edgarblythe wrote:Jees ... It's just a game.
The game provoked lots of emotion in me...I can't help it.
It provoked lots of emotion in me too. G-d Damn it!
realjohnboy wrote:14th?
TV has had some wonderful shots of fans. Fervent fans.
You know I was thinking of this subject earlier....
To everyone who is not a Red Sox fan: tonight's camera shots during the game is NOT an accurate representation of most Red Sox fans. All they showed were people who looked miserable, and holding stupid signs about the "curse." Anyone that really follows the game and this team doesn't talk about the curse, because it's like believing in the tooth fairy. And if you go to Fenway, I'd say most fans are drinking beers and actually applauding, not biting their nails all game. This is why you may have noticed they kept showing the same 10 fans all game.
Fox sports and Tim McCarver absolutely suck monkey balls.
Go Sox. Take it in seven.
I never believed in curses, and with tonight's Astros win, I feel vindicated. Whether the Stros go all the way is no longer the issue with me. They never won playoff games before and now they lead the final playoff series. I have dreamed for about thirty years of a Yankees/Astros series. This is the closest it's ever been. Now don't screw it up for me.
Well I'm half on your side. I'd like to see Houston win also. Not that I hate the Cardinals, I just usually like the underdogs in the National league. And I'm over Clemens leaving Boston, so it would be awesome to either:
1) See him face the Sox, or
2) Beat the Yanks.
I would be so estatic, as Mike Tyson says, if they just played, not even caring who won.
That's like last year, I really wanted a Cubs/Sox series...that would be unreal. The world would end.
<yawning and stretching>
Good thing I made dinnah during the 7th-inning stretch, otherwise we would've been searching for cheese curls during the commercial breaks.
Great baseball, funky series - didja know this is only the third time this has happened in history (0-3 team takes 2 games in a row in a besta 7)? Rarefied air.
Go sox, go 'Stros, go take a nap.
Three very long games in a row. I'm getting baseballed out, and we're not even at the Series. Is it still 2004?
Did anyone see the "report" they did on the Daily Show last night about the curse of the bambino? So funny.
There is this kid who currently lives in the house that Babe Ruth once lived in. He says the curse has been lifted because at a game recently, a foul ball came at him, and he let it him right in the face, knocking out a couple teeth.
So anyway, the reporter from the Daily Show is at a local Red Sox bar, and he's talking to these two fans. He mentions the kid with the knocked out teeth, and asks them if they would take a ball to the face like that for the team, and one of the guys says, "Aw, that's nothing. I take balls to the face all the time."
Then his buddy next to him, realizing what he said, points it out to him, laughing hysterically. "You just said, on national TV, that you take balls to the face all the time!"
Wow, I wish I saw that. That's funny as hell. Wonder what bar they were at.
Go on. Pile it on. I can take it.
being a sox fan has meant that annualy, your heart is ripped from your chest, still beating, and tossed into a Bronx landfill.
So, at least, this year the "best" team in baseball haas the fear of God up its ass.
At this point, even if the SOx lose, they have given those snotty , self important, Yankee douche-bag fans a taste of humility.
You gotta love the underdog tilting at dragons...

Sancte Georgi, ora pro Red Sox.
Written LAST Sunday.
Did I call it? Yes. Did I bet anything on the outcome.
Boston comes back in THEFOUR
"In a comeback that will live in the hearts of sportsfans for generations, the Boston Red Sox last night completed the impossible, beating the New York Yankees for the fourth straight time in as many days and winning the ALCS.
Boston is alight tonight as hundreds of delirious fans still roam the streets, chanting FOUR FOUR FOUR, hugging each other and the occasional passing lamp post. The joy is overwhelming.
After losing the first three games badly, the Boston pulled it's Sox back up and went back to doing what they do best, it's called base ball. Playing nearly error-free for the next thirty-four innings (Nixon's little fumble in Game Five) and hitting .380 as a team the Red Sox held the powerful New York Yankees to only five hits and three runs in the four games turning what had been a home run derby for the Bombers into dust.
"I was here for all four" said Micheal Cavalino,22, of Brookline, "My kids are going to tell their kids that their grandpa saw the four."
That's what they all calling their victory here in Beantown "the four" and it has the sound of something they may well live in infamy should the Sox move on now to win the actual World Series.
"Not even thinking about that yet, " screamed Gloria Judkins, 27, of Newton, "first we gotta thank the Sox for this wonderful win. Yankees suck!"