!
How'd you like to be an employee of the Yankee organization over this winter? Heads will roll.
Class all the way, Roberta.
On to the next level. Can't wait.
Oh, NYY heads will roll all right, and dollars will be spent.
As I recently speculated, the NY Times today suggests that NYY will make Carlos Beltran their next must-have Big $$$ superstar. I suspect Williams' tenure in center field is all but over. As for pitching, I can't begin to guess who Steinbrenner will go after...
Thanks for the kind words, gang. Boston played better, played with guts and heart, and deserved the win.
When George Steinbrenner was banned from baseball for life (ROFLMAO), I sang. I danced (well, I shuffled around a little). I think he's bad for the game. And bad for the team, despite his relative reticence in recent years.
George, I wouldn't want to be an employee this winter or any other time. That guy is nuts.
PS: When spring rolls around and one of the Yankee games is on TV and they have a shot of the famous courthouse, three blocks left of that building is where I lived. Yup, we could hear the crowd from our front windows. I saw the stadium almost every day of my life (from the age of 12 until I moved away from home). I love the Yankees, but mostly I love the game.
I don't hate George...he just represents America...for better or worse...
til death do you part... right panzade?
that will be a sad day... could you imgaine the mad scramble to pick him up if he was let go?
Arod is a bitch.
Curt Schilling on ESPN said his play smacking the ball out of Arroyo's hand was "freakin' junior high."
Anyone else notice his hand looked like the big Hamburger Helping hand smacking that ball away?
Going to the WS, baby!!!!!!!
Rodriguez should be embarrassed with that stunt he pulled.
I do have to say, I feel sorry for Tom Gordon. He is one of the few Yankees that I actually like.
This win is so sweet especially because of the way the Red Sox pulled it off. They truly play with their hearts. This is just the way Boston loves to win - coming from behind and doing what most consider the impossible and all at Yankee stadium. I am still crying tears of joy!
I remember the first commercial I saw Schilling in - it was some truck commercial with Schilling hitch hiking. He gets picked up and the driver asks him where he is going and he says I gotta break a curse. I love that commercial.
The evil empire has crumbled!
Well, I'm sure the Yankees will be looking for a left-handed pitcher. Any ideas, pundits and prognosticators?
Well, my other team, the Astros still have a shot. Good ole Roger Clemens.