Well numbers here isn't a keystone!
I agree. You are the one who pulled a number out of your ass in an attempt to give your comment more weight with the OP.
Ok...let it go with numbers already! People who live life as boring as yours don't know ANYTHING about what is going on outside of your small world!
How do I know it? Because I didn't as you don't. NOW I know. Because I
had been there (I am still there) and you weren't because there is red tape says 'No Perfect Spouse Permitted!'
The fact that people do live sexless lives without cheating is THE FACT!
I never disputed that. Why don't you learn to comprehend what others write instead of getting so defensive?
Your every post denying existence of the sexless marriages! You advise people to ;talk' to their spouses. And I keep telling you that those spouses don't want to talk. Because if communications were possible they would have issue resolved before they come here to hear your advises.
How do you feel about it, mr.PerfectHusband?
Couldn't care less since it does not concern me.
Nothing in less then perfect marriages concerns you.
You have no experience in infidelity. How can you even BE here at this dirty
side of the forum? What is so appealing to YOU - Husband of the Centuries?
Well...fess up already! It turns you on isn't it?
Also wives often make it look like they enjoy sex after 20 years.
And of course you know this how? Oh yeah, made up facts again? Your statement may be true. Although I doubt you have any real basis to use the term "often." I don't dispute that there are some women who pretend to enjoy sex rather than take action to remedy that fact. Maybe they should sit down and have a conversation with their husband. Maybe they should be a bit more proactive in telling their husband what to do to make it better for them. I don't know, I am not them.
I was speaking about everybody whos wives are imitating an orgasm.
And for all of you - you will never know!
Sit down and discuss? Laughable! What is he going to do? Take a course on how to give an orgasm to a woman? just think what you are saying!!! For once!
bwhaha haha
You laugh at me, yet I'm the one with the marriage (and sex life) that you would love to have.
I had it! And never in my life I would want it again. Being freshly in love is something you will never know. Trembling every time seeing his call coming trough is non-descript feelings. I am thin, young, flustered and happy! Why would I want to be frustrated, sad and feeling non existent again?
Conclusion: if you don't know how to use a scalpel - don't perform a surgery!
Hugs. Don't be sad. We will find you some clean fun. Except one you have trying to teach a subject you have no idea about...I love you too.